Damn fine Roots

February 16, 2002

Rafe notes that "If you've been watching the Olympics, you know that the Canadians have the best outfits.".


A lot of people have been talking about Roots and the Canadian team's fashion (which also kicked ass in Nagano, btw).

I read a story a couple days ago about Roots' big win because of the Sale/Pelletier story. I found it in Google's cache but can't find an URL that still works. Oh, I just found it (it was a CP story, so I found it on myBC.com):

CP: Roots enjoys windfall at Olympics thanks in part to skating controversy

"(Sale and Pelletier) have captured the imagination of Americans; it's a boost to sales everywhere," Roots official Raymond Perkins said from Salt Lake City.

"The whole camaraderie between Canada and the United States has been solidified.""

Another interesting story about Roots/Canadians:


"Canada's always been like the shy, nice girl next door. This week at the Olympics, she's suddenly the babe everyone wants to go out with."

Hey, Canadian Girls Rule, I thought everyone knew that. ;-)

"Suddenly Canada has cachet, amid an Olympics that hasn't started out that well for its athletes. Like the Americans, they predicted they'd win a record 20 medals, but until Sale and Pelletier's reversal Canada had won only two others, a bronze and gold in speedskating. The hockey team has not won a medal since 1952, and lost Friday to Sweden."


I can get Roots garb dirt cheap here in Canada. I can't believe the prices people are paying for it on eBay! Want some? ;-)