links for 2008-07-22 July 22, 2008 Pinch Media: Your view into the App Store Pinch Media has RSS feeds to track the newest apps on the Apple App Store. (tags: iphone appstore feed) Coroutines in C (tags: c concurrency library coroutines programming) Coroutines in C Redux (tags: c concurrency programming coroutines) References for Category Theory (tags: books computer-science cs mathematics category categorytheory math reference) Faster Erlang Contextual Code Completion with erl_call (tags: erlang programming textmate ide) Another Microsoft Developer Falls Victim to Framework Myopia (tags: objective-c cocoa iphone ide xcode microsoft programming) Joe Armstrong - Erlang eXchange (tags: erlang video armstrong) Building Ejabberd Modules - Part 1 - Compiling Erlang (tags: programming erlang ejabberd xmpp) I Play WoW on CouchDB (tags: programming erlang couchdb distributed s3 aws mnesia) Building Ejabberd Modules - Part 2 - Generic Modules (tags: programming erlang ejabberd otp xmpp) Erlang and Ruby Roundup: Vertebra, Scaling with Fuzed, Github (InfoQ) (tags: erlang ruby concurrency distributed programming xmpp vertebra fuzed github egitd)