links for 2008-04-15 April 15, 2008 Amazon Web Services Blog: Storage Space, The Final Frontier (tags: amazon aws ec2 programming s3 scalability storage persistent) Persistent Storage for Amazon EC2 - All Things Distributed (tags: amazon aws ec2 programming storage persistent) Mario Theme Played with RC Car and Bottles Cool! (tags: video music rc mario) Donald Knuth: Calculus via O notation (tags: education knuth math mathematics) Socklabs Blog (tags: blogs erlang programming) Can your type checking system do this? (tags: programming types static dynamic ocaml haskell java) Google Mashup Editor Tour (tags: programming web2.0 google mashups) App Engine and Pylons (tags: appengine google programming pylons python) Google App Engine: The good, the bad, and the ugly? (tags: appengine programming google python) Google AppEngine - A Second Look (tags: appengine programming bigtable scalability google python distributed) AppDrop AppEngine clone for AWS EC2? (tags: amazon appengine aws ec2 google python appdrop)