RUL fix... WMP doesn't like some characters in file names.
August 6, 2000
Since using Radio UserLand on my PC with Windows Media Player 7, I've noticed that there are some files that RUL's mini-WMP window just wouldn't play -- the Play button and time-slider would be disabled.
I believe I've figured out at least one reason why that happens.
WMP does NOT like it when there is a percent sign (%) in the path to the file.
RUL/WMP will not play M:\\AC%DC\\The Razors Edge\\Are You Ready.mp3 (or any other file in that folder), but it will play M:\\AC DC\\The Razors Edge\\Are You Ready.mp3 (or any other file in that folder).
There's also some strangeness related to this and the Windows Explorer in W2K, but I haven't worked out a definitive pattern yet.