General Update for April 23rd

April 23, 2003

It's been a slow couple of weeks on HBWT. Last week I was on-site in Victoria working in an office, which was a nice change of pace. I worked with my good friend and former-colleague Alex on a commercial project for the first time in about 18 months. We work well together, it is nice to see that hasn't changed.

On Sunday I planted a fig-tree in our yard. Next year we can eat the fruit, this year we have to pluck them early. :-( We had a fig tree when we rented a house in Esquimalt in 2000, and wow, fresh figs off the tree are soooo yummy!

I took Monday off. Cheryl and the kids and I went car-browsing with John. The lease on our Saturn LW1 is up soon so we need to figure out what to do. I've put a deposit down on a vehicle but I'm not going to say anything more about it until it's in my driveway with my own license plate on it.

This week has been neat too... starting on a new WebObjects project. I pulled in some of the basic utility classes from ERExtensions from Project Wonder, which is helping us. We're not ready for the full environment-warping experience of linking in ERExtensions yet. If we get there it should be an easy migration from where we are with the subset we have.

Today our new home gym is being installed in the basement. Since Cheryl works 5 evenings a week and I have to watch the kids, and I don't have access to the car most of the time during the day, it's pretty hard to get to the gym, nevermind regularly. We got an elliptical machine as well, which is bad-knees-friendly. I enjoy weight training and cardio so now I won't have any excuses. :-) It's time to get buff!