links for 2009-11-15 November 16, 2009 Introduction to Tart (tags: programming languages tutorial documentation toread tweet) The Go Programming Language (YouTube) (tags: programming concurrency presentation video google go golang youtube techtalk toread towatch) Pretz's CopyableTableView (tags: iphone programming uitableview pasteboard) webwillflowjs - JavaScript library for making web app like iPhone (tags: iphone javascript programming webdev opensource) Let's Go - Google Go tutorial (tags: programming tutorial google go golang) Google’s Plan to Make the Web Twice as Fast (tags: google spdy http webdev opensource protocol performance) SDCH (Shared Dictionary Compression over HTTP) (tags: programming google opensource dictionary http cache webdev) The Go I Forgot: Concurrency and Go-Routines (tags: concurrency go golang coroutines programming threading csp channels) Why Go Matters (tags: programming golang go)