links for 2009-04-25 April 26, 2009 - So you want to use python on the mac? BRILLIANT A++++ will recommend to others (tags: python osx mac development leopard virtualenv setup) Distributed Systems topics: Rutgers CS 417 Exam 2 Study Guide (tags: distributed cs systems csc462 csc562) iPhone Wire Frames (tags: design iphone ui omnigraffle wireframe stencil) Classification of the principal programming paradigms (tags: programming languages cs theory visualization language paradigms paradigm) .NET Butchering: [CSS] DIVs next to each other (and DIVs VS Tables all over again) (tags: webdev css html tables) IP address geolocation SQL database (tags: programming database ip free sql geolocation geoip) JavaScript for hackers (tags: programming javascript xss opera webdev security hack tricks)