have browser, will travel

February 10, 2000


I'm not alone! People are upset about CNN's crappy redesign over at inessential.com too...

This is what I'm talking about

I'm going to go blind!: CNN needs a lession in web usability

I filled out their (tiny) feedback form yesterday. I hated that too, the TEXTAREA was about 17x6, way too small to type in! Here's their response:

Thank you for contacting CNN Interactive and for providing us your input.

If you're having problems viewing our web site due to the font size, you may try adjusting the text size in your browser.

To change text size through Microsoft's Internet Explorer:
Click on View, and then Text Size.
Select Medium instead of Smaller or Smallest .

To change text size through Netscape's Navigator:
Click on View, and then Increase font until the text is a comfortable size.

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Thanks again for your interest and keep your browser pointed to http://cnn.com.


The CNN.com Community Staff