Blocked from RU DG

February 15, 2002

Update, 4:26 PM: I'm unblocked.

I wanted to report a bug and ask a question about upstreaming with Radio UserLand, so I clicked on the "Create a new topic" link on the RU DG page. I logged in and was greeted with this lovely message: (click to expand)

Click to expand

This is unacceptable. Time to contact UserLand.


Here's my bug report: images don't appear in the desktop website in Mozilla. The file:/// path used doesn't have the volume name at the beginning, perhaps this is the problem.

Question: What path do files get upstreamed to? I put a file into a new folder in the www folder, and saw in Radio's About window a few seconds later that a file was upstreamed. I tried tacking the foldername/filename.ext after my usernum/ in the url but i got a file-not-found error page.


Update: I figured out the upstreaming problem on my own. It only upstreams certain file extensions. Not .tiff apparently.

James Spahr solved the other problem for me. Thanks!