WWDC so far, Project Wonder and WOLips

June 13, 2007

You might think from my post about the keynote that I'm having a bad time here. Thankfully, that's not the case!

True, Monday morning was terrible, but since then, it's been great. The sessions have almost all been fantastic, it's been great to chat with old friends and talk to people I've known but never met in person, and well, this is San Francisco - the restaurants are great and we haven't had a bad meal yet. :-)

Also, I'm not feeling really tired like I was at RailsConf, which is a big relief.

I wish I could say some things about what I saw yesterday, but I can't. I'll tempt fate and just say that WebObjects is surprisingly alive and well, to say the least. I missed the Cocoa Today session to see the WO session. It's too bad I missed the Cocoa session but damn, if I had missed the WO session... gulp.

I'm sure what I can say is that Project Wonder and WOLips (an open source WO framework I have a connection to, and a great open source WO IDE for Eclipse) are looking fantastic and it's making me thing very hard about things.