Firefly, Serenity, pain and suffering

February 19, 2007

Cheryl borrowed the Firefly DVDs from her friend back in October, but we didn't find the time to watch them until recently. We finished watching the series last week, and then watched Serenity with our friend Justin.

Firefly is one of the best TV series I have ever seen. I cannot understand how it got mothballed... whoever made that decision needs to be permanently removed from a position of responsibility.

We want more Firefly. We were so sad watching the last episode, knowing that it was unfinished and we wouldn't see any more, except for the movie.

I would love more movies too, but what I really want is more Firefly episodes. That series could easily run 50 to 100 episodes, and definitely should.

We'll have to buy the DVDs now to show real support. Hopefully if sales are overwhelmingly good, some network will come to their senses and revive it.