iTalk because iNeedMoreInfo

September 17, 2004

During my lunch break today at UVic, I went to the Computer Store and picked up a Griffin iTalk for my iPod.

This really shouldn't be a surprise. :-) (looking back at my predictions, I was pretty close! The only thing I wasn't right about yet is wireless access for the iPod. I still hope they add that, but I wonder if the labels wouldn't want that)

The first reason I said I wanted a mic on the iPod was the record lectures. Back then I hadn't even considered going back to school. So it's cool that Apple had the cheap iPod promotion going on at the right time so I could end up doing this.

I recorded my next lecture after lunch, Linguistics 100A. It worked! Amazingly simple. Just plug it in and it works. No installation on the computer or iPod, in fact it comes with no disc.