I'm willing to fail

June 5, 2007

On March 19th, I had an epiphany reading a quote by the late John W. Backus.

It has led to a change in my attitude and how I see my future. In early April, I wrote an essay (which I haven't pointed to until now) to clean the slate, at least in my mind.

I was ready to get started, but I struggled to find my first project. I have been toying around with a new templating system, but I think that's going to be a long-term project, so I'm putting it on the back-burner for a while. I needed something I could sink my teeth into right away, and now I've found it.

I am working on a rule engine in Ruby to use with Ruby on Rails. I want to popularize rule-based development on the platform that is popularizing declarative web development.

Now that I'm excited about it and am working on it, I've decided to finally officially launch the web site I set up in April, Willing to Fail. You can read about my project on that site. Please check it out right now! To be honest, there's little if anything there, but I'd love your feedback.

Funny story: I didn't realize what the acronym for the site was until I created the site for it in Frontier. But now I love it, it's perfect. Every time I say it to myself there's an exclamation point and it reminds me what's important.

If you see my ideas and say "WTF?" I'll say I'm willing to fail, so let me know what you think and eventually I'll create something for you that works. :-)

Note: I haven't tested the new site on IE, and don't plan to. If you're using IE and the site doesn't work, please just use something else that works properly.