I am available for part-time iOS consulting projects. I have been working with iOS since 2008, including Objective-C since 1997, Swift since 2014, and SwiftUI and TCA since 2019. During the 2000s I worked with Cocoa, and WebObjects for Java, so my knowledge of the Apple developer ecosystem is very broad. I've also been using and recommending GraphQL since 2016, and Shopify since 2020. (I ran an online board game store with Shopify from 2020-24)

I have been a Lead iOS developer at many startups and companies, including Noom, The New York Times, and Mashable. I live and work remotely from the Pacific time zone in beautiful Penticton, BC, Canada. I have over 20 years of experience working remotely, and over 30 as a professional software developer.

Additionally, I specialize in mentoring iOS developers, and love to teach. If you or some of your employees require mentorship, I can help.

My weblog, est. 1999: have browser, will travel

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February 24, 2025

TCA is awesome

I’m not sure I’ve ever mentioned TCA (The Composable Architecture) on the blog, though it is mentioned on my /about/ page. I started using TCA before it was even released, adopting it in the summer of 2019 as it was being built through the initial series of episodes on Point-Free. I started using it professionally in September 2019, before it was even open-sourced.

I’ve been using it professionally ever since. Right now, I can’t imagine building an iOS app without it. If you haven’t looked at TCA, I highly recommend watching the introductory vidoes about it on the Point-Free website and looking at their repo. Brandon and Stephen have released so many amazing libraries for Swift, TCA included, and I’m very happy to continue supporting them. I’ve been a subscriber since they first launched, even when NYT and later Noom started team accounts with them (at my recommendation).

I started working with unidirectional data flow architectures in 2013 or 2014, back when I first discovered Facebook’s Flux architecture. I built a clone of it in Objective-C at Mashable. I missed having it when I was at NYT, but it’s been great using it at both jobs I’ve had since. Right now I’m trying to do a better job of helping my colleagues understand the benefits they can get from using it as it’s intended to be used. Not all of the benefits are immediately obvious, and like anything else, it takes time to adopt it well and reap the benefits.

Do you have any suggestions?

February 15, 2025


Watching USA vs. Canada at the 4 Nations Face-Off Let me just say I’ve never been happier to have Brad Marchand on my side. Update: 1 minute in and it’s already the best hockey game I’ve ever seen. I’m ready...
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February 1, 2025

Made in Canada

Because this is where we’re at now… Made in CA: Canadians, spend your money wisely.
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January 2, 2025

I made a Marvel Champions tracker with Glide

Earlier this week my weekly gaming group was playing Marvel Champions: The Card Game. We’ve been using its cardboard damage dials to track damage and threat, but frankly we’ve been pampered by Gloomhaven Secretariat when we play Read More
January 1, 2025

Disc Golf in 2024, the year in review

According to UDisc I played 108 rounds of disc golf, up from 100 rounds in 2023. This is somewhat impressive because I didn’t play between July 25th and August 25th because I had arthroscopic knee surgery at the end...
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December 26, 2024

In for a penny, in for a pound

Bambu Lab had a great sale during Black Friday. After months of fawning over their printers, I finally splurged on a Bambu Lab A1. I’m in love with it. I recently printed out a stand for my Nintendo...
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