links for 2009-04-23 April 24, 2009 How to Design Programs, Second Edition (tags: programming design) Open Source iPhone Directory (tags: programming opensource objective-c iphone) Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! - Chapters (tags: programming tutorial haskell) iPhone SDK Articles (tags: programming tutorial iphone sdk) A Curious Course on Coroutines and Concurrency (tags: programming concurrency python tutorial coroutines) Project Wonder: Need More Rest (tags: programming json webobjects framework rest xml projectwonder) DragonFlyBSD: DragonFly BSD (tags: opensource os server unix linux cluster dragonflybsd bsd) Web 2.0 Design Kit | Effects, Tutorials, Web | Photoshop Lab (tags: tutorial design webdesign web graphics howto web2.0) Language Oriented Programming: The Next Programming Paradigm (tags: programming dsl language language_oriented_programming metaprogramming) The Omni Mouth » Using frameworks in iPhone applications (tags: programming tutorial cocoa xcode iphone framework development omnigroup) Developer - The Omni Group Forums (tags: cocoa iphone framework objc omnigroup developer) Comedy Smuggler (tags: video canada comedynetwork comedycentral) What are best practices that you use when writing Objective-C and Cocoa? - Stack Overflow (tags: programming tips cocoa objective-c iphone objc) Google Objective-C Style Guide (tags: programming cocoa objective-c google osx iphone objc style) eddit: Shop: iPhone UI Icon Set (tags: design iphone graphics resources icon ui icons buttons) XCode templates for iPhone static libraries with unit testing (tags: programming library xcode iphone template) Field [Mac]: OSX development environment for experimental code and digital art (tags: programming graphics ide processing art) iPhone on Rails and ObjectiveResource (tags: programming json library objective-c iphone rest xml ruby rails objectiveresource)