New Plone installer well-received
January 30, 2003
The Plone installer I made last week seems to be working well for people, and a few were nice enough to leave some advice for improvements, and be generous with the warm fuzzies. :-)
Plone 1.0 RC2 installer for Mac OS X
This kind of feedback makes it all worthwhile. :-) (edited for whitespace only)
Sandro Barbieri: "One word: flawless !!! I NEVER expected that this was such an incredible nice, good documented install including some basic first steps!! This smells not like many other OSS CMS with no docs, no install scripts or even a basic howto, this smells like a product and that's what so many want. Guud job Jim Roepcke! If I wouldn't know better, I wouldn't believe it! It just works like a Mac!"
Awesome. Thanks! I'm going to make the suggested improvements to the installer as soon as I get the chance. Hopefully today.