Another dry spell

May 12, 2003

Yesterday my Dad mentioned that he reads my site on a daily basis but in the last couple of weeks there's been nothing to read.

Sorry, Dad! Shortly after the last post here I hosted a Plone Sprint at my house in Victoria. We had a great time and lots was accomplished. It was nice to meet so many good people.

One lesson learned: Curry Chicken Pizza is really, really good.

Another major lesson: Avoid lodging at Inns that feature meat raffles at their adjoined pubs. ;-) Their website proves the power of the Internet. A number of attendees were fooled into thinking that was a really nice Inn when really it's... not.

Last week was a challenging one because I was very tired and had some draining tasks to complete at work. On Tuesday we had our TV replaced because the one we bought in November was flawed (Hitachi 43FDX15B). Re-cabling TV/stereos in a PITA.

The week was capped on Friday night with a late showing of X2! A great movie, better than X-Men, but not insanely great. Worth getting on DVD but not worth going to see it a second time on the big screen.

On Saturday we got our two dogs back. A little earlier than we planned, we still don't have the fence up so that's making it a little challenging, but we're managing.

Now you're up to date!