2 new panos forthcoming

July 1, 2000

Today, Alex, Justin and I took two new panoramas. I used the same camera I used last Canada Day -- it's produces 640x480 images. Maybe I'll have a nice 3Mpixel+ camera by next Canada Day.

The first panorama, already processed, is of the Gorge Waterway in Victoria, from a walkway in the Kinsmen Gorge park. I spent a lot of time in this park between the ages of 12 and 16, we lived just outside the park.

The second panorama, which I'm working on, is shot atop the Selkirk Trestle, which is now a pedestrian walkway / bike path. Until sometime in the 1920s, it was an important part of the railway here on Vancouver Island.

As soon as both panoramas are ready, I'll upload them and make them available for download on the QTVR pano page.