Limi's Plone presentation at EuroPython 2005

July 8, 2005 Slides from the Plone presentation at EuroPython 2005 available

I've been away from Plone for most of the year, busy with school and currently with Java-based projects. I didn't know much about Plone 2.1, except that it's another big, important release with serious goals. Good to see Limi says its "the first release that doesn't suck". :-) From what I read, at least in the areas Limi mentions improvements in, definitely the suck-factor will be way down in those areas, and the sweet-factor is way up.

I was also pleased to read Plone 2.1 is aiming for (or has already achieved) compatibility with Zope 2.8, which I feel is very important for Zope and Plone from a scalability and reliability standpoint.

When 2.1 is released, try it out. Hopefully the installers ship with Zope 2.8. :-)