Four American men removed from flight

September 21, 2001 Four American men removed from flight

RANT: The actual title of this article says "Arab-American" but I won't use that terminology. American of Arab descent, maybe. But these people are American first.

This is absolutely intolerable. If some people were uncomfortable THEY should have been escorted off the plane and put on a new one.

NWA does not deserve a PENNY from the US Government. If they get money then the Gov't is funding bigotry and hatred towards their own people. If you are as upset about this as I am, I implore you to write to your Congressman, Senator, and Northwest Airlines to make your feelings known.

Update: it's more widespread, there have been at least 5 incidents like this lately. In one the pilots bailed out of the planes on ropes and left the passengers stranded on the plane sitting on the tarmac.