Russian Cross Country and American Media

February 23, 2002

I was still in Canada when the story about the Russian female cross-country skier hit. They mentioned something which 0 out of the 5 American media outlets I've seen haven't, which I think it's pretty damn significant...

The Russians aren't necessarily pissed off about the skier being DQ'd - they're pissed off about not being told until it was so close to the race that they couldn't find a substitute skier to take her place, forcing them to withdraw from the race they've dominated for years.

If you're a Russian, and you've seen Sale and Pelletier get a gold they might not have deserved, Sarah Hughes win gold after placing 4th in the short program, and a 3rd period game-tying goal not reviewed in the semi-final game against the USA, I think you'd be fuming too.