Scripting News turns 10

April 5, 2007

I wanted to write up a nice post about Scripting News here on April 1st, but life conspired against that.

Dave Winer was one of the motivating factors for me starting this blog. There's nothing quite like having a place where you can say whatever you want, any time! That's not a backhanded compliment, that's bloody serious, and more-so, that's the point.

This post won't do justice to the significance of Dave Winer's contributions to the Internet, global politics and journalism, and my life, but either you get it or you don't. Some day, a Dave Winer biography will connect the dots and properly explain the significance of his role on the web over the last 10 years, how important it was and how fortunate we are that he reached out to intelligent people and organizations, and just how much innovation and riches were created on the back of his shitty software, great ideas, and generosity. Until that job is properly done, no post is going to do it justice, so I'll just say "thanks Dave".

The web wouldn't be the same without you.