links for 2008-06-03 June 3, 2008 JavaScript Information Visualization Toolkit (JIT) (tags: javascript graphics visualization programming library) Yahoo's New BrowserPlus: Game Changer (tags: yahoo browserplus plugin browser) Processes spawn faster than threads? (tags: python osx concurrency processes threads programming benchmark) Erlang Examples: Talk with Erlang (tags: erlang programming examples distributed) 50 Weight Loss Secrets: Small Changes, Big Weight Loss (tags: health howto habits lifestyle diet) Notes on A History of Erlang (tags: concurrency erlang programming history hopl) Announcing Twoorl: an open source ErlyWeb-based Twitter clone (tags: clone erlang messaging opensource erlyweb programming twitter) Vote! How to Detect the Social Sites Your Visitors Use (tags: browser css hack social programming javascript) - the unofficial google shell. (tags: cli ajax cool google shell search commandline) From Win32 to Cocoa: a Windows user's conversion to Mac OS X—Part III (tags: cocoa objective-c programming mac osx win32 windows) MagLev and language implementation (tags: maglev ruby compiler jit implementation performance optimization interpreter) Erlang: The problem with being "new" (tags: erlang programming fp paternmatching) Facebook Developers | Facebook Open Platform Facebook has open-sourced their platform. (tags: api facebook opensource programming socialnetworking)