Links to every post
2025-02-01: Made in Canada
2025-01-02: I made a Marvel Champions tracker with Glide
2025-01-01: Disc Golf in 2024, the year in review
2024-12-26: In for a penny, in for a pound
2024-12-23: New Disc Golf course in Summerland, BC
2024-12-16: This (is all our fault)
2024-12-16: Massive Talent
2024-12-15: Tetris 99
2024-12-14: Good TV shows
2024-12-07: Can I blog from my iPhone?
2024-04-09: Efka's favourite board game, and mine
2018-03-19: Goodbye Facebook
2016-12-20: 20th Anniversaries
2014-09-29: Sans Préfixe
2014-09-28: I love board games
2014-09-27: One less headache
2013-10-19: iOS 7 changed my home screen
2013-02-28: You need the willingness to succeed too
2013-02-08: iOS can be frustrating for Android users
2012-11-28: Ever had this happen to you?
2012-11-14: I'm a Biggest Winner... winner!
2012-07-01: BC Health Service Locator app wins Innovation award
2012-04-03: BC Health Service Locator for iPhone
2012-03-20: Edson becomes an Apple fan
2012-01-24: Xavier is 10
2011-09-30: Income Disparity Illustrated
2011-07-01: Xcode 4.0.2 crash on startup
2011-03-18: What is PhoneGap?
2011-03-18: Nitro-powered whining
2010-12-29: Warming up your car is unnecessary
2010-12-18: Palin is an idiot, and that's being generous
2010-11-29: The problem with office work
2010-09-14: Positive police story for a change
2010-09-14: The Plot Against Canada
2010-09-06: Tom Brokaw Explains Canada To Americans
2010-08-09: The Ballad of G.I. Joe
2010-07-30: Support Glyphish
2010-06-18: "If sports got reported like science"
2010-06-16: Down Goes Brown on the World Cup
2010-06-07: Predictions for WWDC10 and beyond
2010-06-02: Warning: I often "report as spam" on Twitter
2010-05-20: Draconian Canadian Copyright Law Coming Next Week
2010-05-16: Knuth on Theory (and Reality)
2010-05-09: MapReduce over MPI
2010-04-29: Apple's open letter regarding Flash
2010-04-27: John Mayer graduates out of Twitter
2010-04-27: Transmit 4 looks yummy
2010-04-27: Russia says GM foods are harmful
2010-04-21: I'm still here
2009-12-27: links for 2009-12-26
2009-12-16: Git is my friend
2009-12-16: links for 2009-12-15
2009-12-06: VMWare Fusion 3: vmmon.kext was installed improperly
2009-12-06: links for 2009-12-05
2009-12-05: links for 2009-12-04
2009-12-01: links for 2009-11-30
2009-11-29: links for 2009-11-28
2009-11-21: Open class listed in Java Stack Trace in Eclipse
2009-11-17: links for 2009-11-16
2009-11-16: links for 2009-11-15
2009-11-13: links for 2009-11-12
2009-11-11: links for 2009-11-10
2009-11-01: links for 2009-10-31
2009-10-29: links for 2009-10-28
2009-10-28: Dave Winer's MacBook battery life
2009-10-27: links for 2009-10-26
2009-10-08: links for 2009-10-07
2009-10-03: Papa Burgers so addictive, pilots land their helicopters for them
2009-10-02: links for 2009-10-01
2009-09-30: links for 2009-09-29
2009-09-28: Calgary trip, Day 1
2009-09-26: links for 2009-09-25
2009-09-18: links for 2009-09-17
2009-09-16: NHL10, one thumb up, one down
2009-09-16: PubSubHubbub plugin installed
2009-09-15: MonoTouch from Novell
2009-09-15: Twitter's Fail Whale on vacation
2009-09-11: links for 2009-09-10
2009-09-10: Deactivated the WordPress RSS Cloud plugin
2009-09-08: HBWT is now RSS Cloud-enabled
2009-09-07: Installing Mercurial on Snow Leopard
2009-08-28: WebObjects, RIP?
2009-08-28: Hemsky is money
2009-08-26: Excuse the dust
2009-08-23: links for 2009-08-22
2009-08-12: links for 2009-08-11
2009-07-31: links for 2009-07-30
2009-07-30: links for 2009-07-29
2009-07-29: links for 2009-07-28
2009-07-28: links for 2009-07-27
2009-07-04: Ten years of "have browser, will travel"
2009-06-30: links for 2009-06-29
2009-06-20: Fido iPhone 3G customers can get an iPhone 3GS for $199 by switching to Rogers
2009-06-12: links for 2009-06-11
2009-06-10: links for 2009-06-09
2009-06-01: links for 2009-05-31
2009-05-30: links for 2009-05-29
2009-05-29: links for 2009-05-28
2009-05-27: links for 2009-05-26
2009-05-24: links for 2009-05-23
2009-05-22: links for 2009-05-21
2009-05-21: links for 2009-05-20
2009-05-20: links for 2009-05-19
2009-05-15: links for 2009-05-14
2009-05-14: links for 2009-05-13
2009-05-13: links for 2009-05-12
2009-05-12: links for 2009-05-11
2009-05-10: links for 2009-05-09
2009-05-09: links for 2009-05-08
2009-05-06: links for 2009-05-05
2009-05-06: Scrap-it's application form is terrible
2009-05-05: links for 2009-05-04
2009-05-04: links for 2009-05-03
2009-05-03: links for 2009-05-02
2009-05-02: links for 2009-05-01
2009-04-29: links for 2009-04-28
2009-04-28: links for 2009-04-27
2009-04-27: links for 2009-04-26
2009-04-26: links for 2009-04-25
2009-04-25: links for 2009-04-24
2009-04-24: links for 2009-04-23
2009-04-23: Avoiding the crash with dataSource and a custom UITableViewDataSource (for your UITableView)
2009-04-22: links for 2009-04-21
2009-04-19: links for 2009-04-18
2009-04-18: RE: links for 2009-04-17
2009-04-18: RE: iPhone Refund Policy is... what it is.
2009-04-17: links for 2009-04-17
2009-04-07: Twitter's loss is your gain, another post!
2009-04-06: Yet Another Reason Why Sam Gagner is a Keeper
2009-04-03: Fairtax jumps the shark with Joe the Plumber
2009-03-26: "This Hour Has 22 Minutes" responds to FOX news
2009-03-26: iPhone Refund Policy is scary
2009-03-25: Doug Benson Apologizes for ignorant FOX show
2009-03-20: HBWT site design now officially obselete
2009-02-01: I'm a good programmer because...
2009-01-25: Happy 7th Xavier, happy 25th Macintosh!
2009-01-20: The nightmare is finally over
2008-12-22: Posterous and spam
2008-12-22: Pushed "rules" code to GitHub
2008-10-25: MapReduce project on a cluster
2008-10-14: I voted this morning
2008-10-14: New MacBooks FAIL
2008-10-07: Olbermann on Palin and *her* terrorist pals
2008-10-02: What the meltdown looks like
2008-09-29: CNN Laughs It Up Over Sarah Palin Interview
2008-09-25: Sarah (Silverman) says Jews should visit their grandparents in Florida
2008-09-25: The economy is failing, stop what you're doing!
2008-09-24: GOP: "We do not support government bailouts"
2008-09-22: links for 2008-09-21
2008-09-20: links for 2008-09-20
2008-09-20: Thank John McCain, he's worked hard...
2008-09-19: 'Trism' Makes $250,000 in 2 Months
2008-09-18: links for 2008-09-17
2008-09-17: My first Teaching Assistant classes
2008-09-16: links for 2008-09-15
2008-09-12: Obama, make this a commercial...
2008-09-11: links for 2008-09-11
2008-09-07: links for 2008-09-06
2008-08-30: Pre-VP Palin Pleased with Obama's Energy Plan
2008-08-21: links for 2008-08-21
2008-08-16: Paul Hunt comedy... uneven bars, brings back bad memories
2008-08-14: Mostly moved in
2008-07-30: links for 2008-07-30
2008-07-28: links for 2008-07-28
2008-07-26: links for 2008-07-26
2008-07-23: links for 2008-07-23
2008-07-22: links for 2008-07-22
2008-07-21: Site5 email services are unreliable
2008-07-20: Vote for "Blades of Steel" for CBC's Hockey Anthem Challenge
2008-07-17: links for 2008-07-17
2008-07-16: links for 2008-07-16
2008-07-14: links for 2008-07-14
2008-07-12: links for 2008-07-12
2008-07-11: links for 2008-07-11
2008-07-10: Sean Shapiro says no Rogers iPhone 3G upgrades allowed tomorrow, wtf?
2008-07-10: Fido knows nothing until tomorrow
2008-07-10: links for 2008-07-10
2008-07-09: links for 2008-07-09
2008-07-08: links for 2008-07-08
2008-07-07: links for 2008-07-07
2008-07-06: links for 2008-07-06
2008-07-03: links for 2008-07-03
2008-07-02: Happy Canada Day!
2008-07-01: links for 2008-07-01
2008-06-30: links for 2008-06-30
2008-06-29: Upgraded to Firefox 3.0
2008-06-29: links for 2008-06-29
2008-06-28: No hotspot access for iPhone through Fido?
2008-06-28: Rogers replies to my iPhone 3G feedback on their site
2008-06-27: Canadian Competition Bureau
2008-06-24: links for 2008-06-24
2008-06-23: Rock Band HCI sucks
2008-06-23: links for 2008-06-23
2008-06-20: links for 2008-06-20
2008-06-19: links for 2008-06-19
2008-06-18: RE: Waiting to register for September classes
2008-06-18: RE: Waiting to register for September classes
2008-06-17: Waiting to register for September classes
2008-06-17: Ode to Dad, the Lost Verse
2008-06-15: Ode to Dad
2008-06-15: links for 2008-06-15
2008-06-14: NTFS-3G to the rescue
2008-06-14: links for 2008-06-14
2008-06-12: Note to the Marines: don't throw puppies
2008-06-12: SubEthaEdit 3.1 makes collaborating easier
2008-06-12: links for 2008-06-12
2008-06-11: links for 2008-06-11
2008-06-10: links for 2008-06-10
2008-06-09: links for 2008-06-09
2008-06-06: What "OS X" might mean: the death of Windows
2008-06-06: links for 2008-06-06
2008-06-05: OS X Leopard? Where's the Mac?
2008-06-05: About the Ars rumor on Mac OS X 10.6
2008-06-05: links for 2008-06-05
2008-06-04: links for 2008-06-04
2008-06-03: links for 2008-06-03
2008-05-30: links for 2008-05-30
2008-05-29: Luc Bourdon killed in motorcycle accident :-(
2008-05-29: links for 2008-05-29
2008-05-28: links for 2008-05-28
2008-05-27: links for 2008-05-27
2008-05-26: Indict Karl Rove
2008-05-26: My response to direct market advertising
2008-05-26: links for 2008-05-26
2008-05-25: links for 2008-05-25
2008-05-24: links for 2008-05-24
2008-05-23: links for 2008-05-23
2008-05-22: links for 2008-05-22
2008-05-19: links for 2008-05-19
2008-05-17: links for 2008-05-17
2008-05-16: links for 2008-05-16
2008-05-15: links for 2008-05-15
2008-05-14: links for 2008-05-14
2008-05-10: Already fit person wants to get fitter using Wii Fit
2008-05-10: links for 2008-05-10
2008-05-09: Obituary: Tony Eng lived a magical life
2008-05-09: links for 2008-05-09
2008-05-07: What have we become?
2008-05-07: links for 2008-05-07
2008-05-06: Back up and running, basically
2008-05-05: Watching Dallas vs. San Jose, installing software
2008-05-04: Re: Spam bounces 'o plenty
2008-05-04: Spam bounces 'o plenty
2008-05-04: links for 2008-05-04
2008-05-03: Starting fresh on my MacBook Pro
2008-05-03: links for 2008-05-03
2008-05-02: Homeless James Bond
2008-05-02: Twitter and Ruby on Rails, and Irony
2008-05-02: Ted Rall says D.C. cops must "Arrest Bush"
2008-05-02: links for 2008-05-02
2008-05-01: HRC says: "Rich people, god bless us"
2008-05-01: MacBook Pro, sometimes my display won't wake from sleep
2008-05-01: links for 2008-05-01
2008-04-30: links for 2008-04-30
2008-04-29: Rogers says iPhone coming to Canada this year
2008-04-29: links for 2008-04-29
2008-04-28: Mario Kart Wii is out
2008-04-27: links for 2008-04-27
2008-04-26: links for 2008-04-26
2008-04-25: Is just iPhone tied to AT&T, or all Apple phones?
2008-04-25: links for 2008-04-25
2008-04-24: Legal route narrowly avoided
2008-04-24: links for 2008-04-24
2008-04-23: links for 2008-04-23
2008-04-22: Email monitoring
2008-04-22: links for 2008-04-22
2008-04-21: links for 2008-04-21
2008-04-20: Feeling different about life and work lately
2008-04-20: Email problems with
2008-04-20: links for 2008-04-20
2008-04-19: Daily Kos: Catholic Priest Rips Fox News a New One
2008-04-19: links for 2008-04-19
2008-04-18: Bob Ippolito, Erlang vs Ruby, Sun server sales
2008-04-18: links for 2008-04-18
2008-04-17: links for 2008-04-17
2008-04-16: I'm done!!!
2008-04-16: Would you use a database from this guy?
2008-04-16: links for 2008-04-16
2008-04-15: links for 2008-04-15
2008-04-14: Less than 52 hours until I'm done
2008-04-14: links for 2008-04-14
2008-04-13: links for 2008-04-13
2008-04-12: links for 2008-04-12
2008-04-11: Windows is 'collapsing,' Gartner analysts warn
2008-04-11: Regulations: Las Vegas Gaming Machines vs Voting Machines
2008-04-11: links for 2008-04-11
2008-04-10: links for 2008-04-10
2008-04-09: Twitter search, Hi Victoria!
2008-04-09: links for 2008-04-09
2008-04-08: Image of Letter from Obama Campaign
2008-04-08: 2008 Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Writing
2008-04-08: Google App Engine - Google Code
2008-04-08: links for 2008-04-08
2008-04-07: links for 2008-04-07
2008-04-06: links for 2008-04-06
2008-04-05: links for 2008-04-05
2008-04-04: links for 2008-04-04
2008-04-03: Big Milestone
2008-04-03: links for 2008-04-03
2008-04-02: Great slides on the Actor Model by Steve Dekorte of Io fame
2008-04-02: Milestone
2008-04-02: links for 2008-04-02
2008-04-01: links for 2008-04-01
2008-03-30: WWDC 2008 Student Scholarship Program announced
2008-03-30: Hockey Day in Victoria
2008-03-29: links for 2008-03-29
2008-03-27: Privoxy domain scooped by ad spam
2008-03-25: Apple WWDC 2008 - No Students this year?
2008-03-25: links for 2008-03-25
2008-03-20: links for 2008-03-20
2008-03-18: links for 2008-03-18
2008-03-14: Apple WWDC 2008 - Students?
2008-03-12: Canadians pay less tax than Americans
2008-03-05: J.P. Tremblay Guest Lecture
2008-02-28: Thermal Depolymerization
2008-02-26: Mindless Dogma
2008-02-23: Quality Begs for Imagination!
2008-02-18: M$ releases specs for Office binary file formats
2008-02-18: Genetic Algorithm to 'solve' Travelling Salesman
2008-01-29: Oh Canada, We Stand On Par With Thee
2008-01-24: 900,000 processes in Erlang
2008-01-18: Nicest goal in a LONG time
2008-01-02: The term from hell was a success, one more to go!
2007-12-28: Apple bug # 5664745: Terrible performance copying large number of small network files
2007-12-20: Done for the term
2007-12-19: Patched Oracle's code
2007-12-13: oil += pringleRecycler.process(garbage)
2007-12-13: It's _easy_ to install a Subversion Server on Leopard
2007-12-12: TV shows added to iTunes in Canada
2007-12-06: Sucks to be knee
2007-11-29: Wii have a Wii down, I repeat, a Wii down
2007-11-20: Leopard has bugs (surprise)
2007-11-19: Insanity, that is, this term is insane!
2007-11-13: Paper can't win
2007-10-29: MacBook Pro is the fastest *Vista* notebook
2007-10-27: Leopard's out and 2 bugs I found in Tiger are fixed, w00t!
2007-10-09: Captain Cyan
2007-10-04: Busy, but that's good
2007-09-24: Halo 3 prediction - RROD chaos
2007-09-17: Bigbig Linkdump for Sept 17, 2007
2007-09-17: List of freeware for Mac OS X
2007-09-13: The Yankee Stadium Proposal Prank
2007-09-11: No longer a trivial topic
2007-09-11: Leaving Home (Baghdad)
2007-09-10: Thruster May Shorten Mars Trip
2007-09-10: Cubilus, try it
2007-09-06: School starts, it's the term of my dreams, but my knee is borked
2007-09-02: Hooray to Linux, thank you RAID
2007-09-01: 360 degree display
2007-09-01: Microsoft on my Mac no longer, so long and thanks for all the bugs
2007-08-27: Pictures of Cyan from the Female Hockey Jamboree
2007-08-27: Female Hockey Jamboree
2007-08-25: Do that on Windows...
2007-08-23: It's here!
2007-08-23: Posted from my Nokia 770
2007-08-22: Memphis? You went too far, turn around!
2007-08-22: So close but yet so far (MBP)
2007-08-21: The Jets, an Island Hockey 101 team
2007-08-21: Plone 3.0 released
2007-08-16: Seth donating proceeds from Mac software auctions to Cancer research
2007-08-14: Looking forward to 4th year, hockey, and a better week than last
2007-08-11: Cheney in '94: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire
2007-08-10: Wendy's tribute to Brenna Innes
2007-08-10: Reading the Erlang book
2007-08-09: Apple Canada set to flick the switch on iTunes movie downloads
2007-08-09: Interesting week
2007-08-08: Ordered at 15" MacBook Pro
2007-08-07: MacBook Pro: 15" or 17"? Your advice please
2007-08-06: Barry Bonds' strap-on gives him record-breaking length
2007-08-06: On concurrency in games
2007-08-04: Jake Brown is one lucky Aussie
2007-07-31: A good roundup of recent Pat Tillman revelations
2007-07-30: A typical day at the DOJ
2007-07-28: Using Quartz Composer to learn hockey
2007-07-27: Pat Tillman story changing for the worse
2007-07-27: IRS fails to prove tax liability
2007-07-27: Speedtest results
2007-07-25: Eco-Friendly Hard Drives from WD and others
2007-07-23: An interesting couple of weeks
2007-07-10: Skippy's list of things not to do
2007-07-09: Mike Gravel on the Pentagon Papers
2007-07-08: My First Hat Trick
2007-06-27: The piece of paper
2007-06-21: Microsoft Surface Parody on YT
2007-06-19: Why don't you just block the whole Internet?
2007-06-19: Grammatically correct
2007-06-18: Rules status update (it's alive!)
2007-06-17: Paul Potts' (Cellphone Salesman Opera guy) 2nd round
2007-06-14: CamWorld turns 10
2007-06-14: Phone salesman on Britain's Got Talent
2007-06-13: I hate my PowerBook's battery
2007-06-13: WWDC so far, Project Wonder and WOLips
2007-06-13: WWDC: Sweet and Sour
2007-06-09: Irony is AppleScript presented on a PC
2007-06-09: Best Keynote Ever
2007-06-09: AppleScript talk at HOPL-III
2007-06-05: SQL on Rails
2007-06-05: I'm willing to fail
2007-06-03: The Canadian dollar ain't what it used to be
2007-06-02: Seth needs software for the Pan-Mass Challenge - donate today!
2007-05-31: iTunes on Windows, it's like drinking ice water in hell
2007-05-29: Looking for work through August
2007-05-25: History of Programming Languages Conference (HOPL-III)
2007-05-19: Click to Zoom in
2007-05-18: Power Cords at RailsConf
2007-05-17: Rails Guidebook Charity All-Day Tutorial
2007-05-17: RailsConf 2007
2007-05-01: Awesome Halo 2 double kill
2007-05-01: This post made using Flock
2007-05-01: Idiocracy
2007-04-30: Best. Deal. Ever.
2007-04-24: Installed PLT Scheme, starting from scratch
2007-04-24: Do you have to put up with this in your profession too?
2007-04-23: Subetha Engine, and Coda
2007-04-21: Microsoft admits Vista failure
2007-04-19: New design for monkinetic
2007-04-19: Good times
2007-04-18: I'm still here
2007-04-07: Bashing Google Desktop
2007-04-05: Scripting News turns 10
2007-04-04: Market workers McCain visited this week are killed
2007-04-03: Alanis Morissette "My Humps" video
2007-03-31: RE: Moral Dilemma, advice please
2007-03-30: Linkdump through March 29th, 2007
2007-03-30: Moral Dilemma, advice please
2007-03-29: Linkdump through March 26th, 2007 (belated)
2007-03-23: Linkdump through March 23rd, 2007
2007-03-23: have *laptop* will travel
2007-03-23: A monday tip on friday
2007-03-23: Cool workplaces
2007-03-21: Linkdump through March 20, 2007
2007-03-19: The Apple iRack
2007-03-17: St. Patty's Day Linkdump
2007-03-16: Warning: I'm migrating between mail servers
2007-03-14: Penguins stay in Pittsburgh
2007-03-13: PETAL and Perl, why must you suck?
2007-03-11: Video of Dean Kamen's Robotic Arm
2007-03-11: Linkdump and Twitter comments
2007-03-09: NetNewsWire 3 beta screencast
2007-03-07: Using custom DOM Attributes in XHTML
2007-03-07: Rafe's S3 backup story
2007-03-07: Mammoth (seriously) Linkdump
2007-03-05: Attaching rules to XML
2007-03-05: XHTML id attribute specification?
2007-03-01: defmacro on Lisp, Haskell, and RoR?
2007-02-28: Switched to Firefox tonight
2007-02-25: Django, or, Why I upgraded my Linux server
2007-02-24: Zero to Hero in 3 hours
2007-02-20: Massive link dump
2007-02-19: Firefly, Serenity, pain and suffering
2007-02-13: Top Gear attacked in Alabama
2007-02-07: appscript
2007-02-07: The true cost of bottled water
2007-01-31: It's orange for a reason
2007-01-27: Choosing the right Vista for you
2007-01-27: Kitty Washing Machine
2007-01-18: Grassroot bloggers to register with Congress?
2007-01-18: ZOMG! BluePhoneElite 2
2007-01-15: ABC's Dream home brings a big tax hike
2007-01-12: "OS X" != "Mac OS X"
2007-01-11: Everything but Macworld
2007-01-06: Mindstorms Car factory
2006-12-22: Watching YouTube on my Wii
2006-12-19: The U.S. is Insolvent, 2008 looms
2006-12-19: Joystiq is written by elitist gaming snobs
2006-12-19: Cheap Gifts for Men...
2006-12-15: Diabetes breakthrough in Toronto
2006-12-15: Mouseposé
2006-12-13: Scripting advances in Leopard
2006-12-13: NanoSyntax parses natural language?
2006-12-08: A Young Marine Speaks Out
2006-12-07: Another new Wii Bowling record
2006-12-07: Nintendo investigating Wii strap problem
2006-12-02: America Freedom to Fascism
2006-12-01: Flash your Linksys WRT54G to end the suffering
2006-11-27: Zune sucks, surprise surprise
2006-11-27: Let me in with the Trojan Horse please
2006-11-27: EOCF awards its largest grant ever
2006-11-26: Dawkins in Lynchburg VA (part 2) The God Delusion
2006-11-25: What a wiik
2006-11-22: Wii Are Frightened Easily
2006-11-21: Victoria gets 'Urilifts'
2006-11-21: WiiConnect24 is working, about last night
2006-11-20: Wii is a hit with friends and family
2006-11-19: Wii would like to play!
2006-11-18: It's time for all of NATO to pull its weight
2006-11-18: Underground Video Of Tyranny In China Video
2006-11-18: Frank Caliendo rules
2006-11-16: future shop's stock of PS3 vs. Wii
2006-11-13: Resolution independent UI for fun and profit
2006-11-11: I love fainting goats
2006-11-09: Caucasian Club... why not?
2006-11-09: A Quantum Leap in Data Encryption
2006-11-05: Cheney's definition of 'Quagmire' is the U.S. in Iraq
2006-10-30: Borat walks all over America
2006-10-28: US opposed UN arms trade treaty
2006-10-26: What the Army recruiters don't tell you
2006-10-26: US Military blocking access to liberal web sites
2006-10-25: Don't Stay the Course!
2006-10-24: Trying the io programming language
2006-10-22: The Dirtiest Bomb on Earth
2006-10-22: Skidboot the Dog
2006-10-21: Wii/Zelda Fan Video - A Wii Adventure
2006-10-21: Kevin Tillman on his brother, the war, and the US
2006-10-16: Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
2006-10-15: YouTube - This Man can Move Anything
2006-10-15: Pingu Music Video!
2006-10-14: Found some information about Objective-C 2.0
2006-10-12: Know anything about this video? Soccer Player Freaks Out During Game
2006-10-07: US was offered OBL in Feb 2001
2006-10-01: Bush says Constitution "just a goddamned piece of paper"
2006-09-30: I told you so: US targets online gambling
2006-09-28: Symantec's Spyware for Mac OS X dreams unfulfilled, so far
2006-09-23: Hockey with my kids
2006-09-18: How I spent my weekend
2006-09-14: Getting fit, again
2006-09-13: Gunman wounds 20 at Montreal college
2006-09-13: myBCcampus upgrades PASBC
2006-09-04: R.I.P. Steve Irwin, we'll miss you
2006-09-03: Video: Aussie wins lottery twice in a row
2006-09-01: How Hitler Became a Dictator
2006-08-31: Article about Noncommutative Geometry
2006-08-28: Wii Press Conference Speech?
2006-08-27: What's up with digg lately?
2006-08-27: Where the Internet lives
2006-08-24: YouTube - Fairplay (soccer)
2006-08-21: Bush says Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11
2006-08-19: YouTube: 'Arab secularist tells it like it is'
2006-08-18: The perfect golf swing, video instruction
2006-08-18: Canada says sorry (again)
2006-08-18: The Reg's introduction to rules engines
2006-08-16: Applepeelz for my next laptop
2006-08-07: WWDC Keynote no-shows
2006-08-04: All I want for Christmas (from Apple)
2006-08-04: Fink's good for something after all!
2006-08-01: Lack of Tinkering
2006-07-31: Get in Southwest Boarding Group A
2006-07-17: My First Eagle
2006-07-15: Useless hotel Internet tech-support
2006-07-06: First SkypeOut call today
2006-07-01: Jon Stewart's Post 9/11 Speech on TDS
2006-06-30: Student Suspended Over IM Icon
2006-06-29: Vancouver Python Workshop this August
2006-06-18: The suck
2006-06-17: Plone Conference 2006 in Seattle! ARGH!
2006-06-17: Andy McKay's Blog
2006-06-16: Go to jail in WA for writing about online gambling
2006-06-14: Oppressive gov't trying to ban Poker online
2006-06-10: Firefox Sync extension from Google
2006-06-05: Ebert's review of "An Inconvenient Truth"
2006-06-02: I linked to zefrank so you don't have to
2006-06-02: curvyCorners for round corners without images
2006-05-31: PokerStars Blogger Tourney II
2006-05-24: The Rexall Choir sings O' Canada
2006-05-19: Segway story from CSM, then me
2006-05-18: Hockey fandamonium on IRC, Oilers advance!
2006-05-16: Sorry, Lactic Acid
2006-05-08: Security is more important than performance (finally)
2006-05-02: Apple's taking the gloves off
2006-04-28: JavaScript in Cocoa Tutorial
2006-04-25: Spring term is over!
2006-04-21: What's your Brain Age?
2006-04-20: So what?
2006-04-18: He's not supposed to be here!
2006-04-17: Attaching events using CSS-like syntax
2006-04-17: ESPN's NHL season in review
2006-04-16: A 15 Minute Introduction to E
2006-04-10: Amazing Mil 24 Hind model, nice web UI too
2006-04-05: Netflix sues Blockbuster over patent
2006-03-30: Guy Kawasaki on Apple's next 30 years
2006-03-29: Steve Brainwashallmerkids
2006-03-27: Douglas Adams was on to something...
2006-03-25: Got a spare $20K? Get new rims...
2006-03-22: Windows Vista delayed - blame Apple
2006-03-21: Simon: A (Re)-Introduction to JavaScript
2006-03-15: Now a Series 60 user, next a developer?
2006-03-08: Yet Another Math Post
2006-03-05: Live-action Simpsons
2006-03-02: Scott Granneman on DRM
2006-03-02: Spore Gameplay Video
2006-03-01: Set up Rails on my PowerBook, just 'cause I can
2006-03-01: Just took a "caffeine nap"
2006-02-27: Autistic basketball player creates mayhem at game
2006-02-27: The Real Windows Vista
2006-02-25: THQ's PSP Load Time Hell: Time for coffee
2006-02-24: Weblog favorites reborn at Technorati
2006-02-23: Xavier ruins Zelda week
2006-02-21: Zelda turns 20!
2006-02-21: Parallel Path Electromagnetic Motors
2006-02-20: Mathematical proofs getting harder to verify
2006-02-15: Web Browser, TV, Mario, Tetris coming to Nintendo DS
2006-02-15: Some stuff I read today
2006-02-15: Rafe won't "eat out" on Valentine's Day
2006-02-12: A dead issue
2006-02-12: RE: Dirty tactics
2006-02-11: Nice! Caffeine Nap
2006-02-11: The Birthday Paradox isn't very paradoxical
2006-02-11: New Cochlear Implant...
2006-02-10: Dirty tactics
2006-02-08: Don't drink and (put in your blind)...
2006-02-03: Contagious obesity?
2006-02-03: Get Mail Act-On for
2006-02-02: It's good enough!
2006-02-02: On Lisp now downloadable
2006-02-01: Wikipedia's List of algorithms
2006-02-01: I want my MBP(s)
2006-02-01: Egregious abuses of medical research?
2006-02-01: Soma cubes, Latin Squares, k-subsets, shells and more...
2006-01-31: Thinking like a Mathematician
2006-01-29: Ovechkin Collection - Google Video
2006-01-26: Re: Log out every day? Not going to happen.
2006-01-25: Log out every day? Not going to happen.
2006-01-23: Why does Paul Allen hoist the trophy first?
2006-01-20: Jolie's Weird arm veins
2006-01-18: WebKit (Safari) finally gets a DOM Inspector
2006-01-14: My T610 has a growing blob of yellow pixels
2006-01-12: Guy Kawasaki loves hockey?
2006-01-12: Sleep inertia? Finally, a name for it...
2006-01-09: Karelia releases Sandvox public beta
2006-01-09: Do you believe in magic?
2006-01-05: Where's my Mogo Mouse?
2005-12-31: WSJ warns Xbox Live is too risky for MSFT?
2005-12-31: Charge Xbox 360 battery using laptop
2005-12-28: Avoid: FIFA 06 Road to the World Cup
2005-12-25: Merry Xmas
2005-12-22: Guido at Google
2005-12-20: RIP Phyllis Gretzky
2005-12-20: 9 years ago today
2005-12-18: iTunes launching itself on my PowerBook
2005-12-15: PayPal offering free iTunes songs
2005-12-07: Macworld reviews Xyle scope 1.1
2005-12-02: I'm still here, busy busy busy
2005-11-24: Canada may deny rapper entry
2005-11-10: iGet, new file transfer software for Mac OS X
2005-11-10: NASA: Guitars and rockets
2005-10-28: Absolutely Amazing goal by Jason Spezza
2005-10-27: Video iPod screen is unbelievable
2005-10-23: I placed very high in PokerStars Blogger Tourney!
2005-10-22: Debating Intelligent Design, by example
2005-10-14: Subscribe to funny video via iTunes thanks to
2005-10-13: Fireworks factory explosion
2005-10-13: Keith Schofield likes Pi
2005-10-12: iTunes Canada: Good news and bad news
2005-10-11: Mail server setup, IMAP it is
2005-10-10: TSN is podcasting
2005-10-08: Finally using GNU Screen
2005-10-08: Blogger Poker Championship
2005-10-06: Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory
2005-10-05: Steve and Jodi are parents!
2005-10-04: NewsGator Acquires NetNewsWire, Brent
2005-09-30: PMC Software Auctions await your bid!
2005-09-28: No Nickelback on iTMS Canada
2005-09-23: Ping Pong this winter
2005-09-21: His Name Is Earl
2005-09-17: Divine Proportions and Rational Trigonometry
2005-09-15: Mississippi Sea Wolves unable to play this year
2005-09-12: Damn, Moose calls it a career
2005-09-10: CBC News: Bush thanks Canada and the world
2005-09-07: Kanye West #1 on iTunes US and CAN
2005-09-07: It's a near catastrophic event... take your time!
2005-09-06: My American English Linguistic Profile
2005-09-03: What is the population of NOLA?
2005-09-03: mac mini, shipping in 24 hours?
2005-09-03: Re: Mayor Nagin is pissed, so am I
2005-09-02: Mayor Nagin is pissed, so am I
2005-09-02: Excellent sources of Katrina aftermath information
2005-09-02: Not so easy to send in more troops to New Orleans
2005-09-02: Katrina is magnitudes worse than 9/11
2005-08-30: New Orleans
2005-08-24: The best day in a long time
2005-08-18: Mambo team splits over foundation, IP concerns
2005-08-18: Hockey players get completely new on-ice look
2005-08-03: Seth auctioning donated software for the PMC
2005-08-02: Paul Thurrott says Boycott IE
2005-07-24: OCSmart Hacks 2.0
2005-07-13: TSN on NHL/PA negotiations: Done Deal!
2005-07-08: Limi's Plone presentation at EuroPython 2005
2005-06-26: Roenick is right, the NHLPA got it wrong
2005-06-23: Seth's riding in the PMC again this year, donate!
2005-06-23: Hummer top prize in N.B. eco-centre raffle
2005-06-23: US property rights meet toilet
2005-06-16: Google ranking info in patent application
2005-06-16: Sweet Tiger Terminal Server hack
2005-06-16: Dell would sell Mac OS X if it could
2005-06-16: NYT on iChat/iSight and videoconferencing, Kevin Callahan is a pioneer
2005-06-09: Dual Boot FUD
2005-06-07: WebObjects 5.3 released with new tools! WebObjects 5.3 Release Notes
2005-06-06: Rotate your screen on Tiger
2005-06-04: Apple to switch to Intel chips?!
2005-05-28: on Rexx
2005-05-27: HTTP is an obscure protocol according to Google
2005-05-26: Buying the game twice
2005-05-26: Napoleon Dynamite and Bill Gates video
2005-05-25: Faxing working in Tiger again thanks to AppleCare technical specialist
2005-05-25: Internal modem broken in Tiger 10.4, 10.4.1, cannot fax
2005-05-23: Bram Cohen places "Kick Me" sign on rear
2005-05-23: Dallas is insane
2005-05-18: Belinda Stronach a Liberal!?
2005-05-18: article about Spring
2005-05-17: Soetaert named president of AHL's Omaha Knights
2005-05-17: is Halo 2 Statistics Tracking from RSS feeds
2005-05-17: Mac OS X 10.4.1 update released
2005-05-17: Microcyn sounds amazing
2005-05-16: Harold & Kumar
2005-05-15: Harlan McCraney
2005-05-15: Why would I use Default Folder X?
2005-05-14: NetNewsWire 2.0 (finally) released!
2005-05-14: Hungarians were just misunderstood
2005-05-13: Victoria's Half Price Computer Books store closing
2005-05-13: NetBeans 4.1 released
2005-05-12: Canadian Keyboard Layout
2005-05-12: Overview of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger Server on AFP548
2005-05-12: Toast is toast
2005-05-10: Took that .sit and Zipped It
2005-05-09: AirTunes and AirPort Express, damn near perfect!
2005-05-09: Groovy Quick Roadblock
2005-05-08: Books for today's Java stack
2005-05-06: CoreData: best practices for multithreaded apps
2005-05-03: Your selection has been upgraded
2005-05-01: It was worth the hassle... for Smart Mailboxes
2005-05-01: Your startup disk is almost full
2005-05-01: Tiger loves my hard drive... too much.
2005-04-30: Java 2 SE 5.0 Release 1 for Mac OS X 10.4
2005-04-29: Big day for Apple updates
2005-04-29: Student WWDC ticket confirmed!
2005-04-26: Bummed out about WWDC
2005-04-18: Adobe to acquire Macromedia
2005-04-16: MSFT people going off on Ballmer
2005-04-14: Mobile AIM - IM Forwarding
2005-04-03: New (for us) Ellen Feiss ad
2005-03-30: Intro to Using PyObjC
2005-03-30: Miyazaki, thanks for the great movies
2005-03-26: New Maps for Halo 2 in June
2005-03-24: Seth contributed to Firefox Hacks!
2005-03-23: Replacement players look like the best option
2005-03-23: Classic maths puzzle cracked at last
2005-03-20: Ported Swing app to Cocoa-Java
2005-03-19: Babies' ashes stolen
2005-03-19: 'Python's Spamalot' wows audience
2005-03-19: 3-D movies redux
2005-03-15: 8,022 lines of code later
2005-03-15: Two-Player Tetris?
2005-03-11: Sun: A Swing Architecture Overview
2005-03-11: Can't get my mind off Swing GUI design
2005-03-09: Five cents per song?
2005-03-09: Torvalds switches to Mac (sort of)
2005-03-08: Llody Axworthy's Open Letter to Rice
2005-03-07: DockFun and StickyWindows
2005-03-07: Dozens of Mac-users' menubars explained
2005-02-16: Terry Jones: Edmonton will win
2005-02-14: Random numbers influenced by humanity?
2005-02-13: Good Job Dubya
2005-02-11: Using Entourage 2004 for Mail?
2005-02-07: US Health "care" system cause of 1/2 of bankruptcies
2005-02-06: 'The Art of Computer Programming' 50% off
2005-02-05: And that's why FM radio is free...
2005-02-03: Feeling left out in the classroom
2005-02-03: The NHLPA hypocrisy continues
2005-02-02: Salmon Kings sign NY Rangers goalie Blackburn
2005-02-01: Hello February
2005-02-01: Making a life poster
2005-01-28: PowerBook as Bluetooth headset?
2005-01-27: I missed a great tennis match
2005-01-27: Yeah I remember that
2005-01-16: Cool, Delicious Monster fueled by Caffeine
2005-01-16: Today\@Playlist
2005-01-09: Our beef with Canada
2005-01-06: Yay no more Crossfire!
2005-01-05: Belated Christmas present arrives, 1000 chips
2005-01-03: Making a RAM disk in Mac OS X
2005-01-03: Great moments in microprocessor history
2005-01-03: Baby talk could be key to language
2004-12-28: Mac OS X Backup planning
2004-12-25: Merry Christmas!
2004-12-24: Close call with PowerBook
2004-12-24: Newfoundland gov't removes Canadian flags
2004-12-23: Fall 2004 term at UVic - Post Mortem (Long)
2004-12-23: The Fundamentalist Hate List
2004-12-23: Turning off GPS would be Dubya stupid
2004-12-22: Veen's Boulevard of Broken CMS Dreams
2004-12-22: iPod Price Reduced (in Canada)
2004-12-22: NHL players won't fool me
2004-12-22: The Graphing Calculator Story
2004-12-21: Bluetooth gadget turns iPod into stereo remote
2004-12-20: Twist wins again, McFarlane files for bankrupcy
2004-12-20: The Spaminatrix - cAsEKeYS anti-spam?
2004-12-20: Move to Iceland.
2004-12-20: iTunes can organize PDF files (and more)
2004-12-20: SOAPSupport for Zope
2004-12-19: zasync 1.0
2004-12-19: Court quashes levy on MP3 players
2004-12-17: Mary Hodder blames Brent for her mistakes
2004-12-16: bbum isn't impressed by TinyP2P
2004-12-16: All I want for Christmas is...
2004-12-16: UVic in the grid, surprise ending
2004-12-15: B.C. Finance Minister resigns
2004-12-15: Plone 2.0.5 for Mac OS X
2004-12-15: HyperEdit
2004-12-15: Seth's string optimizations
2004-12-15: Mathematics and Sex
2004-12-14: SuperDrive upgrade for PowerBook G4
2004-12-14: CBC finally has RSS feeds
2004-12-12: Apple/Moto iPhone + Bluetooth + iPod flash?
2004-12-12: Ranchero Software: MarsEdit 1.0
2004-12-08: iPod flash will be a huge hit
2004-12-08: Oh puke
2004-12-06: Apple of IBM's eye? | The Register
2004-12-02: iTMS Canada is open, finally
2004-11-30: New Netscape embraces (and extends) IE
2004-11-21: Another great SubEthaEdit experience
2004-11-18: Hard day at the office...
2004-11-18: intro to encryption
2004-11-16: Superimposing VR on AR
2004-11-15: EU beats Hawks to Iran
2004-11-15: SLAM! Sports - Tennis News - Kafelnikov tries hand at poker
2004-11-10: Halo 2 released; Global GDP declines 0.1%
2004-11-09: Broward machines count backward
2004-11-04: Thoughts on the election results
2004-11-03: Voting challenges likely being abused
2004-11-02: Never Forget: Internets Vets for Truth
2004-10-31: Delicious Library
2004-10-30: Switchers
2004-10-30: The Eyes Have It
2004-10-27: CFL rules rule
2004-10-27: iTMS Canada kept secret by Apple Canada
2004-10-27: A-ha! iTMS Canada next month
2004-10-27: Reprieve, but no slowdown
2004-10-27: Zanardi's road to recovery
2004-10-26: iPod Photo, but still no iTMS Canada
2004-10-23: AKA Land Rover vs. Hummer
2004-10-20: Today's Electoral Vote Predictor is interesting
2004-10-20: Canon PIXMA iP4000 printer... oooh, duplex!
2004-10-20: Canadian flu vaccine might end up... in the US? LOL!
2004-10-18: I think Apple needs infomercials
2004-10-16: Jon Stewart is a TRUE American Patriot
2004-10-15: 29 out of 31, dumb mistake
2004-10-14: Mathematica for Students + Calculus Wiz?
2004-10-14: Midterm redux
2004-10-13: You are responsible
2004-10-10: NFL players like their cap-oriented CBA
2004-10-09: Failed my first calculus midterm
2004-10-08: TSN's Solution for the NHL labour impasse
2004-10-07: Testing MarsEdit
2004-10-04: Steve Ballmer can kiss my ass
2004-10-03: Bowling For New York
2004-10-02: School update
2004-10-01: Cringley on Starnix
2004-09-27: New webmaster of the CSCU
2004-09-24: Robert Tychowski exposes NHL player career massochism
2004-09-22: Paying $7,000 for a free car sucks
2004-09-21: Kangi Gold works on Virtual PC
2004-09-21: Note to self
2004-09-18: Multi-generational language study completed
2004-09-17: iTalk because iNeedMoreInfo
2004-09-17: School Update, end of 2nd week back
2004-09-17: Bikes against Bush
2004-09-10: Getting what you deserve?
2004-09-09: Back at school!
2004-09-07: Could Europe be the new hockey super-league?
2004-09-02: It's September, that means UVic
2004-08-31: Help out the 'Sending Afghanistan Firefighting Equipment' project
2004-08-30: Subversion tips for CVS users
2004-08-27: New Powerbook
2004-08-03: Porting Objective-C to Python
2004-07-29: Cam's notes from OSCON Business Panel
2004-07-24: Efficiency can be lost on code snobs
2004-07-20: WACT, good enough to learn PHP for?
2004-07-20: Going to the Vancouver Python Workshop
2004-07-19: Macromedia releases its Web Publishing System
2004-07-17: Rob Rix on 'Higher-Order Messages in Cocoa'
2004-07-16: US House votes to stop aid to Saudi Arabia
2004-07-16: Renovation days 17-19, 21, 37-38, 40-43 posted
2004-07-09: My preciousssss carpetsssss
2004-07-03: WebCore to support HTML editing
2004-06-30: Where would the Mac be today without iTunes?
2004-06-28: I voted today
2004-06-28: Five years of HBWT, year six begins today!
2004-06-24: Super baby holds cures?
2004-06-23: Web Developer Needed in AZ
2004-06-18: Stopping Gemma Communications and other telemarketers from calling you
2004-06-17: Dori nails it re:
2004-06-16: IE users: Firefox 0.9 released, please upgrade!
2004-06-16: Brave people save family trapped in burning truck
2004-06-14: Wiped
2004-06-14: My fingers paid the price for ceramic tile
2004-06-13: Day 14, kitchen tiled, bathroom floored, trim finished
2004-06-11: Day 13, Kitchen cabinets completed
2004-06-10: SCO loses another $4.489M licensing Unix
2004-06-10: Renovation journal Day 12: Kitchen cabinets
2004-06-09: TB Tribute editorial said Lightning lost Game 7
2004-06-09: Renovation journal days 10 and 11 posted
2004-06-07: 5 more renovation journal photo albums
2004-06-02: Renovation Photo-Journal
2004-06-01: Renovating upstairs
2004-05-28: Microsoft misquoted, there is NO $50 iPod
2004-05-27: Gore's speech
2004-05-27: Napster is un-Canadian
2004-05-26: Widescale Biodiesel Production from Algae
2004-05-25: There's no getting rid of her
2004-05-25: Fiesta BBQ False Advertising
2004-05-24: Spin doctors attacking Fahrenheit 9/11
2004-05-24: CA announces Zope/Plone-based CMS strategy
2004-05-24: Iran used Chalabi to dupe U.S., report says
2004-05-22: Mac OS X users have to take action to protect themselves
2004-05-22: Announcing the Plone Foundation
2004-05-21: Cringely connects the dots between iPod and iMac
2004-05-21: Brent's 'Frontier Dreams'
2004-05-21: Atrocities in Iraq
2004-05-20: Frontier as open source
2004-05-19: Jon Stewart's Commencement Address
2004-05-18: A good segue to talk about the FairTax
2004-05-18: W3C I18N Guidelines
2004-05-14: Mark donates $535 to WordPress
2004-05-14: Hy-wire has a long way to go
2004-05-14: Navratilova gets wildcard for French singles
2004-05-13: N.S. may get gas-increase warnings
2004-05-13: Friedman checks his assumptions
2004-05-13: W3C wants Atom
2004-05-10: KMremoteControl is absolutely wonderful
2004-05-10: Book about file system design by the creator of BeFS
2004-05-10: Two face
2004-05-09: CA pins hopes on open source
2004-05-09: RE: A math problem is driving me nuts!
2004-05-08: A math problem is driving me nuts!
2004-05-08: teleport, a smart software KVM
2004-05-08: Oldest Canadian World War I combat vet dies
2004-05-08: UserLand announces services group
2004-05-07: Longhorn is morbidly obese
2004-05-07: Critical period for next ORM Mac OS X conf
2004-05-07: O'Reilly Media???
2004-05-07: Virtual skin looking even better
2004-05-07: Simon's switch-a-like for Python
2004-05-06: Math And The Computer Science Major
2004-05-06: James Hague on contemporary optimization issues
2004-05-06: Find the Head Nails you're looking for
2004-05-04: Microsoft patents an Apple
2004-05-02: Labour protests affecting my math quest
2004-04-30: BC government in deep with HEU contract
2004-04-30: Finishing what I started
2004-04-24: Sorry I can't play right now
2004-04-22: Resume-Driven Development
2004-04-22: Kirby Urner's Python in the Mathematics Curriculum talk
2004-04-21: SubEthaTrack - why didn't I think of that?
2004-04-18: Selling most of my D&D collection
2004-04-18: April is busy, May and June will be too
2004-04-06: Tear-off menus rule
2004-04-05: Quitting in disgust
2004-04-02: RE: YES!
2004-03-30: Stiffing developers feels good?
2004-03-24: How to get your shit together in 10 easy steps
2004-03-24: Plone 2.0 released
2004-03-24: Dave grew up too, and so have I
2004-03-24: Rexx and Decimal Arithmetic
2004-03-24: Wewease Wahjah!
2004-03-24: Shrook 2: NetNewsWire has company
2004-03-23: Kuro5hin member switches to Zope
2004-03-23: Paul Everitt's oxygen/XSLT demo
2004-03-21: Tyrell site powered by Plone 2.0, CSS
2004-03-21: CoreGraphics with Python in Panther redux
2004-03-19: vsbabu on Bangalore
2004-03-19: Pyblosxom 0.9 released
2004-03-16: Laid-off worker wins the lottery
2004-03-15: Why OS X's Python overriding the she-bang?
2004-03-14: Eckel realizes Java Generics aren't
2004-03-13: Our condolences
2004-03-11: Must... use... GNU... Screen
2004-03-08: $17.50 per diem?
2004-03-01: A package of 50 straws
2004-02-17: L.C. RIP
2004-02-14: FireFox 0.8
2004-02-14: The FUD is flying from both sides
2004-02-12: LetterRip for Mac OS X?!
2004-02-11: iPod ready Alpine car stereo
2004-02-07: Booxter, a book collection management program for OS X
2004-02-07: Running a business on OS X, Linux (and Python)
2004-02-07: When Pythons Attack, tips from Mark Lutz
2004-02-06: Model Viewwwwww, Model Viewwwwww
2004-02-06: Automated functional testing of web sites using Python
2004-02-05: Looking technology in the eye
2004-01-30: Maher Arar gets his public inquiry
2004-01-30: Entrepreneurial spirit is rising
2004-01-30: Plone on Jupiter next week
2004-01-27: Apple fixed the hole I found in
2004-01-23: MySQL ruffling feathers big time
2004-01-22: The Sanctity of knowing what's best for other people
2004-01-21: Python/JavaScript integration
2004-01-20: fan-faves and mega-readers
2004-01-16: Magic module-level variables in Python
2004-01-15: Hunting my own dogs
2004-01-13: Plone 2.0 RC3 installer available
2004-01-13: Great CSS design presentation
2004-01-10: US Bill of Rights on sabbatical, may return in 2005
2004-01-04: OmniWeb 5 looks great
2004-01-01: Mario, Luigi, Pac Man, and rest
2004-01-01: Happy New Year!
2003-12-25: Merry Christmas
2003-12-24: Brian's got a backyard rink
2003-12-23: Mad Cow not an act of terrorism
2003-12-23: Early Present
2003-12-22: Watched Christmas in Kabul
2003-12-16: Found a hole in
2003-12-15: Nice story about xmas bonuses
2003-12-12: PM is our new PM
2003-12-12: Linux Filesystems in Python
2003-12-11: Beat Super Mario Bros. 3 in 11 minutes
2003-12-10: One more year of this crap
2003-12-05: History, if it's Christian
2003-12-05: GameCube #1 in November?
2003-12-05: Pogue, Mac OS X popular in BC
2003-12-04: Plone 2.0 RC2 installer for Mac OS X
2003-12-03: Sick and tired of being sick and tired
2003-11-24: Frozen in our memories
2003-11-23: It was better than life
2003-11-23: Back from COMDEX
2003-11-22: One chance to be a kid again
2003-11-16: Rhapsody to OS X in 2 years
2003-11-15: RIP Internet-Enabled Disk Images
2003-11-14: CNET vs Apple
2003-11-06: JavaScript Event Sheets, and sorttable
2003-11-05: Serious Jaguar/Panther interop problem
2003-11-05: Canada's government is turning its back on its people
2003-11-05: A bugger of a BugReporter
2003-11-05: CSS Edit on sale until the 10th
2003-11-01: Apple's strategy is working
2003-10-31: CoreGraphics with Python in Panther
2003-10-31: Remembering the faces of ORA MacOSX 2003
2003-10-31: Rendezvacant
2003-10-30: Wireless session. Literally.
2003-10-28: Blogging the O'Reilly Conference Keynote
2003-10-28: Optimizing Python links
2003-10-28: Plone Banner
2003-10-28: In the mezzanine
2003-10-27: Murphy strikes again
2003-10-27: Python pitfalls and anti-pitfalls
2003-10-25: Great Panther hack for Expose
2003-10-25: House of Horrors
2003-10-24: Pashua, build GUIs using scripting languages
2003-10-24: Patented AIDS drugs for developing countries now 2/3 off
2003-10-24: SubEthaEdit update, Panther-related improvements
2003-10-24: Xcode
2003-10-23: Nothing is sacred anymore!
2003-10-23: Bad time to be sick
2003-10-23: The Whole (OSS) Product
2003-10-22: PythonDoc please
2003-10-22: PyObjC 1.0 released
2003-10-22: Damn Damn Damn Damn
2003-10-22: I'm Fantabulously Boring
2003-10-22: All tutorials and talks available for download
2003-10-21: No good deed goes unpunished
2003-10-21: Plone Conf Group Picture
2003-10-17: Python books for newbies
2003-10-16: iPod: Better luck this time!
2003-10-15: Did the Python tutorial
2003-10-13: Rumor about iTunes 5 and iPod acc's sounds good
2003-10-09: Tiger wanted to help Roy
2003-10-09: Landline is (was) down, use cell
2003-10-06: World Cup Soccer
2003-10-06: Dan Snyder: 1978 - 2003
2003-10-05: Seth wants me to say 'hi'
2003-09-25: 50 million are right, 60 million are not
2003-09-25: Two down, three to go
2003-09-18: Good week, Mac dreams
2003-09-12: HBO's K-Street show set back by Senate
2003-09-10: Plone BOF at O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference?
2003-09-09: Document previews in OmniGraffle icons
2003-09-09: InfoWorld CTO switched to Mac OS X
2003-09-08: Keynote for Python Tutorial
2003-09-08: Microsoft wants to control Asia, but Asia controls them
2003-09-07: Microsoft wants to control us, but we control them
2003-09-06: Plone 1.0.5 released
2003-09-06: Coming up for air
2003-08-28: thehypercube thinks different
2003-08-28: Very old Zope link
2003-08-28: IBM support and service rocks
2003-08-26: New Enteprise Sales group at Apple?
2003-08-26: Back on the air
2003-08-22: Ernie Ball rocks on without Microsoft
2003-08-22: Plone Conference, Python Tutorial
2003-08-22: Can't sleep
2003-08-22: Aliens used our blog roll
2003-08-22: Tampa drops face-recognition system
2003-08-22: Dubya to the rescue!
2003-08-21: The people who should know better
2003-08-21: Outlook Express == Masochism
2003-08-20: Hey, I'm still here
2003-08-16: Python Newbies heed this advice
2003-08-15: Tips for living without electricity, from Iraqis
2003-08-15: USB-powered laptop fan plate
2003-08-15: Hydra renamed to ##### (for now)
2003-08-15: Toronto, home of 2 million times 3
2003-08-14: Quicken 2003 QFX Import Web Connect fix
2003-08-14: Quicken 2003 Mac
2003-08-14: Plone 1.0.4 released
2003-08-14: Mail, iChat and Safari
2003-08-13: Dad's a switcher
2003-08-13: Dad's WinBox is hosed
2003-08-13: Microsoft ceases development for 2003
2003-08-12: Open-Sourced ERP using Zope
2003-08-11: Dora the Repetitive Explorer
2003-08-11: AppleMaster Gregory Hines passes away
2003-08-11: More Ploneification
2003-08-11: Who shit in Mark Pilgrim's corn flakes?
2003-08-10: This is not a Plone site...
2003-07-30: RE: Who is sparkpod?
2003-07-30: RE: Seth's PMC fundraising drive
2003-07-29:'s catalog pirated?
2003-07-28: Seth's PMC fundraising drive
2003-07-27: Learning Subversion
2003-07-24: IBM makes play for 'next-generation Pixar'
2003-07-24: More active lately
2003-07-24: RE: Who is sparkpod?
2003-07-23: John Robb is back
2003-07-23: Who is sparkpod?
2003-07-14: Hyperlinks in the desert of the real
2003-07-11: Understand me
2003-07-11: Comments gone from Echo Wiki
2003-07-10: Mark gets iChat AV'd
2003-07-09: Bye Bye favourite mouse
2003-07-08: Garage Door Opener
2003-07-08: Bruce Eckel on Python (and Zope)
2003-07-08: Still Whhiiiiining after all these years
2003-07-07: Eclipse is great
2003-07-01: Oh Canada!
2003-06-30: XML-RPC spec updated
2003-06-30: Looking forward to weblog future
2003-06-28: Year 5 begins!
2003-06-25: Okay now i'm pissed off
2003-06-25: Dry spell here
2003-06-10: Disneyland tips?
2003-06-10: Devils are 2003 Stanley Cup Champs
2003-06-10: Plasma Valve invented
2003-06-09: Game 7 tonight
2003-06-08: Two polar articles about flying with Dubya
2003-06-07: Starstruck at 3 AM
2003-06-05: Jay's Site and his Lame Bot
2003-06-03: Do you know an Oilers season ticket holder?
2003-06-03: Only 17 days left for LZW patent
2003-06-02: 99 memories, one chance
2003-06-02: A decade together
2003-05-30: Who let the WMD out?
2003-05-30: RvB Blood Gulch Chronicles
2003-05-29: Finally a Cocoa quick reference
2003-05-28: Grad Ceremony
2003-05-27: RE: Ice Man's outdoor adventure
2003-05-27: Oilers alum play a round with Tiger
2003-05-26: Ice Man's outdoor adventure
2003-05-25: OmniGraffle Pro is very cool
2003-05-25: This is a weblog, not a web journal...
2003-05-20: Dr. Cat and online shopping
2003-05-16: Reality Check on iTunes 4 streaming
2003-05-16: Time to Reload
2003-05-16: Migrating OSX to new drive
2003-05-15: Heroes
2003-05-13: RCMP Warning about new ATM scam
2003-05-13: CNET: Using a visible menu item is hacking
2003-05-13: Oregon needs a Klingon
2003-05-12: Another dry spell
2003-05-01: Seth's Cancer Relay Drive
2003-04-30: Kindergarten!
2003-04-29: Music on a planet called the USA
2003-04-27: Nintendo rakes in more awards
2003-04-26: Big Chill ... it's hot stuff
2003-04-24: Fed up with SSH passwords
2003-04-23: General Update for April 23rd
2003-04-18: Safari says: AppleScript, do JavaScript
2003-04-18: MS says no to FoxPro on Linux
2003-04-14: Tabbed Safari now available
2003-04-14: Weir wins the Masters
2003-04-13: Yes, ZWiki list integration working
2003-04-13: So damn close
2003-04-12: Apple widens Bluetooth lead
2003-04-11: Liberate Music! Kill the RIAAgime!
2003-04-11: Mike's Message
2003-04-10: Actors put troops at risk?
2003-04-10: You're darn right I'm happy about it
2003-04-10: Re: Nintendo lowers unit sales forecast
2003-04-10: Using RSS for corp. comms
2003-04-07: Booch interview on software's future
2003-04-07: Updated XML tools for Zope
2003-04-07: Nintendo lowers unit sales forecast
2003-04-05: Gator and Overture
2003-04-04: Three Mac apps bundled
2003-04-03: Welcome Mom to the Mac family!
2003-04-02: Eritrea, part of the coalition
2003-04-02: Here we go again...
2003-04-02: Mom's getting an iMac
2003-04-02: Future Shop and Apple team up
2003-04-01: Cherry on Rome's show
2003-04-01: Hydra: collaborative text editor
2003-03-31: RE: Soybo, a long time coming
2003-03-30: Soybo, a long time coming
2003-03-30: Wind Waker will sell a ton 'o Cubes
2003-03-28: Classy tennis fans in Florida
2003-03-28: Canada is a crappy friend
2003-03-27: VoodooPad source license?
2003-03-27: Source License for Commercial apps?
2003-03-27: VoodooPad is for real
2003-03-26: Project WOnder 1.0.1 released
2003-03-26: Albertan separatists are idiots
2003-03-26: Plone Sprint in Victoria
2003-03-26: Soldier weblogs
2003-03-24: VoodooPad rocks
2003-03-21: WWDC moved to June, SF
2003-03-20: Grub?
2003-03-19: Al Gore, Apple's newest board member
2003-03-19: DiskWarrior 3.0 pre-orders
2003-03-19: Keyboard for GameCube
2003-03-19: Just patriotic rallies
2003-03-19: The Warnings of History
2003-03-18: Rafe on WROX, royalties
2003-03-17: Moving CMF site across platforms
2003-03-17: Back in the Dwarf
2003-03-17: WROX is finished?
2003-03-14: NNW 1.0.1 is out
2003-03-14: Marc, Jon and Paul on Zope in Europe, USA
2003-03-14: RE: DiskWarrior
2003-03-13: DiskWarrior
2003-03-13: EOF Introduction
2003-03-12: What a morning
2003-03-12: CMFTypes is now Archetypes
2003-03-12: Neener Neener
2003-03-11: CMF 1.3.1 released
2003-03-09: Roogle uses Plone template/CSS
2003-03-09: So now I'm from New Zealand?
2003-03-08: Going round in circles
2003-03-07: CMFDynamicDocument
2003-03-07: Use Workflow to announce new Content
2003-03-06: Adopt-A-Soldier Web site grows
2003-03-06: Product Support for generation weblog
2003-03-06: Affordable Zope hosting
2003-03-06: Oregon Considers Open Source Bill
2003-03-06: new recipe: Move object in DCWorkflow
2003-03-06: Weblog Business Strategies Conference
2003-03-05: ext2fs for OSX
2003-03-05: Study: Content Management Tools Fail
2003-03-05: And other... Python Desktop Server
2003-03-05: Python-based Weblogging: byline
2003-03-05: Why CMS software hasn't worked
2003-03-05: Score one for Apple: Sakoman's back!
2003-03-04: Zope Bible
2003-03-03: iPasteboard 1.0
2003-03-02: The planets are aligning
2003-02-27: BigCat 1.0 released
2003-02-26: Linksys RMA 0, Jim 0
2003-02-26: is a PITA
2003-02-25: Softwood Talks Break Down Over (again)
2003-02-25: Little Snitch
2003-02-25: Another tuesday excuse
2003-02-24: The Climax of a great month
2003-02-05: Please report problems with OSX Plone RC2 installer
2003-02-04: XPlanner
2003-02-03: Emmanuel is finally blogging
2003-02-01: RIP Columbia Astronauts
2003-01-31: Drug Bust didn't make a dent
2003-01-31: Vellum, python-based weblogging
2003-01-30: New Plone installer well-received
2003-01-28: Moss receives award
2003-01-28: LeBron cleared of Hummer wrongdoing
2003-01-27: Document and iOffice... ?
2003-01-26: Lunch with Andy
2003-01-25: Another Internet volcano thanks to MS
2003-01-24: iLife delayed
2003-01-24: RE: Plone 1.0 RC2 installer for Mac OS X
2003-01-24: Plone 1.0 RC2 installer for Mac OS X
2003-01-23: Ferry Building renos nearly done
2003-01-23: A trio of interesting Oilers stories
2003-01-23: Xavier finally likes to walk
2003-01-22: Mitnick free at last
2003-01-22: A great UNIX resource for OS X users
2003-01-22: Roddick: I'm not dead yet!
2003-01-20: Xavier's Icy Squares
2003-01-20: Microsoft fucks itself and its customers over
2003-01-20: EOF-inspired framework for Python
2003-01-20: Congratulations Hayley!
2003-01-16: iPhoto prints are great
2003-01-16: IDEA on sale until end of day
2003-01-15: Ray Urban on PB's aluminum
2003-01-15: Translate CSS to English
2003-01-14: Bump on Apple's future
2003-01-12: Launch URLs on Mac OS X from XChat
2003-01-12: Surfing Safari zips lip?
2003-01-12: YASBCP
2003-01-11: RE: OmniWebCore
2003-01-11: OmniWebCore
2003-01-10: William Gibson's a blogger now
2003-01-09: Canada tires of blame for terrorist threat to U.S.
2003-01-08: IRC on OS X
2003-01-08: First Nations group wants to buy Corel Centre
2003-01-08: Wickenheiser gets nod for Saturday game
2003-01-08: Media for MetaWeblog API
2003-01-07: AppGen
2003-01-07: GBA SP. Backlit, finally!
2003-01-07: Weblog to Keynote
2003-01-07: First bug submission with Safari
2003-01-07: Safari
2003-01-07: MWSF Keynote
2003-01-07: Cannabis linked to Biblical healing
2003-01-06: Be More Cynical
2003-01-06: First ERP Server for OS X
2003-01-03: No news page for iBlog
2003-01-03: Ikea founder worried about expansion
2003-01-03: Monty Python director dies at 76
2003-01-02: HNY 2003
2002-12-31: Jack Ass vs. Jackass
2002-12-30: Risk: LOTR
2002-12-28: PS5
2002-12-25: Merry Christmas
2002-12-23: MS wants Macromedia?
2002-12-20: Wonder RC1
2002-12-20: How to skate Australian
2002-12-19: PC killer on the loose
2002-12-19: The evolution of templating systems
2002-12-17: Surgical tool left in woman's stomach
2002-12-17: Oilers founder Bill Hunter dead at 82
2002-12-15: OMG!! Spaceward Ho! 5!!!!
2002-12-15: Alberta uprising feared
2002-12-13: WDM?
2002-12-13: Home in dark, Away in light
2002-12-12: Cell Phone spam
2002-12-12: kosh to the rescue
2002-12-11: Finally, ODBC for OfficeX
2002-12-11: Zope and Plone
2002-12-10: RawHide is back (and out)
2002-12-09: Learning Python
2002-12-09: Back in town
2002-12-07: Zope 2.6 and Python 2.2
2002-12-05: IP over FireWire
2002-12-02: Yanks sadly lacking on Canadiana
2002-12-02: The end of Miranda warnings?
2002-11-29: TMc to direct Swollen Members video
2002-11-29: No NHL bang for the buck
2002-11-27: Judge rejects appeal on Cheney papers
2002-11-27: Hamas added to CDN terror list
2002-11-27: Self-destructing DVDs (and CDs)
2002-11-27: The new Redmonk
2002-11-23: RE: Car! Game on!
2002-11-22: Car! Game on!
2002-11-20: NHL game from Lego
2002-11-15: BBSMates
2002-11-14: RE: Canadian held in U.S. prison on ridiculous charges
2002-11-14: eWeek on Web Services in WO 5.2
2002-11-14: It's time for Apple to move to Intel/AMD
2002-11-14: Perishable DVDs
2002-11-14: PSO Ep 1&2 for GameCube
2002-11-14: Spidey sets another record
2002-11-14: Games for people MY age
2002-11-12: RE: WebObjects 5.2 released
2002-11-12: WebObjects 5.2 released
2002-11-12: .NET for OS X binary installer?
2002-11-09: RE: RSS-enabling mailing lists
2002-11-08: McDonalds is shrinking along with their food
2002-11-08: RE: RSS-enabling mailing lists
2002-11-08: Canadian held in U.S. prison on ridiculous charges
2002-11-07: X-Box marketing getting more aggressive
2002-11-07: Qualcomm is killing American wireless?
2002-11-06: The no-longer Unknown Child
2002-11-06: SuperGigaPowerDriveBook
2002-11-05: Chimera 0.6 is out
2002-11-05: _Online_ music sales decline
2002-11-05: Very strange story about Pooh
2002-11-05: RSS-enabling mailing lists
2002-11-04: New QTVR weblog: VRlog
2002-11-04: Canadian supercomputer for a day
2002-11-04: Borland to acquire TogetherSoft
2002-11-04: Write Cocoa apps in 7 (8?) different languages
2002-11-04: Gaiman vs. McFarlane
2002-11-04: Profiling forces author to avoid USA
2002-11-03: 'We avoid the Windows operating system'
2002-11-02: Buchanan reminds us he's a loser
2002-10-31: Arabs love Canada
2002-10-31: BSOD on FoxTrot
2002-10-31: WALT, prototype Newton telephone on eBay
2002-10-31: Enough-in-Two for OS X
2002-10-31: GameCube online adapters
2002-10-30: The Pierce brothers turn one
2002-10-30: All-In-One Printer/etc for OS X?
2002-10-25: Cocoa developer roster page
2002-10-25: Cyan's moving out
2002-10-24: Tyrell: OpenNMS for Mac OS X
2002-10-24: RE: Intuit Canada buys MYOB Canada???
2002-10-24: Who has been erased from the record?
2002-10-23: Saddam's amnesty is backfiring
2002-10-23: RE: Royalty-free playing card images
2002-10-21: Royalty-free playing card images
2002-10-18: Jim Roepcke available for employment
2002-10-13: It's Our game
2002-10-12: iConquer
2002-10-12: Race to save what's left of the buddhas
2002-10-12: Nicolas Cage Sells Comics
2002-10-11: Aaron: A Sad Day for America
2002-10-11: Pete Stark's statement re: Bush and Iraq
2002-10-11: WB Giving Life to Anime 'Akira'
2002-10-07: bbum on DVD costs, I disagree
2002-10-04: Diabetics 'freed from strict diets'
2002-10-04: Ron MacLean back with CBC
2002-10-03: Iraqi Official Suggests a Duel
2002-10-03: Fire update adds AIM compatibility again
2002-10-03: Tony Hawk Switcher ad
2002-10-02: Satellite Internet Service for Macs?
2002-10-02: How can anyone explain Gordie's pain?
2002-10-01: CBC/MacLean story continues
2002-10-01: Canadian troops lauded by Franks
2002-10-01: Rafe on King George
2002-09-30: The CBC is doomed
2002-09-30: The State of our Democracy
2002-09-30: Fried/baked high-carb foods cancer risk?
2002-09-30: CBC cuts off negotiations with MacLean
2002-09-30: Britain has dirty, smelly streets
2002-09-30: Jantzi on Kyoto Protocol costs
2002-09-29: Help me find Phoenix screenshots
2002-09-28: Scary... weapons-grade uranium seized
2002-09-28: Hixie on Pingback vs Trackback
2002-09-28: RealVNC
2002-09-28: Ferry Sinks :-(
2002-09-28: Great article! BW on the Bush Doctrine
2002-09-28: Oracle in high schools
2002-09-26: ePrairie is gullible, Apple phone hoax
2002-09-26: Bobby Hull banned from Summit Series
2002-09-26: French begin Ivory Coast evacuation
2002-09-26: World reaction summarized
2002-09-24: BLAuthentication class
2002-09-23: Kennedy warns of 'US imperialism'
2002-09-21: Beware the leader
2002-09-21: The UN's turbulent week
2002-09-21: Forever Hawks
2002-09-21: Oilers fill the net
2002-09-21: A minor earthquake
2002-09-20: Oilers vs. Flames, outdoors
2002-09-20: RollerWeblogger vs.
2002-09-20: Canadians respond
2002-09-19: Apple needs to learn from Kim Komando
2002-09-19: Jaguar makes it easy
2002-09-18: All that hidden stuff in OSX
2002-09-18: MacOS X 10.2.1 available
2002-09-18: General Magic R.I.P.
2002-09-18: Sue-fest
2002-09-17: Removing the Van Allen Belts
2002-09-17: Linux Journal on Objective-C
2002-09-15: Ova vs. Ova
2002-09-14: Kournikova's big day
2002-09-13: iceCal: Download Page
2002-09-13: Set up WebDAV on OSX in 5 minutes
2002-09-13: NHL shooting for slick return
2002-09-12: Authenticating Jaguar SMB from Windows
2002-09-12: New 'moon'?
2002-09-12: Fix for too many Servers in Finder
2002-09-10: Pinstripe Theme for Mozilla
2002-09-10: PCWorld drivel
2002-09-10: Commercial moon landing
2002-09-10: iCal is supa fly
2002-09-10: Gary Suter to retire
2002-09-09: Ruby?
2002-09-06: Oh, and Tapestry too
2002-09-06: JavaServer Faces early access
2002-09-06: The Troubling New Face of America
2002-09-06: Yugoslavia oust US from bball medals
2002-09-05: weblogging tool: bzero
2002-09-04: Unauthorized weblog republishing
2002-09-04: Found it! It's Elements
2002-09-03: Bad programmers do bad design
2002-09-03: Alberta vs. Ottawa, round 2
2002-09-03: Bear kills Albertan
2002-09-03: Help! Frontier publishing workalike
2002-09-01: BC birth rate continues slide
2002-09-01: Automated design produces radio
2002-08-31: Howto install Perl 5.8 on Jaguar
2002-08-30: Flechettes used against Palestinians
2002-08-30: Palm Desktop to AddressBook
2002-08-30: Baseball avoids strike, whither NHLPA?
2002-08-29: He told them so!
2002-08-29: TC World Clock is sweet
2002-08-29: Pearl Harbor sub found
2002-08-28: Cyber dream home
2002-08-28: Visual Impairment Studio 7.0
2002-08-28: improved in Jaguar
2002-08-28: More experience with 1.2
2002-08-27: mp3 royalty rates change
2002-08-27: Shamrocks are 2002 WLA champs
2002-08-27: August Santa Picture
2002-08-27: Man missing since 9-11 found alive
2002-08-26: It's a one way street in Brown's eyes
2002-08-26: Computer Recycling in Guangdong
2002-08-25: WirelessDriver fixed for Jaguar
2002-08-25: Jaguar's a small step backwards
2002-08-25: RAM ok during Jaguar install
2002-08-23: Pie menus look cool (but patented?)
2002-08-23: DJs fired for sex challenge
2002-08-23: Pants down
2002-08-22: War game fixed
2002-08-22: Dutch weblogger in Victoria
2002-08-22: WebObjects for Jaguar
2002-08-22: Death Disease and Famine
2002-08-21: Join the mile-high club
2002-08-21: MS Undeserving of Libertarian Praise
2002-08-21: PM to retire in 2004
2002-08-20: UK develops electric armour
2002-08-20: TidBITS on iPhoto
2002-08-20: Mr. and Mrs. Radke
2002-08-19: MacFixIt: Pismo RAM for Jag
2002-08-19: Gov't is a puppet for megacorps
2002-08-19: NYTimes says iPhone is coming
2002-08-19: Disposable planet
2002-08-19: John Q
2002-08-18: Open Letter to America from a Canadian
2002-08-18: DDR on a leash
2002-08-17: Crazy day
2002-08-17: Mr. Fancy Camera
2002-08-17: Paul Graham has a Plan for Spam
2002-08-16: PatentBuddy
2002-08-11: Pollution 3km high
2002-08-09: 57th anniv. of Nagasaki bomb
2002-08-09: RE: No pictures
2002-08-08: Creutzfeldt-Jakob fatality in Sask.
2002-08-08: FTC, MS settle on Passport
2002-08-08: Me want Nintendo e-Reader
2002-08-08: Trellix and Blogging goes deeper
2002-08-07: Professor Dijkstra passes on
2002-08-07: A couple stories from last week
2002-08-07: SpamAssassin rocks
2002-08-07: Wrong boy in casket
2002-08-06: Bush's Shame
2002-08-06: RE: Digital ads entangle
2002-08-06: Ready, Willing, and Able
2002-07-25: Life is tough for a 6 month old boy
2002-07-23: RE: Circuit judge overturns verdict in Twist case
2002-07-23: RE: Monday's the day
2002-07-23: We've Got That
2002-07-23: Bush's stained dress
2002-07-22: From the flip side, things look bleak to Gretz
2002-07-22: WorldCom woes ignored by U.S. judge
2002-07-21: Funny money
2002-07-21: Killer-Hugging Canadians
2002-07-20: Don't Rush Me, I've got 95% to go
2002-07-20: Ellen Grass... er, Feiss
2002-07-20: UK nurses leave for the US too
2002-07-20: Put weblogs to work
2002-07-20: SharedOutline Beta questions
2002-07-20: Switcher parody ad
2002-07-20: NYPD do not belong in Canada
2002-07-20: RCMP posers
2002-07-19: Homer Simpson is Canadian
2002-07-18: Good deal on essential OSX utils
2002-07-18: DayLite for Groups
2002-07-16: Brent's NetNewsWire Lite app
2002-07-15: RE: Monday's the day
2002-07-13: Hollywood gets tough
2002-07-13: Three Years, 16 days
2002-07-13: FMPro adaptor for WebObjects
2002-07-13: Try out WorkStrip X
2002-07-12: Nothing has changed at Microsoft
2002-07-12: Monday's the day
2002-07-12: Stop scraping my site!
2002-07-11: RE: Finally, brain surgery!
2002-07-10: Apple to expand iMac LCD display
2002-07-10: RE: Finally, brain surgery!
2002-07-09: MailScanner and SpamAssassin
2002-07-09: Finally, brain surgery!
2002-07-09: The Eye Is Coming
2002-07-09: Batman vs. Superman
2002-07-08: FileMaker Pro 6 announced
2002-07-08: Fat Guy in Alberta
2002-07-08: Ted Williams' last wish not respected
2002-07-08: Canada working at more service export
2002-07-08: IMF warns over dollar collapse
2002-07-08: Role-Playing: Gig or Game?
2002-07-08: Bad Canadian Diet... bad!
2002-07-06: Oilers Week on the NHL Network
2002-07-06: A "quick trip" it wasn't
2002-07-04: Hot off the indexer
2002-07-04: Cheap Canadian meds
2002-07-03: "Oh, DON'T use drugs! My bad."
2002-07-02: Elderly blindness cured?
2002-07-02: It's funny because it's true!
2002-07-02: AW Pilots Were Drunk
2002-07-01: 'Scores killed' in US Afghan raid
2002-07-01: Happy Canada Day!
2002-06-29: Molar Mobile - or is that Mobile Molar?
2002-06-28: Parents 'devastated' by coach death
2002-06-28: Same great features. Better country.
2002-06-28: Vancouver Sun Satire
2002-06-28: Made in Canada
2002-06-28: El-cheapo Harman Kardon speakers
2002-06-28: Hart recovering from stroke
2002-06-28: FireWire is iPod's #1 advantage
2002-06-28: The big BOGU
2002-06-28: Maher sounds off with final 'PI'
2002-06-28: Very funny pepsi ad
2002-06-27: Italy's Collina to referee World Cup final
2002-06-27: Using VNC with SSH
2002-06-27: You better have a Minority Report!
2002-06-27: CertaPay sounds cool
2002-06-26: Semen an anti-depressant?
2002-06-26: Gartner goof gets Van Pelt Pelted
2002-06-26: The Orbit skin for Mozilla
2002-06-26: No longer a nation under God
2002-06-25: Be completes Palm takeover a al NAXTpple
2002-06-25: The end is near
2002-06-25: MS to Launch Tablet PC November 7th
2002-06-24: Russia poised to restrict Net activities
2002-06-24: FrontBase support is excellent
2002-06-24: RealPlayer for Mac OS X?
2002-06-23: Met with the adjuster today
2002-06-22: Italians start legal action
2002-06-22: A big fucking mess
2002-06-22: Selecting a Tennis Racquet
2002-06-20: 'Thinking' robot in escape bid
2002-06-20: Apple releases kjs-based JS framework as open source
2002-06-19: Oilers trade draft picks for Dopita
2002-06-18: Looking for X03-94935
2002-06-17: The Rest-of-the-World Cup
2002-06-17: Photoblog Webring
2002-06-17: SuperSmashBrothers
2002-06-17: RE: IKEA instinct
2002-06-16: Electronic eye gives sight back
2002-06-16: Dads day
2002-06-16: Best day in a long time
2002-06-15: Manley accuses U.S. of undermining war on terror
2002-06-15: Teacher suspended due to joke Math Test
2002-06-14: Moving Day
2002-06-14: Macs (still) cost less to upkeep than PCs
2002-06-13: Asshole telemarketers
2002-06-13: One step away
2002-06-11: Is the NbA fixed?
2002-06-11: Nosebleeds persist
2002-06-10: Terms that annoy me
2002-06-10: UPS'd
2002-06-09: Brutal week
2002-06-06: Blacks in Brazil
2002-06-06: Smoooooth as silk
2002-06-05: Letter of the law
2002-06-05: Done as dinner
2002-06-04: Apple eMac graduates to retail sales
2002-06-03: Office v. X SR1
2002-06-03: OmniAppKitPreferences
2002-06-03: Owen up to the task
2002-06-03: First solid food
2002-06-02: X2's looking for a few big men
2002-06-01: Great weekend so far!
2002-06-01: The Register
2002-05-31: Zeppelin defense
2002-05-31: Checking age lowered
2002-05-31: Beautiful afghan
2002-05-31: Home at last!
2002-05-30: Going home tomorrow
2002-05-29: Wild legal story from Ottawa
2002-05-29: Brent on Conversant 1.0b2
2002-05-28: Intuem for Mac OS X - MIDI the easy way
2002-05-28: Almost completely packed
2002-05-27: iBrowse (get it?)
2002-05-27: What a trip
2002-05-27: Bells & Whistles
2002-05-26: Home in four days
2002-05-26: ACN
2002-05-26: A cheque in U.S. funds
2002-05-26: Ottawa Sun: Royally snubbed
2002-05-24: One school's cost of going Wintel
2002-05-24: RE: Plugging the Analog Hole
2002-05-23: Linda Williamson: This is News?
2002-05-23: MS to expand presence in Canada
2002-05-23: Forgive the children
2002-05-23: Panel OKs L.A. Secession for Ballot
2002-05-23: Lovely, Rita!
2002-05-23: Easy SSH Login for OS X
2002-05-23: Linksys WiFi router on sale again
2002-05-23: spam on the webobjects-newbies list
2002-05-23: New ball not popular with players
2002-05-23: Offering of Netflix Brings in $82.5 Million
2002-05-23: BBC On tour with President Bush
2002-05-23: I'm going home, finally
2002-05-22: Soldiers worth little to Liberals
2002-05-22: Policeman punches child in Vladivostok
2002-05-22: Scripting News
2002-05-22: The CHA has lost its marbles
2002-05-22: Embargo creates leverage
2002-05-21: Cool screenshot utility for Mac OS X
2002-05-21: Ground troops to get some rest
2002-05-21: [ANN] Conversant 1.0b1
2002-05-21: Huhhh?
2002-05-21: Funniest /. post ever
2002-05-21: Googlebert
2002-05-20: Ted Rall Op/Ed re Hekmatyar
2002-05-19: Davey Boy Smith dead at 39
2002-05-19: Lottery to fund the Vancouver Olympics
2002-05-19: CDN$ surges to 9-month high
2002-05-18: Double Standard
2002-05-18: RE: Procrastinate
2002-05-17: 'Noone could have predicted'
2002-05-17: Dicktator says 'don't mess with Texas'
2002-05-17: The Case for the Empire
2002-05-17: RE: Procrastinate
2002-05-17: Monday's the day!
2002-05-16: Dan Rather is angry at the US media
2002-05-16: Bush under fire over terror alert
2002-05-16: AotC
2002-05-15: RE: Procrastinate
2002-05-14: Apple announces new rack-mount server
2002-05-14: Procrastinate
2002-05-13: M5K
2002-05-13: More Edmonton News ;-)
2002-05-13: World Warming Faster
2002-05-13: Thanks for the coverage, Terry!
2002-05-13: Using Ant with WO
2002-05-12: More trouble with copy-protected CDs
2002-05-12: Not the way she wanted it
2002-05-12: BBC correspondent with British troops
2002-05-12: Slovakia rejoices over ice hockey win
2002-05-12: Chirac furious as fans boo anthem
2002-05-12: Guaranteed to be there
2002-05-11: It's a bitter-Swede Finnish
2002-05-10: Macromedia evens the score with Adobe
2002-05-10: Xbox co-creator reveals new venture
2002-05-10: RE: Canada set to reject Kyoto protocol
2002-05-10: 5 North
2002-05-10: Adam Curry on Pim Fortuyn
2002-05-10: Charge less for CDs and sell way more copies. Duh
2002-05-10: Butterfly Gaming Grid
2002-05-09: Ivanisevic to undergo shoulder surgery
2002-05-09: 2004 World Cup is a go
2002-05-09: Hulk filming in SF
2002-05-09: Blogging Goes Corporate
2002-05-09: kerusan likes WO
2002-05-09: Ross Ice Shelf continues to degrade
2002-05-09: NN toolset
2002-05-09: Not many digital movie theaters yet
2002-05-09: Reproductive law tabled
2002-05-09: Matt Maldre blogs Pepsi Blue
2002-05-08: European NHLers are more patriotic
2002-05-08: RF Lighting sucks
2002-05-08: RE: I need advice on FireWire hard drives
2002-05-08: Patriot shame
2002-05-08: Old phone saves victim's life
2002-05-08: Slovakia 3, Canada 2. Damn.
2002-05-08: I need advice on FireWire hard drives
2002-05-07: EU to tax Internet download sales
2002-05-07: Glenn on Rendezvous
2002-05-07: RE: 'Hip Club' to offer fans extra music
2002-05-07: That's horseradish, bub
2002-05-07: WWF: and then there was one
2002-05-06: Highway 99 marker
2002-05-06: 'Hip Club' to offer fans extra music
2002-05-06: RE: Spider-Man is Amazing
2002-05-05: RE: Spider-Man is Amazing
2002-05-05: Can't question his loyalties
2002-05-04: RE: Spider-Man is Amazing
2002-05-04: Work less, you'll get more done
2002-05-04: Would someone buy this for me please? ;-)
2002-05-04: Top Ten New Copyright Crimes
2002-05-04: De Niro festival lifts Ground Zero
2002-05-04: Spider-Man is Amazing
2002-05-04: This is hellah stupid
2002-05-03: Disinfotainment(tm)
2002-05-03: Gov't Warns on Baby Sleep Dangers
2002-05-03: 3DLabs eyes PC graphics comeback
2002-05-03: PM sticks it to U.S.
2002-05-03: Britney is smokin'
2002-05-03: Follow the IE strategy as much as possible
2002-05-03: Canada into the quarter-finals
2002-05-03: Commingling
2002-05-02: Clinton TV?
2002-05-01: Iginla, Theodore and Roy finalists for Hart
2002-05-01: U.S. Senate expresses sorrow over bombing
2002-05-01: Hard Drive move
2002-04-30: Movie Quotes page
2002-04-30: So long, farewell...
2002-04-30: Bill C-55 introduced
2002-04-29: Injured soldiers talk about bombing
2002-04-29: Spider-Man 2 details emerge
2002-04-29: We've got the know-how
2002-04-29: Finder's Keepers
2002-04-29: The Register
2002-04-29: eMac: e is not for education (only)
2002-04-29: Bustani lynched
2002-04-29: Redesign
2002-04-28: Lambda on MultiJava
2002-04-28: Microsoft mulls ITV Digital bid
2002-04-28: RE: Wendy to sing at funeral
2002-04-28: Fallen soldiers honoured
2002-04-28: Web spun in Canada
2002-04-28: Forsberg late scratch for Game 6
2002-04-28: Canahuh?
2002-04-28: Wendy to sing at funeral
2002-04-27: Untitled
2002-04-26: Chimerians going it alone
2002-04-26: SharedOutline
2002-04-26: Americans seeking refugee status in Canada
2002-04-23: The party line
2002-04-22: Piracy concerns may make older digital TV sets obsolete
2002-04-22: Indentation?
2002-04-22: European dismay over Le Pen vote
2002-04-22: PayPalHyperlink
2002-04-22: MyWorkTools... thanks!
2002-04-22: 'It took me a little while to get out'
2002-04-21: Chimera be broken
2002-04-21: Caribou need jobs!
2002-04-21: Life and Deatherage
2002-04-21: PBX 2.0 beta release notes... wow
2002-04-21: Wish for WMP in Mozilla!
2002-04-21: Coup 'o' Noodles
2002-04-21: Ann Coulter loves Caribou
2002-04-20: Potter fans drink poisonous potion
2002-04-20: D.C. Marchers Oppose Globalization
2002-04-20: Resentment growing
2002-04-20: Columbia, the second supercontinent
2002-04-20: Slain soldiers arrive at CFB Trenton
2002-04-20: Google outlines
2002-04-20: James' cool OmniGraffle site diagram script
2002-04-20: Rafe on the Middle East
2002-04-20: RE: Roller: the J2EE weblog system
2002-04-20: Roller: the J2EE weblog system
2002-04-20: oh thank you uncle georgey!
2002-04-20: The World's bully hard at work
2002-04-19: Cmd/Ctrl-click disabled on MacCentral?
2002-04-19: Filtering Spam on MacOS X
2002-04-19: Tourists Stray Into Bethlehem War Zone
2002-04-19: 10.1.4 and wirelessdriver issue?
2002-04-18: Jenin camp 'horrific beyond belief'
2002-04-18: RE: How to spell relief
2002-04-18: Canadians killed by US F-16 fighter-bomber
2002-04-18: Scripting News
2002-04-17: Mac OS X Drivers for Microsoft Keyboards
2002-04-17: Civil Rights Lawyers to Sue Ashcroft
2002-04-16: Dutch Government Resigns
2002-04-16: My Spidey senses are tingling!!!
2002-04-16: How to spell relief
2002-04-15: Huge H deposits in the Earth's crust
2002-04-15: Whaddaya know, it still works!
2002-04-15: EverCrack
2002-04-14: dynAuthor 5 years ago
2002-04-14: Responding to John Robb, Re: Email, IM, Weblogs
2002-04-14: DEdmonton finishes the season with a win
2002-04-13: Samuel Reynolds' Curriculum Vitae
2002-04-13: Digital ads entangle
2002-04-13: Oilers out of the playoffs
2002-04-13: Persistent Conversation and the Design of Babble
2002-04-13: Doing some IA work
2002-04-12: Google Boxes are BAD BAD BAD
2002-04-11: OILERS 3, Coyotes 0
2002-04-11: Wow, that's fucked up
2002-04-11: RE: Watchin the game, throwin' some darts.
2002-04-10: Watchin the game, throwin' some darts.
2002-04-09: Jabber in Radio
2002-04-09: Paolo's Shared Outlines system
2002-04-09: Free copy for beta testing
2002-04-08: Transport Layer Security
2002-04-08: Canada backs legal case against UK
2002-04-08: A New Class of Games
2002-04-08: Mad Elk Disease spreading
2002-04-08: InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH
2002-04-08: Drafting a petition
2002-04-08: Microsoft still sucks
2002-04-08: A couple links from the Top-40
2002-04-08: Tonight in the NHL
2002-04-08: 15 reviewers dump on Radio 8. I might as well too.
2002-04-07: More rollerblading... ouch, my sore plantar fascia
2002-04-07: Johnathon on Australia's old boy's club
2002-04-07: Canadian movies passing me by
2002-04-07: And Cricket too
2002-04-07: Exercise!
2002-04-06: Waterlogged Camera Turns Magic
2002-04-06: Ducks 2, Oilers 0
2002-04-06: Back in 4 pieces
2002-04-02: In Victoria
2002-03-30: 101 yrs.
2002-03-29: Maya price drop
2002-03-28: You can doooo eeeet!
2002-03-25: Are you non-terrorist (American Patriot)?
2002-03-25: Picturesque
2002-03-25: Bush talks out of both orifices
2002-03-25: Oilers grease skid
2002-03-25: Backup Brain
2002-03-25: The Anti-Mac Corporate Conspiracy
2002-03-25: Happy Birthday Mac OS X!
2002-03-25: Sunday is the best day of the week
2002-03-25: Mozilla updates
2002-03-24: Hollywood is inferior
2002-03-24: Ivanisevic will retire after Wimbledon
2002-03-24: Microsoft still can't figure it out
2002-03-23: Rare
2002-03-22: U.S. to levy punitive lumber duties
2002-03-22: Canadian soldiers doing us proud
2002-03-21: Brian Carnell on RadioNYT
2002-03-21: Musings
2002-03-21: RE: Boo Boo Kitty ....
2002-03-21: Boo Boo Kitty ....
2002-03-20: Help with Macrobyte's Future
2002-03-20: RE: Girl Hit By Puck at NHL Game Dies
2002-03-18: Upstreaming OPML files
2002-03-18: Re-he-he-heeeallly?
2002-03-16: MetaWeblog API
2002-03-16: Tease
2002-03-15: Official drink for Mac OS X?
2002-03-15: Moz it
2002-03-15: Bloggenmoz
2002-03-15: Apple - Remote Desktop
2002-03-15: Plane crash in Cuba
2002-03-15: Elderly Woman Sent to Morgue Alive
2002-03-14: UNIX under the Desktop
2002-03-13: 2U G4 racks
2002-03-13: Belgian joke
2002-03-13: The WWOL
2002-03-13: FrontBase's AS tool renamed
2002-03-13: Sharbat Gula
2002-03-13: Exclusive recording from homeland security meeting
2002-03-13: RE: Filling the Void
2002-03-12: Modems are not obselete
2002-03-12: 'Can you tell the world about us?'
2002-03-12: Men with Brooms
2002-03-12: Iraq is not afraid
2002-03-11: DotNot Terrarium
2002-03-11: I doubled their income!
2002-03-11: New Sony Palms look sweet
2002-03-11: Better late than never
2002-03-11: Tinderbox... ooh
2002-03-11: Subtly becoming a police state
2002-03-11: German and Danish soldiers killed
2002-03-11: 9|11 on CBC
2002-03-10: Catharsis... ahhhh
2002-03-10: It's time to look outward again
2002-03-10: Don't fight the neurons
2002-03-10: Michael Fraase on RCS
2002-03-10: HKWT
2002-03-10: My Cute Kids
2002-03-09: RE: UNIX's 'look' command
2002-03-09: Jabber in Radio/Frontier
2002-03-09: Pregnant Women Can Fly
2002-03-09: Nat on Optimized Object Generation
2002-03-09: 3DOSX Download
2002-03-09: Fink tutorial
2002-03-09: UNIX's 'look' command
2002-03-09: George W. Bush: go away!
2002-03-09: New and Updated Apple Docs
2002-03-09: Apache XML-RPC for Java 1.1
2002-03-09: Virtual PC 5.0.2 is great!
2002-03-09: Backup Brain
2002-03-08: Fink
2002-03-08: Time Out Of Mind
2002-03-08: UserLand's Back-Door Sell
2002-03-08: AttSearchEngine
2002-03-08: Sputnik
2002-03-08: FrontBase via AppleScript
2002-03-08: 80!
2002-03-07: U.S. troops detail fierce fighting
2002-03-07: EJB is indeed lame
2002-03-07: Power for my PowerBook
2002-03-06: RE: The Java Extension Mechanism??
2002-03-06: Brrr... minus a billion!
2002-03-06: The Java Extension Mechanism??
2002-03-05: Teen hero's pain
2002-03-05: bbum on OSX profiles
2002-03-05: J2EE and .NET Interop w/o Web Services
2002-03-05: Soar Like an Eagle
2002-03-05: Flash MX Overview
2002-03-05: AspectJ with WO
2002-03-05: Frontier, Radio, ODBC, and me
2002-03-05: Macromedia ... Backs Mac
2002-03-04: The History of Flash
2002-03-04: Flash MX is announced
2002-03-04: Another Google/Weblogs story
2002-03-04: First post with my wireless gear
2002-03-03: K.I.S.S.I.N.G
2002-03-03: That explains it
2002-03-03: So many weblogs, so little time
2002-03-03: Sam Ruby's BDG to WSDL
2002-03-03: Java 1.4 for OS X Preview in May
2002-03-03: PCs Are Incorrect on TV
2002-03-03: Rollerblading
2002-03-03: WO 5.1 demo in Seattle, 20020312
2002-03-03: The Kit Tool for Radio
2002-03-03: You have to be kidding me.
2002-03-03: Matt's Frontier book
2002-03-02: I finally have broadband! :)
2002-03-01: A Matter Of Trust
2002-03-01: RE: Brent on Script Meridian
2002-03-01: Brent
2002-03-01: ozone ODBMS
2002-02-28: No sour Grapes
2002-02-28: AEM notes from SZ
2002-02-28: iPod's undersold feature
2002-02-28: metaobject's frameworks
2002-02-28: diff and patch glue for Frontier/Radio
2002-02-28: We index eevvvvverything
2002-02-27: Morpheus users locked out
2002-02-27: DSL vs. Cable
2002-02-27: Henrico County sucks
2002-02-27: Melodic Justice
2002-02-27: Disabled man freezes to death
2002-02-27: Blues club in an old Amtrak station
2002-02-27: TFM for Mac OS X
2002-02-27: Genetically Alzheimer's-free
2002-02-27: Sorkin Criticizes Bush
2002-02-27: The real Swedish losers
2002-02-27: Forwarding Address: OSX
2002-02-27: Think OUT of the box
2002-02-26: Google Holiday Logos
2002-02-26: HTTP is not the be-all and end-all
2002-02-26: Highest ratings since 80's Miracle
2002-02-26: Canada's Lucky Loonie
2002-02-26: SOAPy Mozilla
2002-02-26: VRML redux(ml)
2002-02-25: Soldiers watched game in Afghanistan
2002-02-25: Herbal Remedy - can Brooks
2002-02-25: Gold for CBC, bronze for NBC
2002-02-25: It's a puke story play
2002-02-25: Nice try Fan Boy!
2002-02-25: Canadians erupt in celebration
2002-02-24: The story of the game by CBC
2002-02-24: New HDTV Encryption Obsoletes Sets
2002-02-24: Great Day for Canada!
2002-02-24: It's All or Nothing
2002-02-24: Canada ready to go it alone
2002-02-24: Whatever dude
2002-02-24: Gretzky gives Canada winning edge
2002-02-24: Kenya split over Bush abortion policy
2002-02-24: Xavier is growing!
2002-02-24: Jail the politicians
2002-02-24: drug amnesty for ice dancers
2002-02-24: Aussie tv show a hit
2002-02-24: What a doofus
2002-02-24: SMB Browser for OS X
2002-02-24: Okay, I'm only 'sort of' back, and other info.
2002-02-24: Boingo and cheap WAPs
2002-02-23: Russian Cross Country and American Media
2002-02-23: SilverSurfer in SoCa
2002-02-23: Gold on Sunday
2002-02-22: Canadian Women get their gold
2002-02-22: I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!
2002-02-21: Pool and Billiard Lessons
2002-02-21: explanation for 10.1.3 speed increase
2002-02-20: Athletes of Evil
2002-02-20: They really do hate us
2002-02-20: I want Widescreen DVDs!
2002-02-20: Not a surprise
2002-02-20: Be vs. Goliath
2002-02-20: 10.1.3 is available in Software Update now
2002-02-19: Call for ideas / validation
2002-02-19: RE: A few details about upstreaming to Conversant
2002-02-18: Another upstreamed page
2002-02-18: chimera
2002-02-18: Big mistake
2002-02-18: Mental Hurdles to CSS
2002-02-17: TLS for Frontier/Radio
2002-02-17: Happy Faces
2002-02-17: and still more...
2002-02-17: Current MOZX build
2002-02-17: More CSS talk
2002-02-17: Meglander Zoonut
2002-02-17: FOX killing Futurama
2002-02-17: Joel reveals The Iceberg Secret
2002-02-16: Damn fine Roots
2002-02-16: Sweden kicks Canada's ass
2002-02-15: David Kurtz on CSS
2002-02-15: Double Gold
2002-02-15: Blocked from RU DG
2002-02-15: CSS2 design
2002-02-14: Update on Xavier -- 3 weeks
2002-02-14: Garage Sale in SF
2002-02-14: Focus on the sports still going on
2002-02-13: Better community software
2002-02-13: dotComics
2002-02-12: mozBlog
2002-02-12: The false economy of PCs in schools
2002-02-12: What a joke
2002-02-10: Killer Cell Phones
2002-02-09: bbum on XP (the _real_ XP)
2002-02-09: Opening Ceremonies
2002-02-09: Long article about CLR
2002-02-09: Blogging sidebar
2002-02-08: bbum's Radio Weblog
2002-02-08: Catching up on good things
2002-02-07: Victoria, BC
2002-02-06: Lynnwood, WA -- home tomorrow
2002-02-05: Medford, OR
2002-02-01: Apple sued over G3 support in OS X
2002-02-01: NewsFactor on Apple's long term Cocoa strategy
2002-01-28: I feel a little silly doing this, but....
2002-01-28: Speedpool2
2002-01-27: Mo' sheets
2002-01-27: ICeCoffEE
2002-01-27: Strong boy!
2002-01-25: X. M. K. R.
2002-01-25: Thank you!
2002-01-25: RE: On the way to the hospital shortly
2002-01-25: Where to start?
2002-01-24: On the way to the hospital shortly
2002-01-24: Unpaid Leave
2002-01-23: Blogger Title field
2002-01-23: Minor design change
2002-01-23: AOL's Netscape sues Microsoft
2002-01-22: RE: New glasses
2002-01-22: Elective C-Section
2002-01-22: New glasses
2002-01-21: Peeved
2002-01-21: Was bound to happen...
2002-01-19: 2001.a and 2001.b
2002-01-19: It's kids play for Mario
2002-01-18: Winerlog
2002-01-18: Defending WebObjects' Honour
2002-01-17: Never give up
2002-01-17: iPhoto is better than that...
2002-01-16: Cocoa class winding down...
2002-01-16: Thai Iced Tea
2002-01-15: Techstra for Aaron's Cocoa Programming book
2002-01-15: Damn! Proof MOSR will post anything
2002-01-15: Funny story via DanSays
2002-01-14: Not again!!!
2002-01-13: Drinking the Cocoa
2002-01-13: COWS
2002-01-12: Teach me
2002-01-12: The old school reunion
2002-01-12: Radio 8 ships - OSX, OS9, Win
2002-01-11: AnandTech takes apart an iPod
2002-01-11: pMachine
2002-01-11: EyeSee360
2002-01-10: AppleSkinz rock
2002-01-10: Bud Tribble (re)Joins Apple
2002-01-09: Weblogger lunch
2002-01-09: Microsoft caught stuffing the ballot boxes
2002-01-09: A few quick links
2002-01-09: iPhoto.. no scripting dictionary
2002-01-08: Ha!
2002-01-07: Help Save
2002-01-07: One last thing... WebObjects 5.1
2002-01-07: Game on!
2002-01-07: Tears of joy
2002-01-06: 2002 ford taurus in Victoria
2002-01-06: Floridians Are Crazy
2002-01-06: Is road hockey illegal?
2002-01-05: Interesting idea
2002-01-04: CIA going too far
2002-01-04: Experienced WO developer available
2002-01-04: First Dog Buddy killed by car
2002-01-04: MIME-RPC
2002-01-03: Gates Foundation paying for teacher's Apple training
2002-01-03: Smytty returns!
2002-01-02: Matt on AppleScript Studio
2002-01-02: Posting via AppleScript
2002-01-02: Shanghai Kid
2002-01-02: My MWSF 2002 predictions
2002-01-01: Another comedy
2002-01-01: Israeli president vetoed by Sharon
2002-01-01: A followup about Klein
2002-01-01: Rod Philips misses a game
2002-01-01: Goodbye Year 2001
2002-01-01: Scripting and Browsing Cocoa with F-Script
2002-01-01: RE: Reality
2002-01-01: Three Comedies
2001-12-31: Girls return to school in Kabul
2001-12-31: LEGO Soccer
2001-12-31: JBond gets it
2001-12-31: How Islam Lost Its Way
2001-12-30: Terry Jones is not impressed
2001-12-28: Smytty practices
2001-12-24: Canadian Holiday Greeting
2001-12-22: Home for the Holidays
2001-12-20: Boingo
2001-12-20: Klein says he'll seek help for drinking problem
2001-12-20: Argentina
2001-12-19: RdB: 1919 - 1996
2001-12-19: Two enemies, one bullet, which do I shoot?
2001-12-18: A story about Ryan Smyth
2001-12-18: Good thing he didn't break a nail!
2001-12-18: RE: New Cocoa Book by the Big Nerd himself
2001-12-18: TV tonight
2001-12-18: Getting data off WTC hard drives
2001-12-18: Canada protesting US Space cuts
2001-12-17: Rolling Blackouts on Van. Island
2001-12-17: Clinton's speech in London
2001-12-16: Mike Harris Interview
2001-12-16: Another home networking thread
2001-12-15: new AppleScript-Studio list
2001-12-15: Confronting Casualties
2001-12-15: Canada's team is set
2001-12-14: evolution of music studios
2001-12-14: Apple Ad
2001-12-14: RTF'ing WO
2001-12-13: Name Calling in Context
2001-12-12: New Cocoa Book by the Big Nerd himself
2001-12-11: RE: Huge X-Mas present
2001-12-11: Huge X-Mas present
2001-12-10: My opinion is valid, dammit
2001-12-10: Learning AppleScript
2001-12-09: segway-open list
2001-12-09: /. on Wiring A New House
2001-12-08: Weirdness near SFO
2001-12-08: Sign the Mac OS X Anti Metadata Petition
2001-12-07: RE: Adolfcroft
2001-12-07: PI on ABC
2001-12-07: Some more links
2001-12-07: Adolfcroft
2001-12-06: Adium: AIM client for OS X
2001-12-06: Woz backs smartphone startup
2001-12-06: No-HTML for Outlook
2001-12-06: Accord not all peaches and cream
2001-12-05: Neil Young: Let's Roll
2001-12-05: Hetfield is back
2001-12-05: Afghans Agree on New Gov't
2001-12-05: Huge week for Apple
2001-12-04: Guess again?
2001-12-04: Inxight Software - Categorizer
2001-12-04: Star Tree
2001-12-04: Threaded IM P2P app for Radio UserLand
2001-12-04: RE: the new generation
2001-12-04: sketchy mail for jim \@
2001-12-04: Are Habs cursed?
2001-12-03: US/Canada sign border accord
2001-12-03: the new generation
2001-12-03: Post-MacWorld BNR class
2001-12-03: RE: IT has landed!
2001-12-03: Ants cried Uncle
2001-12-03: Lookie here...
2001-12-03: A trade
2001-12-03: IT has landed!
2001-12-03: US troops patrolling Canadian border
2001-12-03: Inuit man finally using real name
2001-12-02: Permits req'd
2001-12-02: QuickTime is 10
2001-12-02: Taliban fighter says he's American
2001-12-02: Jad gone?
2001-12-02: Medical marvel!
2001-12-02: More on Misusing Dynamic Binding
2001-12-02: You must be kidding
2001-12-02: Matrix Revisited
2001-12-01: New SNAX offered for Mac OS X
2001-12-01: Brad Cox: Misusing Dynamic Binding...
2001-12-01: Editing forum messages
2001-12-01: Pun intended?
2001-12-01: Petreley is cool
2001-11-30: Do you have TN2034?
2001-11-30: Girl barbecued dog alive
2001-11-30: Help: Networking a house
2001-11-29: Will 'It' Finally Be Revealed?
2001-11-29: South Park vs. Bin Laden
2001-11-29: Markkanen perfect in first game
2001-11-29: Olive Branch
2001-11-29: As Seen on Yahoo
2001-11-28: MP's Camelot scene in Lego
2001-11-28: Seth is da' man
2001-11-28: Don't tread on me
2001-11-28: Value
2001-11-28: Let's have FUN
2001-11-28: Watson: too smart for its own good
2001-11-28: Books arrive
2001-11-27: SCNS revisited
2001-11-26: Don apologizes
2001-11-25: Don responds
2001-11-25: Moz .9.6 for OSX
2001-11-24: US shuts down Somalia internet
2001-11-22: NFL Referees
2001-11-22: SuiteModeler
2001-11-22: Analyzing Java class files
2001-11-22: Sieve
2001-11-22: Happy Thanksgiving USA
2001-11-22: News from /.
2001-11-22: 'One in a Million' Photo
2001-11-21: A wonderful arrangement
2001-11-21: Frontier 7.1: Unattainable coolness
2001-11-21: Big Tobacco Settles
2001-11-20: Giving Time To Microsith
2001-11-20: Post-Taliban Women's Rights
2001-11-20: New weblog:
2001-11-20: Moz Custom Keywords
2001-11-19: The Turkey Scandal of 2001
2001-11-19: The Daily Rotten
2001-11-19: Crypt for OS X
2001-11-19: Add HBWT to your Sidebar
2001-11-19: Kandahar
2001-11-19: NetFlix
2001-11-19: RE: Sick of it
2001-11-18: Winerlog
2001-11-18: Why Offices Suck
2001-11-18: I thought they were dutch shoes...
2001-11-17: Fantasy Politics
2001-11-17: And I thought Dubya was slow...
2001-11-17: Scott Anguish's PJWO mini-review
2001-11-17: Smyth out for 10-12 weeks, Olympics in jeapordy
2001-11-17: Canadian water at risk
2001-11-16: Helma XML-RPC becomes Apache XML-RPC
2001-11-16: Motorola loves to lose?
2001-11-16: Coming soon
2001-11-15: Intuit Canada buys MYOB Canada???
2001-11-15: Matt Goyer knows his limits
2001-11-15: YYSW
2001-11-15: CityDesk is a Windows program
2001-11-15: Revenge is best served cold
2001-11-15: Senseboard
2001-11-15: Apple asks FaceSpan to abandon product name change
2001-11-14: NewsForge asks if the settlement was rigged
2001-11-14: Podestal for OS X - iPod utility
2001-11-14: for RSS
2001-11-14: Be a Radio DJ on the Mac
2001-11-13: The "remains" on CANOE
2001-11-13: We'll never know the truth
2001-11-13: Expensive CDs
2001-11-13: - Instant Listening
2001-11-13: Didn't even know she was pregnant!
2001-11-12: Adults in Toyland
2001-11-12: iPod actually the Apple PDA?
2001-11-12: Woman Gets Life for Skinning Boyfriend
2001-11-12: Rambo vs. Bin Laden?
2001-11-12: Wil Wheaton loves detox gel
2001-11-12: Hands on with Office v. X: The Extras
2001-11-12: MacNN: iPod won't work on older PowerBooks
2001-11-12: Another plane crash in NYC
2001-11-11: bin laden admits he's responsible for 9/11 attacks
2001-11-11: November 11: Remembrance Day
2001-11-11: Anna auditions to be Bond girl
2001-11-11: Comments about the new Oilers Jersey from Edmontonians
2001-11-11: WestJet picking up people stranded by Canada 3000
2001-11-11: Canucks reacquire Trevor Linden
2001-11-11: Apple Set Top Box at Comdex?
2001-11-10: ARGH!
2001-11-10: Israel declares Microsoft a monopoly
2001-11-10: Scobleizer on corporate IM
2001-11-09: Scripting News
2001-11-09: PocketMac
2001-11-09: Rack mount your 15-inch Studio Display
2001-11-09: MacCentral on the stupid Maya article
2001-11-09: Only in America...
2001-11-09: McNealy is pissed off (and so am I)
2001-11-08: Stupid article about Maya
2001-11-08: Conyers criticizes baseball owners
2001-11-08: e.Digital hopes MXP 100 will compete with iPod
2001-11-08: Beatles TV gem resurfaces
2001-11-08: Bill Hunter's life a Wild ride
2001-11-08: Robot Dog 'Bugs' Inventor
2001-11-08: Currently Ranked 1,819
2001-11-08: Hunter inducted into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame
2001-11-08: I'm in!
2001-11-08: Aerie Networks now owns Ricochet
2001-11-08: Postal worker suspected he had anthrax
2001-11-08: DaveNet : You're free to think
2001-11-08: Spooky Jackson
2001-11-08: Tulip costume
2001-11-08: Using's Site Services
2001-11-07: New AIBO Robot
2001-11-07: People going back to dialup
2001-11-06: That car is too cool for school
2001-11-02: Original vs. Copy
2001-11-02: 802.11b and me
2001-11-01: Dumbya Bush Pushes Bioterrorism Treaty
2001-11-01: Groove shifts towards centralized model
2001-11-01: Holy Grail Special Edition DVD
2001-11-01: High-tech reload for Matrix
2001-11-01: Stronger cockpit doors 'dangerous'
2001-10-31: USAToday's Baig on Mac OS X
2001-10-31: Seth on Knowledge Management
2001-10-31: Too bizarre to be made up
2001-10-31: I rolled a car when I was 19
2001-10-31: Blork Blog
2001-10-30: Jumpin' jerseys!
2001-10-29: A proposal that won't help
2001-10-29: Sweet deal on RAM and Word/Entourage SE
2001-10-29: It's here!
2001-10-29: RE: Canadian shot dead in Kuwait
2001-10-29: Expos on the bubble?
2001-10-29: EchoStar to buy DirecTV
2001-10-29: MSN.what?
2001-10-29: Superheroes
2001-10-28: bye bye microsoft sf
2001-10-28: hardy har har
2001-10-27: The Modern-Retro way to buy a Modern-Retro jersey
2001-10-27: 'Modern retro'
2001-10-27: My picture on the Oilers site
2001-10-26: Oilers Third Jersey Revealed
2001-10-26: RE: Politics needs an upgrade
2001-10-25: MSN unblocked :-(
2001-10-25: Cisco VPN for Mac OS X
2001-10-25: Music in Kabul!
2001-10-25: LaunchBar for Mac OS X
2001-10-25: No more MSN!!!
2001-10-25: BANG!
2001-10-24: Yay! Chocolate Protects Against Heart Disease
2001-10-24: Sick of it
2001-10-23: RE: Letters
2001-10-23: iPod: Better luck next time
2001-10-23: Politics needs an upgrade
2001-10-22: Disney cartoon: downloading music is evil
2001-10-22: Novel Security Measures
2001-10-22: WOOgnl
2001-10-21: Becker's playing again
2001-10-21: Cherry does his bit to help youngsters
2001-10-19: [unsanity] Haxies
2001-10-19: Outliner IM
2001-10-19: Iron Monkey
2001-10-17: New non-Mac Apple hardware?
2001-10-16: Memo to American Muslim Leaders
2001-10-16: U.S. gave "rifles" to bin Laden
2001-10-16: Letters
2001-10-16: Office Move
2001-10-14: Apple Store in Palo Alto
2001-10-14: Scared out of my wits
2001-10-13: RE: NY refuses $10M donation from Saudi Prince
2001-10-13: Tummy ache
2001-10-11: NY refuses $10M donation from Saudi Prince
2001-10-11: Michigan legislator says use Macs
2001-10-11: Too free TV
2001-10-11: Fewer Canadians in NHL than ever
2001-10-11: Get well soon Dori
2001-10-11: Illegal Monopolist Microsoft to broadcast NHL games
2001-10-10: Canadian shot dead in Kuwait
2001-10-10: Image 460x300 pixels
2001-10-10: Canada sending a lot of gear to Central Asia
2001-10-10: Emmys May Go on at Military Base
2001-10-10: Groove deeper into Windows
2001-10-10: Freedoms Curtailed In Defense Of Liberty
2001-10-10: B&N affiliate program
2001-10-10: Mark fired for his weblog
2001-10-10: What Apple Cannot do if it wants to survive
2001-10-10: - Help us stop a great injustice!!!
2001-10-09: The Register
2001-10-09: ANN: Professional WebObjects 5.0 with Java
2001-10-09: Thanksgiving
2001-10-09: Today's Dilbert is interesting
2001-10-09: Malcolm on Politics
2001-10-08: PHB to Voice: shut up
2001-10-08: RE: Sweet 17
2001-10-08: Kursk Raised
2001-10-07: Luke Tymowski??
2001-10-06: Sweet 17
2001-10-06: Mail Server down...
2001-10-04: In Sherwood Park
2001-10-03: I'm going!!! (RE: Kurri, Gretz together again)
2001-10-01: Dreams can come true, even A911
2001-10-01: Happy Birthday Dad!
2001-09-30: 10.1 AppKit changes
2001-09-28: Donate Free Food
2001-09-28: Log -- David Chess
2001-09-28: Scripting News
2001-09-28: Land Of The Free?
2001-09-27: Webcams in Afghan
2001-09-27: Exodus Kaput
2001-09-26: Liberty Alliance
2001-09-26: 'Don't Kill' Rule Clarified...
2001-09-25: AppleScript
2001-09-25: G7 Says Will Freeze Terrorist Assets
2001-09-25: The Register
2001-09-25: Tired
2001-09-23: Mooove over rover
2001-09-22: Courage
2001-09-21: Save me!
2001-09-21: Whales once lived on land???
2001-09-21: Four American men removed from flight
2001-09-21: PM not offended by U.S. 'snub'
2001-09-21: Game stopped as speech shown
2001-09-21: Bill Maher
2001-09-20: This "war" has very little to do with terrorism
2001-09-20: OSX.1 on schedule
2001-09-20: I'm pissed off
2001-09-20: "an Inter-Client Communication platform"
2001-09-20: A punitive puppeteer?
2001-09-20: One day, two lost cities....
2001-09-20: URI fragment syntax
2001-09-19: Filling the Void
2001-09-19: worldlink: World Link Online
2001-09-18: The high price of disengagement
2001-09-18: TV's 'Mr. Dressup' dies following stroke
2001-09-18: stronger than ever
2001-09-18: Experts: War May Alienate Muslims
2001-09-18: rm -rf /bin/laden
2001-09-18: The Most Important Site on the Internet
2001-09-18: Iran won't back raid on Afghanistan
2001-09-18: Microsoft judge extends deadline
2001-09-17: Independent
2001-09-17: Apple donates $1M to families of rescue workers
2001-09-17: Index
2001-09-17: XML-RPC for ObjC
2001-09-16: Bush Seeks Normalcy, Urges U.S. to Be on Alert
2001-09-16: Welcome to ERights.Org
2001-09-16: Don't shoot the messenger
2001-09-16: No one relayed message to Pentagon
2001-09-16: hbwt: from my friends
2001-09-15: Gold, silver buried
2001-09-15: USA and Canada
2001-09-15: Avs Forsberg: not going to play
2001-09-15: SSSCA: Open Letter to Michael Eisner
2001-09-15: Mir Tamim Ansary on Afghanistan
2001-09-14: Wimbledon star drafted for service in Croatian army
2001-09-14: A View from up north...
2001-09-14: Scripting News
2001-09-14: The Flag
2001-09-14: N.Y. airport arrests a false alarm
2001-09-14: It's not over yet
2001-09-14: No passport, no ticket - no problem
2001-09-13: Skeptic's Dictionary: Nostradamus
2001-09-13: The Americans - by Gordon Sinclair
2001-09-13: View from abroad
2001-09-13: Planes above
2001-09-12: Thursby donates sales to American Red Cross
2001-09-12: 911 on 9/11
2001-09-11: Ace Bailey reportedly in one of hijacked planes
2001-09-11: Mayor Brown Declares State Of Emergency
2001-09-11: Apologies
2001-09-11: Q Daily News
2001-09-11: Give me a sign
2001-09-11: The iPaqineers are up for grabs
2001-09-11: Reality
2001-09-09: HomeStation
2001-09-08: Children Cause Earthquake
2001-09-08: Overloaded Merlin
2001-09-07: 1984/MS satire
2001-09-06: Koivu found with malignant cells
2001-09-05: SVG for OSX
2001-09-05: New XML-RPC for WebObjects
2001-09-04: The Hunger Site is back!
2001-09-04: Hewlett-Packard to buy Compaq
2001-09-04: Re: DKE's WO articles
2001-09-03: Busyness
2001-09-03: Ultrafast wireless
2001-09-02: Portola... wow
2001-09-02: Busy busy busy
2001-08-29: 200% price increase for AC licence?
2001-08-28: SF Bay 802.11b Access
2001-08-28: SQLGrinder
2001-08-28: Eartlink Mac support rocks
2001-08-27: MacInTouch: Mac whining, bitching and conspiracy
2001-08-27: Thank you Luke!
2001-08-26: Eeeets ah rayce!
2001-08-25: The WIRED Rave Awards 2001
2001-08-25: Who's in the fridge?
2001-08-25: New Scientist
2001-08-25: Workin'
2001-08-25: I know now!
2001-08-24: 6 years
2001-08-23: Microsoft has support from beyond
2001-08-23: Irvine Welsh pens the sequel to Trainspotting
2001-08-22: Lemieux expects to sit out quarter of season
2001-08-21: funny birds
2001-08-20: Be press release
2001-08-20: Re: The GPL
2001-08-20: AI tools for OSX
2001-08-20: @Home survival chances dim???
2001-08-20: Apple iPhoto Studio
2001-08-20: OSX Apps running right now
2001-08-19: Canada beats Russia for gold in tourney
2001-08-19: A beautiful Cube
2001-08-19: Get a towel, QUICK!!!
2001-08-19: Mummified Corpse Found in Alps May Be Japanese
2001-08-19: TB2 Pro 4 Mac OS X
2001-08-19: Mozilla tip
2001-08-18: OmniOutliner
2001-08-17: Too much adrenalin
2001-08-15: Pie 2
2001-08-14: Geocaching - The Official Global GPS Cache Hunt Site
2001-08-14: Microsoft denies Xbox glitch
2001-08-13: NASA Flies To Broadband Rescue
2001-08-13: Microsoft Office Keyboard
2001-08-13: A nation embarassed
2001-08-12: Windows, Windows Everywhere
2001-08-12: Why we fail
2001-08-12: 20 skewed years
2001-08-12: Black Mud
2001-08-10: U.S. slaps on hefty penalty on CDN lumber
2001-08-10: Another NetStruxr article
2001-08-09: DaveNet : Dinners on Two Coasts
2001-08-09: The Rise Of The 15-Year-Olds
2001-08-09: FBI chief Mueller lied to Senate
2001-08-09: .Net and hidden patents
2001-08-08: Gravitational Repulsion Effect Claimed
2001-08-08: Holding up the rear
2001-08-08: Spare seats in the house
2001-08-07: Web sites prey on rivals' stores
2001-08-07: London children not 'monsters'
2001-08-07: CHA to follow USA Hockey
2001-08-07: Transmogrify - A Java Refactoring Tool
2001-08-07: USA Hockey to practise throughout camp
2001-08-06: Multitasking counterproductive
2001-08-06: Yash gets his cash
2001-08-06: 15796 messages in Inbox
2001-08-06: Whooops
2001-08-05: Black and gold, new to old
2001-08-04: Looking to move
2001-08-04: What a joke
2001-08-04: Yahoo! News - Associated Press Photo
2001-08-04: Gillmor: Gov't should block XP
2001-08-04: Soy May Reduce Heart Risk Factors
2001-08-03: This is a bad sign...
2001-08-03: WebObjects book review
2001-08-02: Canada's Rocketman
2001-08-02: Bush Savors Victory on Energy Bill
2001-08-02: SPACEdirect review
2001-08-02: Indoor Soccer
2001-08-02: This New App Sounds Fishy
2001-08-02: I'm not paying $2.91 for that shake
2001-08-01: Webkool Homepage
2001-08-01: Vikings Tackle Korey Stringer Dies
2001-08-01: .com deaths slowing down
2001-08-01: Sony Cuts Prices on 'Memory Stick' Format
2001-08-01: MulleNewz
2001-08-01: GE CEO told NBC to call election?
2001-07-31: Don't Eat the Yellow Links
2001-07-31: House Votes to Ban Human Cloning
2001-07-31: The Hammer
2001-07-31: Microsoft Innovation at it again
2001-07-31: Silence
2001-07-31: Surpise of the Century (not)
2001-07-31: The Hunger Site
2001-07-31: More on TCO, and Zope/OpenACS, by Luke
2001-07-30: 'Code Red' Internet Worm May Hit Again Tuesday
2001-07-30: Some feedback regarding pushback
2001-07-30: TV satire sparks watchdog review
2001-07-30: Total Cost of Ownership
2001-07-30: Truce or dare
2001-07-30: Daily Archive: 30 July 2001
2001-07-30: Old stuff, new stuff
2001-07-30: All done!
2001-07-30: Epic video-game war brewing
2001-07-30: IKEA instinct
2001-07-29: Speed up OS X now
2001-07-29: Copyright Reform Process
2001-07-28: Talking Moose : Brand This!
2001-07-28: Boy Scouts Destroy Dinosaur Tracks
2001-07-28: Palm reading... empty
2001-07-27: Nigerian girl arrested over 'cult killings'
2001-07-27: Fight Club is Calvin and Hobbes grown up?
2001-07-27: Multiple Icon Sizes in MacOS X
2001-07-27: Microsoft, Red Hat argue open source
2001-07-26: One battered, but no longer stolen TiBook
2001-07-26: Cigarette Exec Apologizes for Report
2001-07-26: RE: The Flangy News
2001-07-26: SAML apps before their time?
2001-07-25: With a click of your mouse, beer to your house
2001-07-25: Wireless Firms Urge U.S. Pay $4-5 Bln to NextWave
2001-07-25: US rejects germ warfare plan
2001-07-25: No practising!
2001-07-24: B.C. Liberals Are Promising A New Era Of Prosperity
2001-07-24: Protesters storm B.C. legislature
2001-07-24: Back Button battling
2001-07-24: more about G8 death
2001-07-24: Death to David Coursey
2001-07-24: Coke Machine Accidents
2001-07-24: ticket=lol
2001-07-24: Oilers vs. Coyotes, October 6, 2001
2001-07-24: Hypertransport? Consortium
2001-07-24: Senator Demands Changes in XP
2001-07-24: AOL Readies 'Magic Carpet'
2001-07-24: Doc Who?
2001-07-24: Northeast fireball likely a meteor
2001-07-24: Seattle Adopts Kyoto Limits, Scolds Bush
2001-07-24: Blackadder Back & Forth
2001-07-24: Adobe Folds!
2001-07-23: coolbase - a cooltown platform
2001-07-23: 10.1 movies
2001-07-23: KODAK: DX3600 Zoom Digital Camera
2001-07-23: The Register
2001-07-23: Weblogging: Another Kind of Website
2001-07-23: The Limits Of Credibility
2001-07-23: Protests at Adobe HQ this morning
2001-07-23: Anna Kournikova-Federov
2001-07-23: Monks to Lift Century-Old Curse
2001-07-23: PalmARM
2001-07-23: Teoma Search
2001-07-23: What If Napster Was the Answer?
2001-07-23: disgusting carabinieri
2001-07-23: Birds
2001-07-22: The Flangy News
2001-07-22: Welcome to OGNL!
2001-07-22: Stuffit Express 1.1 ships for Mac OS X
2001-07-20: Lendl admitted to Tennis Hall of Fame
2001-07-20: How to bury an important article
2001-07-20: FirstClass for OS X
2001-07-20: Protester Killed in Anti-G8 Rioting
2001-07-19: Damphousse says it's not up to players to control salary cap
2001-07-19: Dialpad for OS X
2001-07-19: Metallica singer enters rehab
2001-07-19: The Register
2001-07-19: The Lowedown on Lindros
2001-07-19: MS two faced over Java, same old tricks
2001-07-19: XP Product Activation sux
2001-07-19: Halcyon Software, Inc. Announces a .NET Implementation for Mac OS X
2001-07-19: The Isolation of John McCain
2001-07-19: Giant Food Parent to Acquire Online Grocer
2001-07-19: Microsoft blinks
2001-07-19: Boycott Adobe
2001-07-19: Rumour has Oiler fans surprised
2001-07-18: FairTax in the Hoooouuuuussssse
2001-07-18: Sonnet | Products
2001-07-18: Sick: Philip Morris helped Czech finances
2001-07-18: Apple supports SOAP and XML-RPC in Mac OS X
2001-07-18: 2 hours of sleep wasted for what?
2001-07-18: Oilers Said to Have Acquired Rights to Flyers' Lindros
2001-07-18: @store digitalHipps
2001-07-18: No deal reached for Lindros
2001-07-17: Details on Mac OS X 10.1
2001-07-17: ODBC SDK update out for Mac OS Classic, Mac OS X
2001-07-17: The Register
2001-07-17: Apple Third Quarter As Expected
2001-07-17: Hack the Planet Prime: too many secrets
2001-07-17: Your freedom is slipping away...
2001-07-16: Hot News - Calgary Academy
2001-07-16: 4,709 canisters of tear gas
2001-07-16: Plasma containment fields
2001-07-16: Sun, AOL prep corporate instant messaging
2001-07-16: The Fat That Is Not on Food Labels
2001-07-16: Down to a science
2001-07-15: TN 2027: How to write a JDBC Plugin (With Example)
2001-07-15: WWDC 2001 DVDs are way too expensive
2001-07-15: WebDAV filewriter for Frontier
2001-07-15: Women's Tennis == $$$
2001-07-15: Agassi + Graf = Whoaaa
2001-07-15: Oilers sign Jani Rita to multi-year contract
2001-07-15: Pyramids could have been built with kites
2001-07-15: Distributed membership and preferences
2001-07-15: NBA recognizes Goran's dedication
2001-07-15: Mail.crap
2001-07-14: DOJ Says Rein in Microsoft Soon
2001-07-14: Ducklings in Trouble, Mother Calls the Police
2001-07-13: News: The war over 802.11x security
2001-07-13: Elderly Man Licking Wounds After Cat Attack
2001-07-13: Napster reaches agreements with Dr. Dre, Metallica
2001-07-13: Olympic glory for Beijing
2001-07-13: 10 hours lost to a mere 6 characters
2001-07-12: Womble
2001-07-12: Google & Mozilla
2001-07-12: Yahoo - Online Report Cards Draw High Marks
2001-07-12: Discovering WebObjects tutorial
2001-07-12: IE-free Windows. LOL
2001-07-12: Millions watch fantasy final
2001-07-12: Disadvantage, Women [tennis players] (bah)
2001-07-12: Enterprise!
2001-07-12: Senate Votes to Bar Drilling
2001-07-12: BEA to acquire Crossgain
2001-07-11: Standards group ignites common-code war
2001-07-11: Coalition Wants Marriage Amendment
2001-07-10: Getting blood from a stone
2001-07-10: Way too many Goran Links
2001-07-09: Mozilla wins
2001-07-09: Shark Victim May Have Brain Damage
2001-07-09: GPL'd .NET
2001-07-09: Blank wins Wimbledon
2001-07-08: Ivanisevic Beats Henman in Men's Semi
2001-07-08: Zeitgeist
2001-07-08: Goran Wins!
2001-07-08: Against the law
2001-07-08: The Holy Grail rereleased
2001-07-08: Driving Range and exercise rooms
2001-07-08: Thus We Exist
2001-07-07: The Evil Empire - Microsoft News
2001-07-07: Suck: Re-Runs
2001-07-07: Gamewatch: Henman v Ivanisevic
2001-07-07: Bob Clarke Sucks (.com)
2001-07-07: Mozilla 0.9.2 for OS X
2001-07-06: Apple recalls PowerBook G3 AC adapters
2001-07-05: OS X drivers for Lucent WaveLan
2001-07-05: Word + Entourage SE
2001-07-04: Crappy Tire
2001-07-04: I don't like the Tennis Williams
2001-07-04: A bunch of tennis links
2001-07-03: Tampa uses cameras to scan for wanted faces
2001-07-03: Oni Central: Oni Key Configuration
2001-07-03: Short is Glick
2001-07-03: Charting a Sustainable Course
2001-07-03: Who is "viral" now?
2001-07-03: Capriati reaches semis
2001-07-03: Mozilla 0.9.2
2001-07-03: Darkness approaches
2001-07-03: Scientist Says Mind Continues After Brain Dies
2001-07-02: Ivanisevic Advances to Quarterfinal
2001-07-02: San Francisco ZOO
2001-07-02: Canada Day 2001
2001-07-01: The Tech
2001-06-29: Goran wins!
2001-06-29: KnowNow Whatchamacallit
2001-06-29: Net outage again
2001-06-28: Monterey Bay Aquarium
2001-06-28: Court Reverses Breakup of Microsoft
2001-06-27: Whiter #metaXYZ?
2001-06-27: Routers down
2001-06-27: Alcatraz
2001-06-26: Year 3 begins
2001-06-25: Thank you Dad
2001-06-25: Hingis stunned
2001-06-25: .NET CLR coming to an OS near you?
2001-06-24: Ales Hemsky, 1st round pick
2001-06-23: Birth of a Thinking Machine
2001-06-23: OOD applied to web applications
2001-06-22: F-Script update
2001-06-22: Finished reading WebObjects book
2001-06-21: Microsoft EULA stokes crusade
2001-06-21: O! Canada Gets Fast Interactive
2001-06-21: QA1039 - Using HFS file types with NSDocumentController
2001-06-21: MS masters NC mind-set
2001-06-21: The bus system here sucks
2001-06-20: Netscape Denies Browser Escape
2001-06-20: Kurri, Gretz together again
2001-06-20: GPS speeding tickets
2001-06-19: 'Cheers' Actors Settle Suit
2001-06-19: Darkworld
2001-06-19: G550
2001-06-19: Mesa
2001-06-19: TidBITS: WebObjects: WO Is Me, Part 1
2001-06-19: An Interview with the Authors of Learning Cocoa
2001-06-18: BayXP Meeting on Wednesday
2001-06-18: Unit tests for legacy code
2001-06-18: The Null Flag bug pattern
2001-06-18: JUnit
2001-06-18: HBWT mail list
2001-06-18: Request for Information: IRC for a dev team
2001-06-18: Misinformationsoft
2001-06-18: QuickTime, Inc
2001-06-17: Mail servers down
2001-06-17: How embarassing...
2001-06-17: Tooooooomb Raider
2001-06-17: Two stage haircut
2001-06-16: Finn-tastic!
2001-06-15: peanut gallery
2001-06-15: Microsoft Settles with Company to Use Xbox Name
2001-06-15: No more mailto:s
2001-06-14: Download WebObjects 5 trial version
2001-06-14: eBay University
2001-06-14: Metafilter gone from
2001-06-14: Software Methods and Tools
2001-06-14: Quote of the day
2001-06-13: The new iMac?
2001-06-13: AppleScript in a Nutshell
2001-06-13: McFarlane Oilers jersey?
2001-06-13: Late night, good feeling
2001-06-12: Validity
2001-06-12: Mission Accomplished
2001-06-11: Advance!!!
2001-06-11: Microsoft Tries To Get TOO Smart
2001-06-10: Finally! Bourque gets hands on Stanley Cup
2001-06-09: on the railroad
2001-06-07: Discuss is gone
2001-06-07: Quaker Valley teachers, students get an Apple
2001-06-06: The Java Renaissance
2001-06-06: Hooooooooo!
2001-06-05: What next?
2001-06-04: WebObjects book
2001-06-03: A weird day of twos
2001-06-01: Bush gives $43M to Taliban
2001-05-31: FBI will have to wait
2001-05-31: What's Wrong with EJB 2
2001-05-31: Last day to vote for WO!
2001-05-30: Too damn hot
2001-05-30: OS X Up-To-Date
2001-05-29: Only Windows users can use
2001-05-29: Cocoa: The Mac's Greatest Asset
2001-05-29: Sunday's MOSR
2001-05-28: Overnight Illustrator
2001-05-28: Sid - OS X Weblog Client for Conversant
2001-05-27: Vote for WebObjects!
2001-05-27: Unwired in Silicon Valley
2001-05-27: SourceForge: Project Info - wotonomy
2001-05-27: Living in a van...
2001-05-27: Increased productivity with faster Macs
2001-05-27: Maple Syrup
2001-05-27: Cold
2001-05-26: OmniWeb licensed
2001-05-26: XMLRPC-J now BSD OSS
2001-05-25: MacNN is back
2001-05-25: Free LCD monitors
2001-05-25: WWDC Session 605: Moving to WebObjects 5
2001-05-25: WWDC Session 609: Developing Desktop Applications with WebObjects
2001-05-24: WWDC Session 608: Solutions with WebObjects
2001-05-24: Democrats Control Senate As Republican Quits
2001-05-24: Largest release of open source WO objects
2001-05-23: My WWDC day
2001-05-22: WWDC 2001
2001-05-22: 1394b
2001-05-22: XML-RPC for WebObjects update
2001-05-22: Cocoa rocks, Carbon... doesn't
2001-05-21: SOIL
2001-05-21: Apple Introduces Mac OS X Server
2001-05-21: Apple Ships Java-Based WebObjects 5
2001-05-20: He killed my Dwarf!
2001-05-18: The Wild History of Rollerblades
2001-05-18: Omni Group to showcase OS X games at WWDC
2001-05-18: New Rollerblades
2001-05-18: Quantum-light processor
2001-05-17: Misinformation and Scare Tactics
2001-05-17: GlyphiX 2 on May 28th
2001-05-17: Campbell's election wish list contains more than 200 promises
2001-05-17: Intel Unveils New Wireless Chip Technology
2001-05-17: RE: BC Votes May 16th
2001-05-17: NHL lottery passes buck
2001-05-17: Cocoa training in Atlanta
2001-05-17: X, OUR way. Petition
2001-05-17: Mac OS X Tips
2001-05-16: Makes a Lotto sense
2001-05-16: Kids and Open Source Software
2001-05-16: Apple's Retail home page
2001-05-14: This is hilarious
2001-05-14: Microsoft Acknowledges Secret Code In Software
2001-05-14: SF Zoo
2001-05-14: Nokia to use Linux system
2001-05-12: TV working again
2001-05-11: Frontier for OS X screenshot
2001-05-10: Apple planning for Son of Newton?
2001-05-10: Plua
2001-05-10: Caldera to introduce modified open-source license
2001-05-09: Conserve Power -- send less e-mail
2001-05-09: Mom, Dad, and NIBS
2001-05-09: RE: Fewer wired homes
2001-05-09: Blindfolded
2001-05-09: UK scientists develop tractor beam
2001-05-08: Unix is Macintosh?
2001-05-08: Jabber
2001-05-08: Canada ranks fourth in e-readiness
2001-05-08: Survivors of the downturn
2001-05-08: Fewer wired homes
2001-05-08: Looking back at PASBC
2001-05-08: Apple Store in McLean, VA
2001-05-08: OmniWeb 4.0
2001-05-07: Parasite May Have Infected Hundreds in Canada
2001-05-06: Create Docklings for OS X
2001-05-06: Gretzky back on the blades
2001-05-06: zKnowMan
2001-05-06: Flurry : An alternative to Hailstorm
2001-05-05: Cocoa and ObjC on O'Reilly
2001-05-05: Vote for WebObjects
2001-05-05: ZDNet crap
2001-05-05: Linus Replies
2001-05-04: Raining Frogs?
2001-05-03: Coppers giving Oilers big boost
2001-05-02: TRON Deadly Discs
2001-05-02: Fetch for OS X
2001-05-01: Jobs pic with new iBook
2001-05-01: OmniWeb: Release Notes
2001-05-01: The Hip to take part in Barilko ceremony
2001-05-01: bump: space age madness
2001-05-01: The new iBook
2001-05-01: 23,000 iBooks for Henrico County
2001-05-01: Akira Videogame
2001-05-01: RE: New XML-RPC for Java
2001-04-30: A closer look at SOAP
2001-04-30: Living an "Office Space" moment...
2001-04-30: US drops investigation against GM
2001-04-30: CamWorld: Thinking Outside the Box
2001-04-30: Not out to lunch, back to rabbit food.
2001-04-30: Spectra 1.5 last feature additive release
2001-04-30: New XML-RPC for Java
2001-04-29: Millionaire Embarks on Joy Ride in Space
2001-04-29: Second sight
2001-04-29: British Accents in France
2001-04-29: All the president's businessmen
2001-04-29: SAP DB Sources
2001-04-29: Canada 5, Norway zip
2001-04-29: Mobile Music
2001-04-27: RD Quotes
2001-04-27: Mac OS Rumors - Many Bothans died to get this server running.
2001-04-27: Quiet
2001-04-26: Whole lotta movies
2001-04-25: Web Applications as Java Servlets
2001-04-25: The Enterprise Dream Team
2001-04-25: RE: OPML sucks the big one
2001-04-23: Tornado
2001-04-23: US to collect tax for EU
2001-04-23: Exploit devastates WinNT/2K security
2001-04-22: XML-RPC bottleneck
2001-04-22: MetaFilter is #1
2001-04-22: Oilers lose, Jim very sad
2001-04-21: LiveJournal
2001-04-21: I never thought I'd read this
2001-04-20: Cesspools and eyeballs
2001-04-20: Blow the Whistle, Damnit!
2001-04-20: OSX at last!
2001-04-19: Apple ships their 5 millionth iMac
2001-04-19: Apple acknowledges Lombard/Mac OS X problem
2001-04-19: ArsDigita sues Philip Greenspun
2001-04-19: BC Votes May 16th
2001-04-19: Edmonton has a new hero in as talk of upsetting Dallas grows
2001-04-18: The kid is all right!
2001-04-18: Synergetic Intelligence with XML-RPC
2001-04-18: Space.dock
2001-04-18: The Robot With the Mind of an Eel
2001-04-18: Mac OS X at last
2001-04-17: DigiScents RIP
2001-04-17: This hour has 26 minutes
2001-04-17: Tax-reform drive building up steam
2001-04-16: Sarnoff to Commercialize Mini Spy-Camera Technology
2001-04-16: To the rest of the country
2001-04-16: NIBS at last
2001-04-16: How the Blogger Deal Happened
2001-04-15: Scottish Soccer Hooligans Weekly
2001-04-15: Game 3, in Edmonton
2001-04-14: Creativity Dial at 10
2001-04-14: A real hero
2001-04-14: WUSA begins today
2001-04-14: Earthquake in DC
2001-04-13: OS X 10.0.1 available
2001-04-13: Darwin/x86
2001-04-13: WWDC 2001 WebObjects Sessions
2001-04-12: Investment Advisor to Read News Naked
2001-04-12: 3rd time lucky?
2001-04-11: Game 1: Edmonton Oilers vs. Dallas Stars
2001-04-11: The Ecology of Commerce
2001-04-11: IE 6 Switches to Standards
2001-04-11: XML-RPC Interfaces
2001-04-11: VPC for Windows
2001-04-11: Sig Software - Drop Drawers
2001-04-11: Handspring, Palm extend licensing
2001-04-11: Officiating in Hockey - Day Four
2001-04-11: News: Microsoft picks FireWire over USB
2001-04-11: 1st Canadian spacewalker on Endeavour
2001-04-10: Mastercard threatens rec.humor.funny
2001-04-10: The Big Nerd Ranch Experience
2001-04-10: The CEO's Corner - E-News Intro from Issue 17
2001-04-10: Typical PC garbage
2001-04-10: Hogan angry over 'Dundee 3' credit
2001-04-10: iServices - Technical Training price increase
2001-04-10: Udell on Mozilla
2001-04-10: Beware of Installers bearing package (Part II)
2001-04-10: MacInTouch Reader Reports: ComputerWare closes
2001-04-09: Fusion Juggler Radio
2001-04-09: No SSN, no problem
2001-04-08: MacSlash | For Those Who Think There Are No OS X Apps
2001-04-08: 3d videoconferencing
2001-04-08: Fusion Juggler
2001-04-07: Modern boys and mobile girls
2001-04-07: Finally online at home
2001-04-06: The Curse of NT
2001-04-05: argh
2001-04-05: 'C-3PO' finds Star Wars II 'confusing'
2001-04-05: Blackadder on DVD!
2001-04-05: Days 6 & 7: Arriving and unpacking
2001-04-03: Day 4 & 5: Driving and more Driving
2001-04-01: Day 3: Mission Accomplished
2001-03-31: Day 3: Moooving Day!
2001-03-31: Day 2: Get a truck and start removing stuff
2001-03-30: RE: Day 1: Back to Victoria
2001-03-29: Day 1: Back to Victoria
2001-03-28: My hellish week starts tomorrow.
2001-03-28: Conversant has XML-RPC
2001-03-27: FireWire in, USB 2 out
2001-03-27: Can not compute
2001-03-26: EVHEAD!: Essay
2001-03-26: Where's Jimbo?
2001-03-26: Red Superman
2001-03-26: Use a Spam, Go to Prison
2001-03-25: Sonoma
2001-03-24: OSX Launch Party
2001-03-23: Only engineering positions open, apparently
2001-03-23: Canadian Olympic Hockey
2001-03-23: Sorry guys
2001-03-23: Spring Break sucks
2001-03-23: All your signage...
2001-03-21: Mac OS X Hits Stores This Weekend
2001-03-21: Bill's not so excellent adventure
2001-03-21: Re: All your bugs are belong to us
2001-03-21: New Cocoa site
2001-03-21: Mir News
2001-03-20: Re: All your bugs are belong to us
2001-03-20: twin boys, jim and bexley
2001-03-20: Pay the W.E.P. tax to get Entourage
2001-03-20: Palm Products: Palm m505 Handheld
2001-03-20: Yahoo! Groups : webwide
2001-03-19: HailStorm
2001-03-19: Homeless in SF
2001-03-19: util.concurrent Release 1.3.0
2001-03-19: All your bugs are belong to us
2001-03-18: Bush Targets Russia Nuclear Programs for Cuts (
2001-03-18: First SF Album
2001-03-17: Apartment Hunting
2001-03-17: No Mountain for you!
2001-03-16: Java's threading problems
2001-03-16: Dinner
2001-03-16: My Big News
2001-03-15: DKE\ :-)
2001-03-15: I've been Winerlogized!
2001-03-14: Big news
2001-03-13: SF
2001-03-12: [ANN] XML-RPC Library for WebObjects 4.5
2001-03-12: Mac OS X 10.0
2001-03-12: wotonomy: Overview
2001-03-11: Drool factor five
2001-03-10: ADC Seed
2001-03-10: yuck
2001-03-09: Mom and Dad are not impressed
2001-03-09: Compaq's Web Language
2001-03-09: Earthquake As Artist --- Photos from Gaelic Wolf Consulting
2001-03-09: Love Letter from the CEO
2001-03-09: Now you see it now your don't!
2001-03-09: Web services : The Web services (r)evolution
2001-03-09: WSDL and UDDI on the SOAP list
2001-03-09: New Origami Trick: Turn Paper Into a Functional Phone
2001-03-09: Greymatter
2001-03-09: Microsoft's Hailstorm to hit
2001-03-08: Adobe Acrobat Viewer
2001-03-08: The Grid: The Next-Gen Internet?
2001-03-08: A skeptic's look at C#
2001-03-08: Radio UserLand : Download
2001-03-08: SOAP archives -- March 2001 (#130)
2001-03-07: Welcome
2001-03-07: Apple - Ads - Rip. Mix. Burn.
2001-03-07: OurFavoriteSongs.Root
2001-03-07: Mac OS X Released to Manufacturing
2001-03-07: FTP hijacking
2001-03-07: Sun aims at peer-to-peer search with acquisition
2001-03-07: U.S. Will Not Adjust 2000 Census Figures
2001-03-06: Use the force
2001-03-06: iMacAquarium
2001-03-06: PowerBook 5300/190 Upgrade Program Details
2001-03-06: Pig Latin Encryption to Defeat RIAA
2001-03-06: Get a clue
2001-03-05: Frontier book sold
2001-03-05: Half Price Computer Books: Book Information for 1565923839
2001-03-05: TrekToday - Exclusive: Full Series V Character List
2001-03-05: OpenMail
2001-03-04: The LinuxBIOS Home Page
2001-03-04: Macworld: OS X Beta Diary: What to Expect When You're Expecting
2001-03-04: BC LIONS - Lui Passaglia
2001-03-04: SnapMail
2001-03-04: Fax It Up, Scotty
2001-03-03: WSDL for Radio UserLand
2001-03-03: Why WSDL?
2001-03-03: Taleban says most of ancient Buddhas destroyed
2001-03-03: Group finds extensive problems in U.S. health care
2001-03-03: Object-Oriented Programming and the Objective-C Language
2001-03-03: the Design Experience
2001-03-03: My IMDb
2001-03-03: Seventh Heaven
2001-03-03: MacWEEK, MacCentral to Consolidate
2001-03-03: Saloooo, Saloooo, Saloooo
2001-03-03: Kawasaki cools down attacks of turning 'blue'
2001-03-03: XML Sucks! Fork You! No! Fork Yourself!
2001-03-02: Sources: Soft spots remain in Apple's new OS
2001-03-02: Protege-2000
2001-03-02: - Sci-Tech - Space - NASA pulls plug on space shuttle successor - March 2, 2001
2001-03-02: RIP Napster
2001-03-02: The GNU GPL and the American Way
2001-03-02: - a journal
2001-03-01: I'm glad I reminded him :-)
2001-03-01: Designweenie
2001-03-01: Fleury enters substance abuse program
2001-03-01: Top Stories at
2001-03-01: Thirteen dead in rail tragedy
2001-02-28: Initial version of OS X to lack some 'goodies'
2001-02-28: Apple evangelist makes IBM move
2001-02-28: EARTHQUAKE!
2001-02-28: What a tangled web I weave...
2001-02-27: openadaptor
2001-02-27: The Relentless March of Computer Abstraction
2001-02-27: IBM's rack-mounted PCs
2001-02-27: Dive Into Python
2001-02-27: Fizzilla
2001-02-27: Berard ends comeback attempt
2001-02-27: Envelope/Letter patterns from the 20th century ;-)
2001-02-27: In the Beginning was the Command Line
2001-02-27: 75,000 sudden citizens
2001-02-27: Death of Newton + 3
2001-02-27: 18,536 Links
2001-02-27: Canada 'miracle' baby survives subzero night outside
2001-02-27: FairTunes founder's weblog
2001-02-27: Injury ref's fault: Clarke
2001-02-27: Atom Optics Technologies Could Be Phenomenal, UA Theorist Says
2001-02-26: PlanetMUG - an Online Community for Computer Users
2001-02-26: OILERS 3, Stars 2, OT
2001-02-26: mail down again
2001-02-25: Devon outbreak 'nightmare scenario'
2001-02-25: A science fair's teachable moment
2001-02-25: OOP Criticism
2001-02-25: That's one big-ass RDF yer packin!
2001-02-25: F-Script for Mac OS X
2001-02-25: Not Happy
2001-02-25: Philosophy of the Worst
2001-02-25: calebos : friday
2001-02-24: Revolution
2001-02-24: Bionic Eyes for Everyone
2001-02-24: CNS Electronic HelpDesk - Unix Help
2001-02-24: What I found out on OS X
2001-02-24: Big Blue backs off digital tagging plan
2001-02-24: Hockey Day in Canada
2001-02-24: Apple LiveStagePro?
2001-02-24: Find Page
2001-02-24: Random drug tests for NBA, NHL players
2001-02-24: splorp . blog
2001-02-24: Dori the Wise
2001-02-24: New OSX Details
2001-02-24: Google Search: chasing down the dawn
2001-02-24: Moneydance
2001-02-24: 2001.02.23
2001-02-24: Visiting the iMac in Cupertino
2001-02-23: Q209354 - HOWTO
2001-02-23: FW: An Important Announcement to Driveway Users
2001-02-22: I[heart]2SMRK4U
2001-02-22: Star Wars Lego Links
2001-02-22: Sell-out crowd welcomes Gretzky as owner -
2001-02-22: Another pic of Cyan :-)
2001-02-21: Aeron Chairs
2001-02-21: Groove, again
2001-02-21: She's 3!
2001-02-21: Well, I'll be Damned
2001-02-21: The FIX protocol Organization
2001-02-21: email responder
2001-02-21: Rootless XFree On Mac OS X
2001-02-20: Hack the Planet Photos
2001-02-19: Books Books Books!
2001-02-18: mail back up (I think)
2001-02-18: EDInternet Framework
2001-02-18: Java to HTML converter (Freeware)
2001-02-18: email down again
2001-02-18: many miles later...
2001-02-16: Wes
2001-02-15: mail server down
2001-02-14: Makes me grin
2001-02-13: KnowNow
2001-02-12: blog in 60 minutes
2001-02-12: Google acquires Deja
2001-02-11: This is really saddening
2001-02-11: John Poutine
2001-02-11: WO 4.5 Quick Reference PDF
2001-02-10: Don't link to pages inside the Apple Store
2001-02-10: Objective-C XML-RPC
2001-02-09: Google indexes PDF
2001-02-08: Tales of WO
2001-02-08: RE: webobjects-newbies
2001-02-08: 5pm
2001-02-08: webobjects-newbies
2001-02-07: Falling Paradigms
2001-02-07: Snatch
2001-02-07: My old homepage
2001-02-07: Clueful Consulting
2001-02-07: Updated EOAdaptors
2001-02-06: Apple Alters Mac OS X in Latest Builds
2001-02-06: The One Hundred Dollar Advantage
2001-02-06: WebObjects and the Dell Website
2001-02-06: wolf's Tale of WO
2001-02-06: Bruce Eckel's books
2001-02-05: The Tragically Hip
2001-02-04: NHL All-Star Game TODAY
2001-02-03: Akira
2001-02-03: Mass privacy-violation
2001-02-03: macosx-talk is funnnny
2001-02-02: America adopting Metric system
2001-02-02: "Random CVS notes"
2001-02-02: Pay for your weblog
2001-02-02: "but i'm not dead yet"
2001-02-02: United States Patent: 6,031,537
2001-02-01: No more free lunches!
2001-02-01: Tog hates the Dock
2001-02-01: Governments fiddle as hockey fires burn
2001-02-01: xml.rss.renderJustLikeConversant
2001-02-01: Steve's first WO night
2001-02-01: WO, baby
2001-01-31: PowerPoint's fatal weakness
2001-01-31: openadaptor
2001-01-31: MacWEEK: A new era for WebObjects
2001-01-30: RE: Install Day
2001-01-30: Install Day
2001-01-30: Magnetic Poetry for your Computer
2001-01-30: Atlanta_SmartCity
2001-01-30: - News
2001-01-30: SEGA Dreamcast
2001-01-30: OUT OF BRAINS
2001-01-29: MacNN Review: Oni
2001-01-29: AIM URLs
2001-01-29: Oh My God
2001-01-28: Miracle Duke over Maryland
2001-01-28: Newton ATA Project
2001-01-26: Completely Shameless
2001-01-26: They put the Trix in the Matrix
2001-01-26: HotJava 3.0 for MacOS
2001-01-25: Funeral home director discovers live woman in body bag
2001-01-25: iTunes
2001-01-25: The Register
2001-01-25: Dance Dance Revolution
2001-01-25: SFGate on Bush Babies
2001-01-24: Man on the Moooooon
2001-01-22: A cold, hard numbers game
2001-01-22: Gone in 60 Seconds
2001-01-20: The Two-Way SoapBox
2001-01-19: Hello
2001-01-18: Bank of Canada governor presents new $10 notes
2001-01-17: Fear Uncertainty and Doubt
2001-01-17: Apple Reports First Quarter Results
2001-01-17: Virtual workspaces for Mac OS X
2001-01-16: Macromedia and Allaire to Merge
2001-01-16: Red Wings plane makes emergency landing
2001-01-16: What else does it do?
2001-01-15: Pre-Adolescent net-addicts
2001-01-15: Mozilla 0.7/Mac
2001-01-15: Postscript and Quartz
2001-01-15: RE: Sony Infostick
2001-01-15: Turning the Frontier to Carbon : I
2001-01-15: Blue X shirt
2001-01-14: Police arrest teen for obscene Web site
2001-01-13: NSToolbar - Customize the Finder
2001-01-13: Sony Infostick
2001-01-13: Blogging StorTroopers (& Friends)
2001-01-13: I'm a hacker
2001-01-12: Visual QuickStart books online
2001-01-12: First Nation of hockey?
2001-01-12: Why McDonald
2001-01-12: Big Blue introduces no-tech notebook
2001-01-11: Defacements by OS
2001-01-11: Historic Transatlantic SOAP Call
2001-01-11: TiBook
2001-01-11: IE's future uncertain (sic)
2001-01-11: A test of Apple's mettle
2001-01-11: Garfinkel: Slow, ugly and irrelevant
2001-01-11: WO00075001A1.tif Page 45
2001-01-11: Mac OS X Server gets updated quietly
2001-01-11: Site
2001-01-11: Outlook 2001 for Mac
2001-01-11: La-Z-Boy e-cliner.
2001-01-10: What Is 'IT'?
2001-01-10: WebObjects 4.5.1 on Mac OS X
2001-01-10: Apple - iDVD
2001-01-09: Keynote news on Slashdot
2001-01-09: QuickTime Media Skins
2001-01-09: xmlhack
2001-01-09: Web Services Toolkit
2001-01-08: External CD-RW, iMusic for older Macs
2001-01-08: SoundJam and iMusic
2001-01-08: Sad News
2001-01-08: Project-M
2001-01-08: Easy as Apple Pie - Spec commercial
2001-01-08: I Can't Stop Thinking! #5
2001-01-08: Faves?
2001-01-08: Saddam
2001-01-07: The latest on CPRM
2001-01-07: Explaining the marriage of SOAP and RSS
2001-01-07: MuchMario
2001-01-07: Treadmill
2001-01-06: Mac OS X Gold Screenshot?
2001-01-06: MegaTokyo
2001-01-06: SoundBlaster Live! for Mac
2001-01-05: The KillerApp Co.
2001-01-05: Sony denies takeover bid of Apple
2001-01-05: FirstClass upgraded
2001-01-05: BigShow
2001-01-05: CBC Sports Online: The Instigator
2001-01-05: WinPlus
2001-01-05: Media Attacker
2001-01-05: Virtual PC 4.0 upgrade
2001-01-05: VB.NOT?
2001-01-04: Copy protection in TVs
2001-01-04: Re: Desktop Websites DaveNet
2001-01-04: Darwin Awards
2001-01-04: Countermeasures
2001-01-04: Aqua and XFree86
2001-01-04: Shockwave Flash buffer overflow
2001-01-04: CamWorld rox the box
2001-01-03: Atimi Software - The Macintosh Experts
2001-01-03: ZDNet: Consilient, Inc. Consilient Full Review
2001-01-03: MWSF: Zapwerk to debut OS X Web publishing tool
2001-01-03: Upcoming 3D interactivity glove to have OS X support
2001-01-03: Help Make Blogger Go Faster!
2001-01-03: The Times
2001-01-03: Goalie gets a goal
2001-01-03: Paul Andrews H Y P O D E R M I A : Our National Nightmare -- Time to Impeach
2001-01-02: Morphon Screenshots
2001-01-02: Steve Burns To Leave
2001-01-02: HardCore Gym
2001-01-01: onires
2001-01-01: ihahhacked.gif 714x605 pixels
2001-01-01: Cyan said the coolest thing...
2001-01-01: HNYiP!
2000-12-31: Lemieux, Jagr reach milestones
2000-12-30: Comrie signs 3-year contract with Oilers
2000-12-30: Is W a robot?
2000-12-30: RE: Pliant - next generation language
2000-12-30: Pliant - next generation language
2000-12-30: MacCPU cafe: Newer TECH has closed the doors
2000-12-30: Oni fini
2000-12-29: Slower Than Its Predecessor: Pentium 4
2000-12-29: Bush isn't Microsoft's white knight
2000-12-29: The Village Voice: Nation: The Five Worst Republican Outrages
2000-12-29: Dean and Nigel blend in!
2000-12-28: WirelessDevNet
2000-12-28: Cascades [Science, Technology, Fun]
2000-12-28: Bluetooth Weblog
2000-12-28: Mario super in his return
2000-12-28: Super Mario
2000-12-27: Super Smash Bros.
2000-12-27: Cheryl hates my computers
2000-12-26: Sceptre: D98A CRT Monitor
2000-12-26: Office 2001 for Mac Full of Surprises
2000-12-26: Gunman kills seven workers at Internet firm's office
2000-12-26: Cosmos returns
2000-12-25: How the Grinch Captured the Flag
2000-12-25: Merry Christmas!
2000-12-22: Dumbass web page of the day
2000-12-22: Patriot Computers goes bankrupt
2000-12-22: Apple preps German developers for OS X
2000-12-22: copy protection in every hard drive
2000-12-22: accessible scripting news
2000-12-22: Commercials: PETA - Singing Cows Ad
2000-12-22: What every Perl programmer needs to know about .NET
2000-12-22: Police Fail to Seize Violent Games
2000-12-22: The Day The Bubble Died
2000-12-21: Canada plays Grinch
2000-12-21: Curious GWB
2000-12-20: RE: Canada stays debt payments
2000-12-20: Aaron rocks
2000-12-19: XTND - XML Transition Network Definition
2000-12-19: Erik's Weblog : The Truth is Out There!
2000-12-19: Canada stays debt payments
2000-12-19: realMYST Mac
2000-12-19: Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the Future With Nongovernment Experts
2000-12-19: The Killer Bean 2
2000-12-19: If Only Bowling were More like Hockey
2000-12-19: The Ad Banner is Dead
2000-12-18: CANOE redesigns
2000-12-17: RE: Poll, Should Jim to to MacWorld?
2000-12-17: Macromedia is buying AtomFilms
2000-12-17: Virtual PC 3.0 with Windows 2000
2000-12-16: Snowing...
2000-12-16: 3DFX to be sold to NVIDIA
2000-12-15: Poll, Should Jim to to MacWorld?
2000-12-15: Mike's Message 01/12/00
2000-12-14: - Dreamweaver 4: Something for Everyone
2000-12-14: Yobs
2000-12-14: MISS, or kiss it goodbye
2000-12-13: Hail to the Thief!
2000-12-13: Shane's 15
2000-12-12: Sources: A-Rod, Texas agree to $252M deal
2000-12-11: CyberProfessor 2.0 (seriously)
2000-12-11: Google Toolbar rocks
2000-12-11: X-Men on DVD
2000-12-11: And you thought Flordia was fucked up
2000-12-11: VMWare and DirectX
2000-12-10: Review: South Park's 'Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics'
2000-12-09: Hocus-pocus on RSS-DEV
2000-12-09: Proposed Enhanced XML-RPC Standard
2000-12-08: Florida Supreme Court orders recount
2000-12-08: Apache vs. IIS
2000-12-08: AIM for Windows sucks
2000-12-08: TOMB RAIDER
2000-12-08: VMWare
2000-12-08: Amazing
2000-12-08: Vertical Limit plain stupid
2000-12-08: Bradley Peters' have browser, will travel
2000-12-07: Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows: Windows
2000-12-07: Fetch author wins $500K
2000-12-07: SVG and Flash for WO
2000-12-07: MindManager Business Edition
2000-12-07: Mario Lemieux planning comeback?
2000-12-07: Edmonton Oilers Weblog
2000-12-07: Judicial recount confirmed in Saskatchewan riding of Palliser
2000-12-07: ZDNet: News: Apple plots Mac OS X ship date
2000-12-06: The RUst of the story
2000-12-05: Back to the Future for this weblog
2000-12-05: Stress is bad, but one expert says it's also fattening
2000-12-05: RE: Templates in Conversant
2000-12-05: Independent
2000-12-05: Opera to fan the browser-war flames
2000-12-04: Not this again...
2000-12-04: NASA mulls remedy for balky space station wing
2000-12-04: The revolution needs you!
2000-12-04: Extreme Programming and Open Source Software
2000-12-04: Radio UserLand: What is Radio UserLand?
2000-12-03: Dried-up sea beds found on Mars
2000-12-03: Buddy shot twice during vest test
2000-12-03: The Ultimate (expensive!) Video Game Library!
2000-12-03: What's Abstinence Got To Do With It?
2000-12-02: OmniDiskSweeper for Mac OS X
2000-12-02: Joe Average has his say
2000-12-01: Announcing: Becoming Conversant
2000-12-01: Hypocrites
2000-12-01: Becker doesn't want son to be a tennis player
2000-12-01: My HBWT
2000-11-30: Eric Lindros For Dummies
2000-11-30: Aqua look
2000-11-30: Rookie slays a Dragon
2000-11-30: Akira on DVD?
2000-11-30: Internet Wasteland
2000-11-29: Templates in Conversant
2000-11-29: Lindros is facing a lot more than just 'risks
2000-11-29: Unbreakable
2000-11-29: Politics | Miami's rent-a-riot
2000-11-28: Canada shows U.S. how to count votes right
2000-11-28: Dutch MPs legalise mercy killings
2000-11-28: Russian party boy secludes himself in Web experiment
2000-11-28: Judge orders returned to owner
2000-11-28: Growing up, Canada style
2000-11-28: Right to complain
2000-11-27: ROBOLAB
2000-11-25: Oilers... how do they do it?
2000-11-24: CIRA... on hold
2000-11-24: Before, and Now
2000-11-24: RE: WWDC 2000 - Conference Sessions DVD-ROM
2000-11-24: Greg's Christmas 2000 Wish List
2000-11-24: My Christmas List
2000-11-24: floating-point Stylus
2000-11-24: Oilers 5, SENATORS 3
2000-11-23: Q Daily News
2000-11-23: Ivanisevic blows up in England, runs out of rackets
2000-11-23: Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Anniversary
2000-11-23: Squirrel
2000-11-23: Brent on Linux
2000-11-23: WebObjects status statement
2000-11-23: Pictures of Victoria
2000-11-22: Go2Mac - Your Macintosh Destination
2000-11-22: PalmPix at the movies
2000-11-21: CRTC eyes gripes over high-speed Net service
2000-11-21: Wave power station
2000-11-20: Apple ad plays off Florida ballot design
2000-11-20: Agilent sells Healthcare Solutions Group
2000-11-19: Simpson uses his fists to send Yashin a message
2000-11-19: Daily pictures
2000-11-19: Palm IIIc
2000-11-18: 3D Projection Without the Glasses
2000-11-18: Mac OS X for Intel
2000-11-18: PS2: not yet
2000-11-17: OmniGraffle == GlyphiX?
2000-11-17: Bush, Cheney's Texas votes challenged
2000-11-16: WWDC 2000 - Conference Sessions DVD-ROM
2000-11-16: Oilers deal Guerin for Anson Carter
2000-11-15: PS2
2000-11-14: WebObjects 4.5 Update 3
2000-11-13: Mr. Rogers
2000-11-12: Addicted to CNN
2000-11-10: The Memory Project
2000-11-10: I look forward to sleeping with you
2000-11-10: Microsoft to promote tablet PC at Comdex
2000-11-09: Vermont Recipes - A Cocoa Cookbook
2000-11-09: Gretzky heads 2002 Olympic selection
2000-11-08: Gretzky, Quinn to head Canada at 2002 Olympics
2000-11-08: Roy's wife speaks out against prosecuting husband
2000-11-08: NHL suspends McSorley until Feb. 20
2000-11-06: The Complete Bushisms
2000-11-05: VLUG
2000-11-04: Asteroid heading this way
2000-11-04: Most stupid gamers ever
2000-11-04: Circuit judge overturns verdict in Twist case
2000-11-02: - News - Entertainment & Media - Techies' homes are their castles
2000-11-01: - News - Entertainment & Media - Warner Music endorses Windows Media format
2000-11-01: RE: Groove... I'm so frustrated!
2000-11-01: Groove... I'm so frustrated!
2000-11-01: RE: This subject intentionally left blank
2000-10-31: This subject intentionally left blank
2000-10-31: Scient - a "one stop" shop ('cause you won't go back)
2000-10-30: Teen Pop Sucks
2000-10-29: Features: PS2: Disappointing Technology
2000-10-26: PS2: how is it?
2000-10-26: Netscape 4.76 / Mac
2000-10-26: FEED: Report: Birth of a Station
2000-10-26: Radio UserLand: Styled HTML Text
2000-10-25: Pretty in-depth response on Java vs. ObjC issues
2000-10-24: Blue Man Group
2000-10-24: Radio UserLand weblog?
2000-10-23: More unoriginal thinking in the Linux world
2000-10-23: Demo Message
2000-10-23: Hello from C2T2
2000-10-23: Being John Malkovich (1999)
2000-10-23: Teens: Before Their Time
2000-10-22: Patrick Roy arrested, domestic violence suspected
2000-10-22: Mozilla bug
2000-10-22: Federal Election: November 27th
2000-10-21: Free at last
2000-10-21: Just do it
2000-10-19: "Pat yourself on the back," she said.
2000-10-19: Long-time agent splits with Gretzky
2000-10-19: Phase One milestone in reach!
2000-10-18: BountyQuest
2000-10-18: Bell ExpressVu and me
2000-10-17: Ford teams up on FireWire in-car "multi-media center"
2000-10-17: The difference between Cocoa and Carbon apps
2000-10-17: Python 2.0 released
2000-10-16: OpenUp
2000-10-16: Brian
2000-10-14: Biggggaaa hard drive
2000-10-14: Conversant upgrade
2000-10-14: I feel so validated :-)
2000-10-13: New Scientist: Cloning cult
2000-10-12: How-To: RSS in Conversant
2000-10-12: Worth reading again...
2000-10-12: Yesterday was rock bottom
2000-10-12: It's worse than it appears
2000-10-11: Shaw, WTF are you smoking?
2000-10-10: Insanity
2000-10-09: Jaron and his Manifesto
2000-10-08: so-so article on OS X for Intel
2000-10-08: Doc Searls Weblog
2000-10-08: Seattle Times uses WO, and so do I
2000-10-08: Macworld: Dawn of a New OS
2000-10-07: Radio UserLand: RFC: Labels in OPML
2000-10-07: Turning the Frontier to Carbon : It's ready!
2000-10-07: I'm returning my StarChoice satellite
2000-10-06: ANN: Edmonton Oilers Weblog
2000-10-06: Apple problems buried in online sales, study concludes
2000-10-06: McSorley found guilty of assault with a weapon
2000-10-06: Fizzilla
2000-10-06: New Bluetooth headset among first to market
2000-10-06: Why Apple's Darkest Moment Isn't So Dark at All
2000-10-05: ANN: OutlineXplorer - in progress
2000-10-05: BBC News | SCI/TECH | Giant wave could threaten US
2000-10-05: Mercury on Microsoft's .NET framework
2000-10-04: Justin Trudeau
2000-10-04: Yashin can already hear the boos
2000-10-04: Challenge to the Neurobiology community
2000-10-04: RE: Apple rallies troops after slump
2000-10-04: Apple rallies troops after slump
2000-10-04: High-tech demands strain power grid (10/01/2000)
2000-10-04: EOGenerator
2000-10-04: Ars Technica: Mac OS X Beta - Page 1 - (10/2000)
2000-10-04: The Sherlock Files
2000-10-03: AUTONET.CA - Canada new cars & used cars, new car dealers, trucks, reviews, new car prices!
2000-10-03: Radio UserLand Tools Home Page
2000-10-03: About the Mail Pages
2000-10-03: Changed Page Spec
2000-10-03: NeXbar
2000-10-03: B&N challenging 1-click
2000-10-03: RU plug-ins
2000-10-03: Big guns must fire for success
2000-10-02: OH behave!
2000-10-02: If you love me, you'll eat that
2000-10-02: New U.S. Government Web Site Flunks Security Test
2000-10-02: IOC Chief Urges Athens on Games
2000-10-02: Corel Forms Strategic Alliance with Microsoft
2000-10-02: Adobe, Interwoven form alliance
2000-10-02: AskTog: Why is Apple in Trouble?
2000-10-02: Regarding the McSorley trial
2000-10-02: Al Gore and the Internet
2000-10-02: eMedicine, Inc. Receives Patent for Internet Publishing Software
2000-10-02: Breast Cancer ad
2000-10-01: Jakob on Tomalak
2000-10-01: Igali wins Canada's first gold in wrestling
2000-10-01: Don Cherry: Canadian athletes need more help if they
2000-10-01: Airport on OS X. - MacNN Forums
2000-09-30: ADC Select Program Promotion ends today
2000-09-29: discuss.userland is taking a holiday
2000-09-29: Hello from Mac OS X Public Beta
2000-09-29: In your face!
2000-09-29: Re: Speaking Up About The DG
2000-09-28: Pierre Elliot Trudeau: 1919-2000
2000-09-27: The shackles are off, your Mac is about to zoooooom
2000-09-27: Who are you?
2000-09-27: Wind-X: Windows for OS X
2000-09-27: Blog of Holding: D&D links, resources, and commentary
2000-09-27: TiVo
2000-09-27: TENNIS *G*O*L*D* FOR CANADA!
2000-09-27: ICE - Information Content Exchange
2000-09-26: AIM/ICQ linked
2000-09-26: Vignette slapped with StoryServer lawsuit
2000-09-26: A-Channel
2000-09-26: Torso Twist
2000-09-26: AppleScript & Mac OS X
2000-09-26: Xtools, a mixed blessing
2000-09-26: MS reimaging sting will cost business $11bn - Gartner
2000-09-25: - US - U.S. looks north for Games down under - September 25, 2000
2000-09-25: How to Setup up Roaring Penguin PPPoE on OS X Public Beta
2000-09-25: Behind the Curtain
2000-09-25: Olympic colors
2000-09-25: Canada sucks
2000-09-23: OS X, a merger of many
2000-09-23: Squash and more
2000-09-23: Priceline kicked out of BBB
2000-09-23: Cracks in the G4 Cube's clear case
2000-09-23: Daniel Nestor beaten by Spaniard
2000-09-21: Architosh: News > Mac OS X Public Beta at Architosh: First Thoughts
2000-09-21: Coach blames poor funding for flop in pool
2000-09-21: SLAM! 2000 Games Poll
2000-09-21: Bailey feels run down
2000-09-21: Nestor stuns Rafter
2000-09-21: Chris Stevenson: Birthday suits the norm in waterpolo
2000-09-19: OS X on Intel
2000-09-19: Conversant's Event Calendar
2000-09-18: Read me First
2000-09-18: GE MicroGen | Product Description
2000-09-18: Best round yet!
2000-09-17: The more things change...
2000-09-17: Canada Wins Gold in Men's Triathalon!
2000-09-16: WAP Forum moves toward Net standards
2000-09-16: Not your father's icons
2000-09-16: Lots of OS X news
2000-09-15: Two Koreas, one flag in ceremonies
2000-09-15: How Green Are the Aussie Games?
2000-09-15: Defame Game Serious in Canada
2000-09-15: This is getting silly
2000-09-15: Sun Finds & Exploits Hole in the Precious GPL
2000-09-15: TiVo is One Jack Short
2000-09-14: OS X Beta pre-installed
2000-09-14: Brian Carnell on Conversant
2000-09-14: .hm domains
2000-09-14: She wants her cut of the loot
2000-09-13: Apple - Mac OS X - Extreme Internet
2000-09-13: The Smashing Pumpkins releases final CD free online
2000-09-13: Apple Expo: Sprinkler accident floods convention hall
2000-09-12: ProPay - Power to Process Credit Cards
2000-09-12: The Register
2000-09-11: Safin wins U.S. Open title
2000-09-11: eBay item 435343210 Person-to-person betting exchange
2000-09-11: Balls
2000-09-08: Yahoo PayDirect, CIBC, and me.
2000-09-07: IKEA hacked
2000-09-06: eMate 300
2000-09-05: Trying to catch up on e-mail
2000-09-03: Anti-euro campaign launches
2000-09-03: Swiss ponder animal rights
2000-09-03: What is python.doScript?
2000-09-03: In case you missed it...
2000-09-03: How to Create a Weblog with Radio UserLand
2000-09-02: Weight Loss update
2000-09-02: Roepcke Computing Solutions
2000-08-30: Molson rocks!
2000-08-30: Art of War
2000-08-28: My Resume
2000-08-24: Survivor... and, will my stomach survive eating 12 worms?
2000-08-23: The GPL is not open source.
2000-08-23: UT scientists achieve skin transparency
2000-08-23: I'm regretting buying The Sims already
2000-08-22: Resume - August 2000
2000-08-21: Spending Spree
2000-08-20: Twisted minds think alike!
2000-08-20: E-mail server down again.
2000-08-20: The Cyberpunk Project
2000-08-20: Doc Searls quotes Morpheus
2000-08-20: Sockeye for Oma and Tante Uschi
2000-08-19: isometric screenshots
2000-08-19: Wes is thinking clearly
2000-08-19: Perl notes...
2000-08-18: - Simple is better
2000-08-17: Sayukta (oh I hope I spelled that right!)
2000-08-17: MPAA wins. 6 billion people lose.
2000-08-17: Radio UserLand
2000-08-17: Boys cause uproar in softball tournament
2000-08-16: Mozilla Relicensing FAQ
2000-08-16: Perl (shudder)
2000-08-16: I miss Wayne Gretzky
2000-08-14: Argh
2000-08-14: How links work in Radio UserLand
2000-08-14: Golf Vancouver Island, BC - Golf Tips and Pointers -
2000-08-14: Sorry, more golf
2000-08-13: Deutsche spam
2000-08-13: Golf Golf Golf! All I want to do is golf!
2000-08-11: Dungeons & Dragons 3 is here!
2000-08-11: Fairtunes
2000-08-11: Why Apple, why?
2000-08-11: Q rocks
2000-08-11: 3 BBC articles about fat -- virii and protiens
2000-08-11: 16,500 years ago, a star map was drawn
2000-08-11: Really old moon map
2000-08-11: / Mafiaboy to join board of advisors
2000-08-10: Humorix:"Brown Orifice" Is Only The Beginning
2000-08-10: IBM's hard-drive innovation -- "illegal employment benefit practices"??
2000-08-09: vs.
2000-08-09: AltaVista puts brakes on DoubleClick ads
2000-08-09: Dolphin
2000-08-09: Argh!
2000-08-09: MP3 streamer for Macintosh
2000-08-09: The Piano-Scroll Precedent
2000-08-08: OmniOutliner beta 1
2000-08-08: I'm back to the WiMPy player, for now
2000-08-08: States Accuse Record Labels of Price Fixing
2000-08-08: Air Canada pilot spotted a twister
2000-08-08: They get a Titanic break
2000-08-08: Mozilla M17 - finally a usable browser
2000-08-08: Victoria Golf courses
2000-08-07: IGN FilmForce : Patrick Stewart
2000-08-07: It's all about Community
2000-08-07: 100.3 HBWT
2000-08-06: RUL fix... WMP doesn't like some characters in file names.
2000-08-06: Happiness is...
2000-08-04: MP3s publicly available from my library
2000-08-04: Artists whose CDs I've encoded to my MP3 library so far
2000-08-04: The process...
2000-08-04: The World According to Bush
2000-08-04: A new car!
2000-08-03: ETchelon
2000-08-03: Radio UserLand: Favorite music
2000-08-02: Re: Q Daily News
2000-08-02: Coyote Grits
2000-08-02: Now I want the Score!
2000-08-02: Start school later to improve grades
2000-08-02: Isn't there anything else to talk about?
2000-08-02: ESR on DeCSS and Napster
2000-08-02: Napster: Not Just For the Music
2000-08-02: "I'm sorry, what did you ask again," commented Jobs
2000-08-02: Science Fiction Weekly Interview
2000-08-01: Slashdot | RIAA Responds to Napster - Raises Serious Questions
2000-08-01: What are your favourite music sites?
2000-08-01: More Saturn propoganda
2000-08-01: What a month
2000-08-01: One dead, six injured in X-Files accident
2000-08-01: Gooooogle... Goooooogle!
2000-07-31: Driving range
2000-07-30: Weight loss update
2000-07-29: Saturn LW1 - the L series Wagon
2000-07-29: oh to be an astronomer...
2000-07-28: Is Apple purposely leaking [mis]information?
2000-07-28: Cobalt has their heads up their asses
2000-07-28: TANSTAAFL
2000-07-28: - Recording industry files response to Napster appeal - July 28, 2000
2000-07-28: I'm going to go check this out
2000-07-28: Wow, talk about left-field -- the obsetity virus?
2000-07-27: InkWell
2000-07-27: Quickies
2000-07-27: Napster shutdown coming.
2000-07-26: Some interesting MacCentral articles for a change...
2000-07-26: Andre Torrez
2000-07-26: Cake
2000-07-26: My music
2000-07-26: Your brain is picking sides...
2000-07-26: Joke...
2000-07-26: The Inquisitor has hit the e-biz scene early
2000-07-26: In theory, a plasma could deflect a particle beam or laser attack
2000-07-26: I drink Labatt's, not Romulan Ale.
2000-07-25: wasting money on a mass scale
2000-07-25: epiphany
2000-07-25: Napsterkids
2000-07-25: There's a big blue snake slithering through the dining room!
2000-07-25: Jobs on Cube
2000-07-25: It's a small world after all
2000-07-25: Deutsche
2000-07-25: What timing! :)
2000-07-24: Nothing surprises me anymore
2000-07-24: My Microsoft optical USB mouse is acting up :(
2000-07-24: Weight Loss at 3 months
2000-07-24: Opera and MDI - again
2000-07-24: the village bicycle
2000-07-23: The first web browser was written in Objective-C
2000-07-23: Just in the nick of time
2000-07-23: New Look
2000-07-23: .NET: "psychic hotlines and newspaper horoscopes"
2000-07-23: RE: E-mail down until Sunday or Monday
2000-07-22: Don't golf in a thunderstorm
2000-07-22: Petreley on Enhydra
2000-07-22: Underwhelmed and Uninformed
2000-07-22: E-mail down until Sunday or Monday
2000-07-22: Lance Morrow explained -- He's a secret weenie!
2000-07-22: Keep that thing away from me :)
2000-07-22: E-mail still down
2000-07-21: Would you give it a rest please? I'm reading.
2000-07-21: I am Jack's fashion sense
2000-07-21: Colour Theory - I think I like it!
2000-07-21: Back online
2000-07-20: Is Andre OK?
2000-07-20: The Reg on Apple
2000-07-20: "legions of pint-sized, wizard-obsessed fans"
2000-07-20: ice cap melting
2000-07-20: RE: Time to Redesign?
2000-07-20: C|Net: colour changes hurting accessory makers
2000-07-20: What market?
2000-07-19: Time to Redesign?
2000-07-19: Site Map
2000-07-19: Stackable Cubes?
2000-07-19: no hotmail or yahoo e-mail :-(
2000-07-19: PowerMac Cube
2000-07-19: The Late Show with the X-Men
2000-07-19: Wrinkle in Time - QTVR pano mega-site
2000-07-18: X11R6
2000-07-17: UVic alumni are everywhere
2000-07-17: Honda Insight: Hybrid gasoline-electric car
2000-07-17: MacOS X Weblog redesign
2000-07-17: X-Windows for OS X
2000-07-17: we have a mail server down -- i repeat, we we have a mail server down
2000-07-17: Hugh Jackman as Wolvie
2000-07-16: I wanna see it again!
2000-07-15: Tennis anyone?
2000-07-15: Judge writes ruling in rhyming verse
2000-07-15: X-Men
2000-07-15: Up and Up...
2000-07-15: no
2000-07-14: Apple Macintosh Cube...
2000-07-14: The Uncrashable OSX-Men
2000-07-13: Tea:
2000-07-13: Jeff's Weblog
2000-07-13: Appppppplestuff
2000-07-13: Mac Attack!
2000-07-13: To my readers
2000-07-13: VM
2000-07-13: Re: JS res
2000-07-12: kids
2000-07-12: RE: Crooks
2000-07-12: SA
2000-07-12: RE: JS res
2000-07-12: The queer world of the X-Men
2000-07-12: JS res
2000-07-12: Crooks
2000-07-12: MOSR "sources"
2000-07-11: How embarassing
2000-07-11: CMS discussion
2000-07-11: Greenchup
2000-07-11: The bigger they are...
2000-07-10: Oh bother
2000-07-10: Tennis with Cheryl
2000-07-09: Tennis anyone?
2000-07-07: d20: D&D OSRPG
2000-07-07: click click
2000-07-07: Becker reborn?
2000-07-06: The Hunger Site
2000-07-05: 77
2000-07-05: GWBsux
2000-07-05: WHAT THE?!
2000-07-05: Untitled
2000-07-05: The French are after Echelon
2000-07-05: More about the Toysmart scandal, and 2click webugs
2000-07-05: AMEX
2000-07-04: Lottery numbers published before draw
2000-07-04: Pearl Jam responds to tragedy
2000-07-04: Happy 4th of July
2000-07-04: 4 new paons uploaded
2000-07-03: 5! more panoramas
2000-07-03: Failed dot-coms may be selling your private information
2000-07-02: 2 new panos uploaded
2000-07-01: 2 new panos forthcoming
2000-07-01: Happy Birthday Canada!
2000-06-30: International e-business
2000-06-30: Windows 2000 and QuickTime
2000-06-30: Fly in style
2000-06-30: Active Desktop
2000-06-30: DX extends VDE
2000-06-29: Eye Candy... mmm...
2000-06-29: Seed Destruction
2000-06-29: New machine...
2000-06-29: Calvin and Hobbes
2000-06-29: An introduction to C#
2000-06-28: PIV
2000-06-28: From Software Apps To Network Services
2000-06-28: Opera 4.0
2000-06-28: NHL wins its case against Senators' Yashin
2000-06-28: megaCar photos
2000-06-28: Hi Mom
2000-06-28: ACDSee for Mac
2000-06-28: DynamicJava
2000-06-28: Is Microsoft.NET contempt of court?
2000-06-27: QOTD
2000-06-27: New PowerSchool Enterprise a 'killer app'
2000-06-27: BXXP
2000-06-27: One Candle
2000-06-26: Articles: Microsoft Releases C# Language Reference
2000-06-26: Duncan's my hero!
2000-06-26: Yahoo drops Inktomi for Google search technology
2000-06-26: Netscape
2000-06-26: Microsoft aims at Sun
2000-06-26: Frontier: Frontier 6.2
2000-06-26: MWNY rumors begin...
2000-06-26: Isles get Vanbiesbrouck from Flyers
2000-06-25: Philip Morris to announce it is buying Nabisco
2000-06-25: Scripting News
2000-06-25: Milbury has gone mad
2000-06-25: The Bat! email client
2000-06-25: Amazon to Break HP4 Embargo
2000-06-24: SHF
2000-06-24: Islanders shake up entry draft
2000-06-24: TSN
2000-06-23: SOAPy backends
2000-06-23: Viceland - Microsoft VS Bungie
2000-06-23: This site rocks
2000-06-23: Scripting News
2000-06-23: Microsoft reveals plans for Web-based software services (cough)
2000-06-22: Oilers name MacTavish new head coach
2000-06-22: Microsoft brewing Java-like language -- NEWS.COM
2000-06-22: Rhino - JavaScript for Java
2000-06-22: Done
2000-06-22: Pictures are history
2000-06-21: Weblogger bookmarklet works!
2000-06-16: Today's pic
2000-06-16: " is no longer an IBM e-business"
2000-06-15: Java class browser
2000-06-15: The NHL uses WO
2000-06-11: Arnott's goal stuff legends are made of
2000-06-11: Jersey takes it!
2000-06-09: We aren't alowen anymore
2000-06-09: WO movies
2000-06-09: The Mac OS in a world with two Microsofts
2000-06-09: Slacks
2000-06-09: Official results
2000-06-09: No pictures
2000-06-06: 10 more pounds
2000-06-03: XP
2000-05-31: Vote now!
2000-05-30: It's over
2000-05-29: Damn wisdom
2000-05-29: DP4
2000-05-29: Beetling around town
2000-05-26: Beetle
2000-05-26: WOt's going on?
2000-05-21: WebObjects pricing already affecting business decisions
2000-05-21: New Monitor
2000-05-19: A couple cool links
2000-05-18: More OS X More Cocoa More More More I'm going crazy but I think I like it!
2000-05-17: JLG on the Microsoft breakup - people don't know any better!
2000-05-17: More WWDC coverage
2000-05-17: Dori's WO article
2000-05-16: Lots more at...
2000-05-16: Stepwise WWDC2000 coverage day 1
2000-05-16: Andrew Junginator tames WWDC day 1
2000-05-15: WO press release
2000-05-15: My world is upside down today
2000-05-13: YES!
2000-05-13: Long time no see
2000-05-05: basic auth with IIS and CGI
2000-05-05: Now that's hockey!
2000-05-04: I totally need your help
2000-05-03: Pro-Metallica
2000-05-03: I hate shopping for shoes
2000-05-03: The Real Life Holodeck / Matrix!
2000-05-02: Blisters
2000-05-02: GPS for all
2000-05-01: Treadmill
2000-04-28: RE: Fit for Life
2000-04-28: 70 lbs or bust!
2000-04-25: PalmARM
2000-04-23: I am what I am - Popeye the Sailor Man
2000-04-20: Jealousy
2000-04-20: Red Dwarf fan
2000-04-20: Saving Private Ryan
2000-04-20: You *have to* be kidding me!
2000-04-20: And furthermore...
2000-04-20: This note posted from BeOS Pro Edition 5.0!
2000-04-19: Matrix news
2000-04-19: Today's music
2000-04-19: NOT let down
2000-04-18: Once again it's game night!
2000-04-18: Orkin Ad
2000-04-18: FairTax
2000-04-17: DMOZ: XUL
2000-04-17: Real sucks
2000-04-17: Ducks crossing
2000-04-17: IQ test
2000-04-17: It was good old-fashioned Oiler hockey
2000-04-16: Posted from Netscape 6 for Linux
2000-04-16: It's game night!
2000-04-16: Awesome Hockey Stories!
2000-04-16: Did you know... no McDonalds burgers since '92
2000-04-15: Updated help page
2000-04-15: Just clowning around...
2000-04-15: How my weblog page is set up
2000-04-15: Metallica S&M
2000-04-15: Frontier / MacOS X survey
2000-04-15: Booo!
2000-04-15: LW article: Why whine about WINE?
2000-04-15: Two new features (rankings)
2000-04-13: Should Frontier be Carbonized?
2000-04-13: WWDC heavy on OS X, WebObjects, QuickTime sessions
2000-04-13: NSA snoopin'
2000-04-13: Doh (Oilers/Stars Game 1)
2000-04-13: ARGH!
2000-04-12: Misery loves company...
2000-04-12: Suckers
2000-04-12: This is great
2000-04-12: Monty Park ... South Python ... much too silly!
2000-04-12: QuickTime's coming to Linux... sort of
2000-04-12: Word From The WaSP: Here We Go Again
2000-04-11: eBay Canada
2000-04-11: The cruelest April Fools joke
2000-04-11: About the Travel button's "Favourites Browser"
2000-04-11: RIM
2000-04-10: Travel redux
2000-04-10: XUL
2000-04-09: Travel through weblog space
2000-04-08: Golf day
2000-04-08: Vancouver Sun: In the end, it was the Oilers who wouldn't quit
2000-04-08: Edmonton Journal: Murray sinks Canucks
2000-04-08: Edmonton Sun: Oilers are in!
2000-04-08: Edmonton Sun: Feels so good!
2000-04-08: SLAM! Hockey: Oilers clinch playoff berth
2000-04-08: NHL Standings
2000-04-08: We're in! WOOHOO!
2000-04-07: Thanks UserLand!
2000-04-07: Finally!
2000-03-29: have browser, will travel
2000-03-28: have browser, will travel
2000-03-28: have browser, will travel
2000-03-28: have browser, will travel
2000-03-27: have browser, will travel
2000-03-27: have browser, will travel
2000-03-27: have browser, will travel
2000-03-25: have browser, will travel
2000-03-25: have browser, will travel
2000-03-24: have browser, will travel
2000-03-24: have browser, will travel
2000-03-24: have browser, will travel
2000-03-24: have browser, will travel
2000-03-24: have browser, will travel
2000-03-22: have browser, will travel
2000-03-21: have browser, will travel
2000-03-21: have browser, will travel
2000-03-21: have browser, will travel
2000-03-21: have browser, will travel
2000-03-19: have browser, will travel
2000-03-19: have browser, will travel
2000-03-19: have browser, will travel
2000-03-19: have browser, will travel
2000-03-18: have browser, will travel
2000-03-18: have browser, will travel
2000-03-18: have browser, will travel
2000-03-18: have browser, will travel
2000-03-16: have browser, will travel
2000-03-16: have browser, will travel
2000-03-16: have browser, will travel
2000-03-16: have browser, will travel
2000-03-15: have browser, will travel
2000-03-15: have browser, will travel
2000-03-14: have browser, will travel
2000-03-14: have browser, will travel
2000-03-13: have browser, will travel
2000-03-13: have browser, will travel
2000-03-13: have browser, will travel
2000-03-13: have browser, will travel
2000-03-13: have browser, will travel
2000-03-11: have browser, will travel
2000-03-10: have browser, will travel
2000-03-09: have browser, will travel
2000-03-07: have browser, will travel
2000-03-07: have browser, will travel
2000-03-07: have browser, will travel
2000-03-07: have browser, will travel
2000-03-07: have browser, will travel
2000-03-06: have browser, will travel
2000-03-06: have browser, will travel
2000-03-06: have browser, will travel
2000-03-06: have browser, will travel
2000-03-06: have browser, will travel
2000-03-06: have browser, will travel
2000-03-05: have browser, will travel
2000-03-05: have browser, will travel
2000-03-05: have browser, will travel
2000-03-04: have browser, will travel
2000-03-03: have browser, will travel
2000-03-03: have browser, will travel
2000-03-03: have browser, will travel
2000-03-02: have browser, will travel
2000-03-02: have browser, will travel
2000-03-02: have browser, will travel
2000-03-02: have browser, will travel
2000-03-02: have browser, will travel
2000-03-02: have browser, will travel
2000-03-02: have browser, will travel
2000-03-02: have browser, will travel
2000-03-01: have browser, will travel
2000-03-01: have browser, will travel
2000-03-01: have browser, will travel
2000-03-01: have browser, will travel
2000-03-01: have browser, will travel
2000-02-29: have browser, will travel
2000-02-29: have browser, will travel
2000-02-29: have browser, will travel
2000-02-28: have browser, will travel
2000-02-27: have browser, will travel
2000-02-26: have browser, will travel
2000-02-26: have browser, will travel
2000-02-25: have browser, will travel
2000-02-25: have browser, will travel
2000-02-25: have browser, will travel
2000-02-24: have browser, will travel
2000-02-24: have browser, will travel
2000-02-22: have browser, will travel
2000-02-22: have browser, will travel
2000-02-22: have browser, will travel
2000-02-21: have browser, will travel
2000-02-21: have browser, will travel
2000-02-21: have browser, will travel
2000-02-21: have browser, will travel
2000-02-20: have browser, will travel
2000-02-20: have browser, will travel
2000-02-20: have browser, will travel
2000-02-19: have browser, will travel
2000-02-18: have browser, will travel
2000-02-18: have browser, will travel
2000-02-18: have browser, will travel
2000-02-16: have browser, will travel
2000-02-16: have browser, will travel
2000-02-16: have browser, will travel
2000-02-16: have browser, will travel
2000-02-16: have browser, will travel
2000-02-14: have browser, will travel
2000-02-14: have browser, will travel
2000-02-14: have browser, will travel
2000-02-14: have browser, will travel
2000-02-12: have browser, will travel
2000-02-12: have browser, will travel
2000-02-10: have browser, will travel
2000-02-10: have browser, will travel
2000-02-10: have browser, will travel
2000-02-10: have browser, will travel
2000-02-08: have browser, will travel
2000-02-08: have browser, will travel
2000-02-08: have browser, will travel
2000-02-06: have browser, will travel
2000-02-06: have browser, will travel
2000-02-04: have browser, will travel
2000-02-04: have browser, will travel
2000-02-04: have browser, will travel
2000-02-04: have browser, will travel
2000-02-03: have browser, will travel
2000-02-03: have browser, will travel
2000-02-03: have browser, will travel
2000-02-02: have browser, will travel
2000-02-02: have browser, will travel
2000-02-02: have browser, will travel
2000-02-02: have browser, will travel
2000-01-31: have browser, will travel
2000-01-30: have browser, will travel
2000-01-30: have browser, will travel
2000-01-29: have browser, will travel
2000-01-29: have browser, will travel
2000-01-27: have browser, will travel
2000-01-18: have browser, will travel
2000-01-18: have browser, will travel
2000-01-16: have browser, will travel
2000-01-16: have browser, will travel
2000-01-16: have browser, will travel
2000-01-15: have browser, will travel
2000-01-14: have browser, will travel
2000-01-12: have browser, will travel
2000-01-12: have browser, will travel
2000-01-10: have browser, will travel
2000-01-10: have browser, will travel
2000-01-10: have browser, will travel
2000-01-09: have browser, will travel
2000-01-09: have browser, will travel
2000-01-08: have browser, will travel
1999-12-16: have browser, will travel
1999-12-16: have browser, will travel
1999-12-16: have browser, will travel
1999-12-16: have browser, will travel
1999-12-08: have browser, will travel
1999-12-08: have browser, will travel
1999-12-07: have browser, will travel
1999-12-05: have browser, will travel
1999-12-02: have browser, will travel
1999-11-30: have browser, will travel
1999-11-30: have browser, will travel
1999-11-30: have browser, will travel
1999-11-28: have browser, will travel
1999-11-25: have browser, will travel
1999-11-20: have browser, will travel
1999-11-19: have browser, will travel
1999-11-19: have browser, will travel
1999-11-16: have browser, will travel
1999-11-15: have browser, will travel
1999-11-15: have browser, will travel
1999-11-15: have browser, will travel
1999-11-12: have browser, will travel
1999-11-10: have browser, will travel
1999-11-08: have browser, will travel
1999-11-06: have browser, will travel
1999-11-02: have browser, will travel
1999-11-01: have browser, will travel
1999-10-31: have browser, will travel
1999-10-30: have browser, will travel
1999-10-29: have browser, will travel
1999-10-28: have browser, will travel
1999-10-26: have browser, will travel
1999-10-26: have browser, will travel
1999-10-26: have browser, will travel
1999-10-26: have browser, will travel
1999-10-26: have browser, will travel
1999-10-26: have browser, will travel
1999-10-26: have browser, will travel
1999-10-25: have browser, will travel
1999-10-25: have browser, will travel
1999-10-21: have browser, will travel
1999-10-20: have browser, will travel
1999-10-18: have browser, will travel
1999-10-17: have browser, will travel
1999-10-16: have browser, will travel
1999-10-15: have browser, will travel
1999-10-14: have browser, will travel
1999-10-13: have browser, will travel
1999-10-13: have browser, will travel
1999-09-18: have browser, will travel
1999-09-18: have browser, will travel
1999-09-18: have browser, will travel
1999-09-18: have browser, will travel
1999-09-17: have browser, will travel
1999-09-14: have browser, will travel
1999-09-14: have browser, will travel
1999-09-14: have browser, will travel
1999-09-14: have browser, will travel
1999-09-14: have browser, will travel
1999-09-13: have browser, will travel
1999-09-13: have browser, will travel
1999-09-13: have browser, will travel
1999-09-12: have browser, will travel
1999-09-12: have browser, will travel
1999-09-12: have browser, will travel
1999-09-12: have browser, will travel
1999-09-12: have browser, will travel
1999-09-12: have browser, will travel
1999-09-10: have browser, will travel
1999-09-10: have browser, will travel
1999-09-10: have browser, will travel
1999-09-10: have browser, will travel
1999-09-10: have browser, will travel
1999-09-09: have browser, will travel
1999-09-09: have browser, will travel
1999-09-09: have browser, will travel
1999-09-09: have browser, will travel
1999-09-09: have browser, will travel
1999-09-04: have browser, will travel
1999-09-04: have browser, will travel
1999-09-04: have browser, will travel
1999-09-04: have browser, will travel
1999-09-04: have browser, will travel
1999-08-25: have browser, will travel
1999-08-25: have browser, will travel
1999-08-25: have browser, will travel
1999-08-25: have browser, will travel
1999-08-25: have browser, will travel
1999-08-25: have browser, will travel
1999-08-24: have browser, will travel
1999-08-24: have browser, will travel
1999-08-24: have browser, will travel
1999-08-24: have browser, will travel
1999-08-19: have browser, will travel
1999-08-19: have browser, will travel
1999-08-19: have browser, will travel
1999-08-19: have browser, will travel
1999-08-18: have browser, will travel
1999-08-18: have browser, will travel
1999-08-18: have browser, will travel
1999-08-17: have browser, will travel
1999-08-17: have browser, will travel
1999-08-17: have browser, will travel
1999-08-17: have browser, will travel
1999-08-17: have browser, will travel
1999-08-14: have browser, will travel
1999-08-14: have browser, will travel
1999-08-14: have browser, will travel
1999-08-13: have browser, will travel
1999-08-13: have browser, will travel
1999-08-13: have browser, will travel
1999-08-13: have browser, will travel
1999-08-11: have browser, will travel
1999-08-11: have browser, will travel
1999-08-11: have browser, will travel
1999-08-11: have browser, will travel
1999-08-11: have browser, will travel
1999-08-11: have browser, will travel
1999-08-07: have browser, will travel
1999-08-07: have browser, will travel
1999-08-07: have browser, will travel
1999-08-07: have browser, will travel
1999-08-06: have browser, will travel
1999-08-05: have browser, will travel
1999-08-05: have browser, will travel
1999-08-05: have browser, will travel
1999-08-04: have browser, will travel
1999-08-04: have browser, will travel
1999-08-04: have browser, will travel
1999-08-04: have browser, will travel
1999-08-03: have browser, will travel
1999-08-03: have browser, will travel
1999-08-03: have browser, will travel
1999-08-03: have browser, will travel
1999-08-03: have browser, will travel
1999-08-03: have browser, will travel
1999-08-03: have browser, will travel
1999-07-31: have browser, will travel
1999-07-31: have browser, will travel
1999-07-31: have browser, will travel
1999-07-31: have browser, will travel
1999-07-31: have browser, will travel
1999-07-30: have browser, will travel
1999-07-30: have browser, will travel
1999-07-30: have browser, will travel
1999-07-30: have browser, will travel
1999-07-30: have browser, will travel
1999-07-29: have browser, will travel
1999-07-29: have browser, will travel
1999-07-29: have browser, will travel
1999-07-29: have browser, will travel
1999-07-28: have browser, will travel
1999-07-26: have browser, will travel
1999-07-26: have browser, will travel
1999-07-26: have browser, will travel
1999-07-26: have browser, will travel
1999-07-24: have browser, will travel
1999-07-24: have browser, will travel
1999-07-24: have browser, will travel
1999-07-24: have browser, will travel
1999-07-24: have browser, will travel
1999-07-24: have browser, will travel
1999-07-23: have browser, will travel
1999-07-23: have browser, will travel
1999-07-23: have browser, will travel
1999-07-23: have browser, will travel
1999-07-23: have browser, will travel
1999-07-22: have browser, will travel
1999-07-22: have browser, will travel
1999-07-22: have browser, will travel
1999-07-21: have browser, will travel
1999-07-21: have browser, will travel
1999-07-21: have browser, will travel
1999-07-21: have browser, will travel
1999-07-21: have browser, will travel
1999-07-21: have browser, will travel
1999-07-21: have browser, will travel
1999-07-21: have browser, will travel
1999-07-21: have browser, will travel
1999-07-20: have browser, will travel
1999-07-20: have browser, will travel
1999-07-20: have browser, will travel
1999-07-20: have browser, will travel
1999-07-20: have browser, will travel
1999-07-20: have browser, will travel
1999-07-20: have browser, will travel
1999-07-20: have browser, will travel
1999-07-20: have browser, will travel
1999-07-20: have browser, will travel
1999-07-20: have browser, will travel
1999-07-20: have browser, will travel
1999-07-19: have browser, will travel
1999-07-19: have browser, will travel
1999-07-19: have browser, will travel
1999-07-19: have browser, will travel
1999-07-19: have browser, will travel
1999-07-18: have browser, will travel
1999-07-18: have browser, will travel
1999-07-18: have browser, will travel
1999-07-18: have browser, will travel
1999-07-18: have browser, will travel
1999-07-18: have browser, will travel
1999-07-18: have browser, will travel
1999-07-15: have browser, will travel
1999-07-15: have browser, will travel
1999-07-15: have browser, will travel
1999-07-15: have browser, will travel
1999-07-15: have browser, will travel
1999-07-15: have browser, will travel
1999-07-11: have browser, will travel
1999-07-11: have browser, will travel
1999-07-09: have browser, will travel
1999-07-09: have browser, will travel
1999-07-09: have browser, will travel
1999-07-08: have browser, will travel
1999-07-08: have browser, will travel
1999-07-08: have browser, will travel
1999-07-08: have browser, will travel
1999-07-08: have browser, will travel
1999-07-08: have browser, will travel
1999-07-08: have browser, will travel
1999-07-08: have browser, will travel
1999-07-06: have browser, will travel
1999-07-06: have browser, will travel
1999-07-04: have browser, will travel
1999-07-04: have browser, will travel
1999-07-04: have browser, will travel
1999-07-04: have browser, will travel
1999-07-02: have browser, will travel
1999-07-02: have browser, will travel
1999-07-02: have browser, will travel
1999-07-02: have browser, will travel
1999-07-01: have browser, will travel
1999-07-01: have browser, will travel
1999-07-01: have browser, will travel
1999-06-30: have browser, will travel
1999-06-30: have browser, will travel
1999-06-30: have browser, will travel
1999-06-30: have browser, will travel
1999-06-30: have browser, will travel
1999-06-29: have browser, will travel
1999-06-29: have browser, will travel
1999-06-28: have browser, will travel
1999-06-28: have browser, will travel
1999-06-28: have browser, will travel
1999-06-28: have browser, will travel
1999-06-27: have browser, will travel